

A loud disturbance woke me up in the morning. My brother was in chains in the living room as I jumped to my feet and ran down the stairs.

"Leo!" I ran in his direction, gasping. I felt two powerful arms encircle me and pull me away before I could get to him. "Let go!"

Benard laughed as Easton approached my brother with a knife in hand. "No can do, princess," he said. "If I let go, you'd reach out and use all of your abilities on him."

"Easton, look at me!" I yelled as my cheeks began to flush with tears. I begged, and he looked at me. "Easton, please don't do this if you ever cared about me. Kill me, please!"

"Easton, do it!" As Easton's eyes briefly became filled with regret, Benard yelled. In an effort to touch my brother, I reached out. I was only thinking about the prophecy and how strength like that would be able to save him. I gave Benard's leg as strong a kick as I could. His grasp began to slack a little as he growled. He knocked me to the ground, and I punched him in the gut. In an attempt to reach my brother, I stumbled across the floor. I sensed a hand around my ankles, preparing to pull me back. My hand sped up and landed on my brother's leg. As our eyes began to shine, I could feel the strength inside growing. My eyes were the same electric purple as my brother's when I saw them turning purple. My brother tore me away, and I was thrown onto the glass coffee table. It broke beneath me, and I screamed in agony. All over my body, I had tiny cuts from the glass. Benard was holding a knife when I stood up, facing him.

"No!" When the sword pressed into my stomach, I shouted and leaped in front of my brother. I gasped, staring at the ground in shock. Benard froze, his shocked eyes bulging. He had injured me by disobeying a command. I stumbled back into my brother's arms as my eyesight started to become increasingly foggy, and my party dress was now covered in blood.

Leo screamed, supporting all of my weight, "No sis. Easton gave me a really regretful expression. Leo's dejected expression was the last thing I saw.

Leo said, "Sarah," as soon as my eyes popped up. I turned to face him and saw that we were at the hospital. The statement "We are free"

"What happened?" you ask. I asked while gently sitting up.

"Ethan saved us with his wizardry. Leo grinned as I scanned the area in hopes of spotting Ethan once we left the compound.

The question, "Where is Ethan?" My heart was filled with longing as I asked.

"He's in the hallway; do you want him?" I nodded as Leo asked. He left the chilly hospital room and came back with Ethan. He stole my breath as I focused on his gray eyes. The moment I saw him, I noticed a little drop in my mouth.

Ethan yelled, "Sarah," and he ran over to me, eagerly putting his lips on mine. As the kiss intensified, I could hear my Lycan purring inside of me, and my body began to heat up electrically. I ran my fingers through his hair as I encircled the back of his neck with my hand.

"My mate!" I grinned as he started to walk away. He examined my wound. I could feel his magic re-lacing my body. I swiftly stood up and gave my brother a tight hug. Leo said as I squeezed him, "My brother!" "I had to save you; I just wish you didn't get hurt during our plan," I responded.

I mumbled, "All I wanted was for you to be safe," and Ethan joined our hug by encircling both of us. How much longer until we have to leave?

Leo remarked, "Five minutes, I'd say," as I entered the hallway after them. The long, silent hallway sent shivers down my spine as we moved down it. There was a problem, and I could feel it. My brother was pulled behind me by my hold. As we continued down the hall, I started to sort of feel my powers. As soon as Ethan stopped throwing guns at me, my brother tensed up. My finger was on the trigger as I clutched the rubber grip.

The question is, "Do you feel it?" He nodded, and I muttered to my brother. As we moved closer to the elevator, he felt uneasy. As soon as I spotted Benard at the nurses' station, I had to stop sneaking down the corridor. We moved swiftly from the stairway to the hallway. In the process of opening it, Ethan grabbed my hand.

"How did they find us?" you ask. Leo questioned Ethan as he tensed up.

Ethan remarked, "Probably because Todd was discovered," as I took the lead, gripping the rifle in both hands. I quickly descended the steps, going two at a time.

"Sarah!" Someone screaming could be heard above us. I noticed Benard gazing down at us. Upon reaching the first floor, I quickened my pace. I fired a shot at Benard and then followed them after letting Leo and Ethan go first. In the lobby, I discovered a chair that I wedged inside the entrance. Leo and Ethan were ahead of me as I ran. We sprinted out of the medical facility, my legs thudding on the ground. Before slipping into an alley, we rushed across the street and around the corner. I was exhaling heavily because I'm still getting used to my newfound powers.

How are we going to leave this place? Leo took my hand, and I questioned

Leo muttered groggily as he stumbled back onto the street, "I know where to go, but you might not like it. We entered a street where the structures were dilapidated and falling apart. We entered a structure that wasn't entirely hopeless. Although it smelled like decaying flesh inside, it would prevent tracking. We made our way up the stairs and onto the roof of the structure.

This is adequate. Sitting on the roof, I continued, "From here, we can see any dangers within the next few blocks. Ethan gave me his jacket as he sat next to me.

Ethan murmured, "I'll get us out of here," as I snuggled against his neck and breathed in his seductive aroma. I had no doubt that he would protect us.
