
This was Easy

In the aftermath of the white phosphorus strike, the area was clouded with dense smoke, reducing visibility to near zero. The figures of Lin Feng's associates, now scattered and disoriented, were barely visible through the haze.

Graves, perched on his vantage point, spoke into his comms, "Specters, switch to thermal optics. We're going for limb shots. Use the Barretts."

"Specter Alpha, Roger that," came the swift reply. The team members, positioned on the rooftops, each equipped with a Barrett M82 sniper rifle, adjusted their scopes to thermal imaging.

Through the thermal optics, the heat signatures of Lin Feng's associates stood out against the cooler background. The Specter teams targeted the limbs of the scattered figures.

"Specter Bravo, taking my shot," one of the team members announced calmly over the comms.
