
Wedding Reception

"Sarah, do you really think that throwing this party is a good idea? I asked Daniel as I approached him.

I grinned and took his arm, saying, "The twins are going to be in the nursery, where they are safe. You'll stay by my side the entire time, so I can keep you safe," I said.

Daniel responded, "Fine, you win," as I grinned at him. I gave him a short kiss before making my way to the closet. I seized the gorgeous white lace minidress that was supporting it. I put on the dress while removing my shirt and trousers. In order to face Daniel, I cut my hair.

"How about it? He pretended to be pondering as I asked. I faked being hurt and hit his arm.

"Hey, no hitting! As I chuckled, Daniel gasped. "I like it, Sarah."

I grinned and took hold of his arm, saying, "Good, now let's go to the ballroom for the party. I locked the twins' room and made sure only I could access it.

How did I become so lucky, man? I blushed as Daniel questioned me.
