
The Nuisance

"Can you find her?" the gunner of the Apache asked, his voice crackling over the intercom.

The pilot focused on their instruments, and replied, "Let me use the thermal imaging. It might cut through the fog and give us a better chance of locating her."

The gunner nodded in agreement, adjusting the helicopter's sensors to activate the thermal imaging system. With the flick of a switch, the display screen in front of them shifted to show a heat map of the area below, highlighting any warm bodies amidst the cold fog.

Slowly, the Apache began to hover lower, its sensors scanning the battlefield. The crew strained their eyes, searching for any sign of movement that could indicate Zayra's presence.

Minutes passed in tense silence as they combed through the fog. Still, they can't find Zayra.

"Where did that bitch go?" The gunner demanded.
