
AC-130 Arrives

As Spooky-1 lined up with the combat zone, the pilot checked in with command, "Spooky-1 to Eagle Actual, two minutes out."

The cockpit was a symphony of alertness, every crew member attuned to their respective roles. The gunship, laden with its deadly arsenal, had one mission now: deliver firepower precisely at the two tangoes.

The weapons systems officer (WSO) kept a steady gaze on the infrared and targeting screens, awaiting the coordinates for the fire mission. 

"Copy, Spooky-1," Richard's voice returned crisply over the radio. "Targets are marked by IR strobes. Confirm when in visual range."

"Visual confirmation in one," the WSO reported, the green glow of the screens casting sharp angles on his focused face. His hands moved with practiced efficiency, flipping switches to bring the 105mm howitzer online.
