
Meeting the gods

Harrison wakes up in a chair in a white room with two folders in front of him one red the other blue "Ow my body hurts guess I slept wrong."

??? "If by slept wrong you mean crushed and burned to death by a meteor the yes you slept wrong." Hearing this Harrison turns towards the sound of the voice and sees three beings one in basked in luminance light with aviators and the other two with deer like horns and the other with goat like respectively, having a golden and purple like aura around them. being the fan he was he immediately recognized the figures as the one above all and the brothers of RWBY

God of light- 😇🐉 "brother you don't have to be so brash about his demise."

God of darkness 👿🐉- "I'm just saving us time on a pointless explanation so listen up mortal you have perished and my brother and the one above all shall reincarnate you and you shall have wishes and boons depending on your positive and negative karma."

Both the red and blue folders float up at that comment and display in red and blue respectively 590,338 and 762,960 which when combined will leave you with 172,622 witch you will use for your whatever wish for. After a second of taking in what the beings in front of him said Harrison's asks.

"okay first of all why am I so calm about the fact that I died, why am I believing you, and why me and not some other guy?"

the one above all :"to answer your question in order we are inhibiting your emotions so you do not freak out, your soul recognizes this place as the point reincarnation due to it being here many times before as all souls do, and because you recently died with sufficient knowledge of both our universes."

Harrison: "That about sums up all but one of my questions why is the god of the Marvel universe with the gods of RWBY."

OAA 😎"We have Decided to create a new universe using aspects from both of our creations"

Dark " yes mortal now hurry it up."

After a 30 minutes of careful planning and consideration

Harrison "alright I wish to be Oscar pine/Spider-Man of this new world with miles morales power, but without ozma and make me a spider-Faunus with my Faunus being organic webbing like tobey an already activated aura, but I want my bio-electricity to be similar to yangs fire unrelated to my semblance, which will be the abilities of Cole from infamous that includes both positive and negative karma powers and finally separate from all my other powers I would like izuku midoriya knowledge and learning capabilities, the cook cook fruit from one piece without sea weaknesses,experience and the powers and abilities up to current events in their respective manga of Yoriichi Tsugikuni

and my abilities don't alter me in insanely obvious ways,i would also like a genetic lock, that beside being able to be passed down to my children and the talent and experience of Yukihira Jōichirō and toji Zenin almost forgot to wish to keep my memories and a mental block/archive strong enough to keep the wheelchair bound pedo out Iof my head even when using cerebro "

👿"Weren't you listening you Buffon you were already going to keep your memories."

OAA "Granted that will cost you 125, 000 karma points leaving you with 46,622 points, but you will not be the original Spider-Man of this universe "

"Why not ?" Harrison asked confused

OAA "Peter Parker was created to be the center of the Web of life and destiny, without Him their would be no other spider- totem through out the multiverse. Without him, a descendant of his (clones don't count), variant or chosen successor deemed worthy by the grand weaver the world would fall apart.

Is that what happened when Miguel went to that other earth."Yes and no, you seedue to him not being a true Spider-totem his lack of the spider sense showing that, but when he construed his portal watch he forgot to factor in his bio-electric field which was attuned to his universe and while the watch stabilized and kept him on the different earth his foreign bio-electric field was effectively killing the universe he was in. (A/n this idea is credited to Phantomfox19 on Ao3)

Harrison "Okay I understand that but what about Pavitrs universe"

👿"So many question this one the reason that his universe was unraveling was due to too many foreign bio-electric aura and the spot tearing holes in the universe, and the so called canon events things is such bs just because something is very likely doesn't mean it has to happen for example in beyond the spider-verse of miles wasn't supposed to be Spider-Man, meet peter and the spider gang mayday would have never been born but she was and isn't considered an anomaly, even though in the 616-main universe she was born stillborn, and in the Spider-Man man of earth-92131 was able to travel to different universe without any adverse affects , then the armored Spider-Man or universe-31198 had an alive uncle Ben and Gwen Stacy."

Harrison "Then why did he make the spider-society and hunt miles"


*sighs in disappointment* "A twisted form of a coping mechanism, and a way to stay in control of the world to ensure that nothing will be out of place but when he learned of miles and what happened in his universe he blamed the deaths of his alternate self daughter, and Peter Parker of earth 1610B, when in reality peter parker would have died anyway just like his 1610 counter-part and miles would have taken over. "

Harrison "Okay one of my last few question what time and place/ revive my powers will I be born."

You will be born the same year as ruby rose and will revive your powers on on your 16th birthday on May 24th along with a free costume of your design that you will be able to transform into."

"Can you also use some of remaining points to give me a hammer space with a portable suit wardrobe and able to play all music from my phone so that I can choose to listen to or others at any volume similar to insomniac Spider-Man that I can switch on the fly."

OAA"Initially it was free but that will take 12,000, you will awaken you consciousness at age 12 and you will be in New York in the mistral district.

OAA"Good luck Harrison and have many wonder our adventure, Excelsior."😎

(A/n i think yang got her flames from being exposed to fire dust at an early age maybe she inhaled and soon after activated her aura and due to the dust in her system at the time it became a natural part of her, the same thing happens to this Oscar)

apexboi73creators' thoughts