
The Grim Reality

"Girls, with our injuries, we won't be able to outpace that thing," Ella stated.

The beast they had encountered possessed formidable capabilities — flinging massive rubble across distances with ease, leaping spans that defied their understanding, and delivering earth-shattering blows that fractured the ground beneath them. Their options were limited; outrunning the creature was not one of them.

How about fighting it? Well, Ella already had that one accounted for. If it can broadside a car and send it flying away ten to twenty meters, there's no way their small arms could make a dent. Their firepower wasn't designed for this scale of threat.

Ella continued, her voice tinged with a hard edge of realism, "We've got to think defensively. Our small arms won't do much against something that can toss a JLTV like a toy."

"How long until the strike package arrives?" Angela asked. 
