
Poseidon vs Kraken? Part 2

The crew watched as the creature, displayed as a large blip on the sonar moved into the grid. Then, a series of sharp blips indicated that the creature had made contact with the mines.

Explosions resonated underwater, each mine detonating upon the creature's contact. The shockwaves were strong enough to be detected by Poseidon's equipment, creating a series of ripples on the sonar screen.

"Multiple detonations in the minefield. The target is taking hits," the Acoustic Operator narrated the unfolding scene.

The Pilot and Co-Pilot maintained a steady hover, keeping the Poseidon in position to observe the aftermath. The Navigator/Communicator relayed the updates back to Blackwatch Command.

"Poseidon to Blackwatch, the creature has hit the minefield. We are observing significant reactions. Awaiting further instructions," the pilot communicated.
