
A Game with Him

Does he mean that I need to settle this amount before I can leave?

Is he crazy?!

“Wait…are you telling me that I lost 28 million dollars today?” I asked without bothering to conceal my utter shock.

“Yes, My Lady. I have the breakdown here if you would like to check,” Sean said with confidence before smiling at me again.

“What is going on?” I turned to demand for an answer from Bradon.

Bradon had a very passive look on his face as if this was supposed to be expected and normal. I glared at him so hard that I thought that my eyes would pop out of their sockets.

“What did you expect? How are you supposed to gamble if you don’t have any money?” Bradon asked as if it was supposed to be obvious.

“Even so! Where does this ridiculous amount of 28 million dollars even come from?” I demanded to know.

“What color chips did you use to bet with, My Lady, if I may ask?” the manager asked with a gentle smile.
