
Don't Give him Rest

Richard and Sara quickly made their way back to the waiting VH-60N Nighthawk Helicopter. As soon as they stepped inside, the rotors whirred to life, and the helicopter lifted off, heading back to the command center. 

Upon landing, they made a beeline for the command center. The moment they entered, the staffers inside, recognizing them, halted their activities and stood up, saluting their leader. Richard, accustomed to such formalities but always focused on efficiency, waved his hand to put them at ease. There was no time for formalities; they had a job to do.

He walked over to Mark, who was poring over several monitors displaying satellite images and other data feeds. 

"Report, what's the situation?" Richard asked his voice firm and demanding.

Mark quickly briefed him. "We've got a confirmed sighting of Lin Feng in this location."

As Mark said, the satellite image from space zoomed in on a specific island. 
