
The Enigmatic Lady

"Specter-1, this is Blackwatch Actual, can you approach the target? We need visual confirmation that it was taken down," Richard's voice sounded in Graves' earpiece.

"Copy that, Actual, approaching the target now," Graves acknowledged the order as he adjusted his camera on his helmet. 

The body of the woman lying on the ground was surrounded by the soldiers whose rifles were aimed at it, ready to pull the trigger should it move in a hostile way.

Approaching the body, Graves looked down on the body. Arms were dismembered, and most of its face had been removed. It was a gruesome sight that would almost make an average person double down and throw up. 

"Blackwatch Actual…are you seeing this?" Graves asked through his radio.

"Yeah, the visuals are clear and we can safely assume that the target has been eliminated," Richard confirmed. 

"What should we do to the body, Actual?" Graves asked, his gaze still fixed on the lifeless body. 
