
The night of the touched pearl

( Bonus chapter , with smut ! Enjoy ! )


Stuart opened the door for Link after the second knock as usual , his heart beating fast. He was always worried they'd get caught , maybe one knock would be enough like Link said .

" Good night to you , love . " Link said when he entered . He held his face and kissed him deep , taking his breath from him .

Stuart seperated from him before things could get any more ... distracting . He had something on his mind , besides Link's body and touch .

" I am worried about Henric . " Stuart said and Link sat on the bed with a groan . Here he was trying to get romantic but his lover kept talking about another man . He knew Stuart had no romantic interest in Henric but saw him as brother in more than a spiritual sense . That didn't make it less vexing when he talked about him when they were together at night .

" Sister Irene said he was fine . " Link said sourly , " He's only been in the infirmary for a while . "

" It's been two days . " Stuart stated sitting on the bed too , he twiddled his thumbs and bit his lip . " I'm just worried . "

" Alright ,love , we could go visit him when we find a chance . I'm worried too." Link admitted to him after pulling his eyes from Stuart's lips . Bleeding saints he loved it when Stuart bit his lip , making it redder and fuller than it was .

" What time ? With the damage from the storm , we'll be lucky to get free time by next spring . " Stuart said with a sigh , before resting his head on Link's shoulder .

" I just want to know if he's okay . How he's fairing and all ." Stuart said and a tear slid down his cheek , " They say he was bleeding when he was found . "

" No , no , no tears ." Link said hearing the sadness in Stuart's voice . He grabbed his lover's shoulders and looked at him , " You know I hate it when you cry . Makes me feel inadequate . "

" You are not inadequate ." Stuart said in a low voice .

" What was that ? Mind repeating ?" Link said as if he hadn't heard and Stuart glowered but had a smile on his face .

Link looked at him and smiled lovingly , he leaned down and kissed his tear stained cheeks . Then his lips sought out the rose lips is his lover .

Stuart drowned in the kiss , his body melting and tingling from it alone . God , Link was an amazing kisser and could rival them all . Link sucked Stuart's bottom lip and gave it slow bites , making it redder and swollen until it was like a ripe plum .

After a time he drew back and admired his work . Stuart looked at him glazed , his eyes now burning with something other than worry . It was a emotion Link knew well and one only he could understand .

He let go of Stuart's shoulders and leaned towards him , his hands on Stuart's shirt buttons , taking them off . The other boy moved back and layed horizontally on his bed when Link removed his shirt .

Stuart was bombarded with gentle bites across his neck and shoulder . Link making sure to leave marks to last the next day , making Stuart want to writhe and moan . He licked his love bites and tasted Stuart's salty skin , it was pale honey with freckles . Slowly he went lower until he was on Stuart's chest .

When Link began to suck on his right nipple , Stuart was hopelessly burning with desire and the sucking and tugging on his sensitive spot only made him want to cry for more . Link loved each moan , soft like a gasp for breath and a whimper of pain rolled into one .

He wanted more , and he wasn't alone .

" Link ... Saints ... Please ... I want ... I want ..., " Stuart couldn't speak coherently anymore , his voice only wanting to pant and moan . The burning pleasure going through his skin made his mind to foggy , his body too hot , thinking was impossible .

Link smiled , knowing what he was doing to him and he let his right hand slide until it landed on Stuart's crotch . The bulge there told him all he needed to know about how his lover was feeling , but he still wanted to hear Stuart say it .

" What do you want , love ? Say it loud for me to hear . " Link said softly and he gave Stuart a gentle squeeze with his right hand and the boy whimpered . Was Link so torturous ? He knew Stuart was breaking with these hot and delicious sensations , yet he wanted Stuart to say it out loud .

" I want you to ... touch me and ... taste me and ... I can't say anymore. " Stuart said his face getting red as a beet from embarrassment and Link chuckled before nibbling his left nipple for good measure . Stuart moaned softly as his lover tortured him one last time .

Link got onto his knees and reached for Stuart's pants , pulling them down and discarding them onto the floor . He then turned to the big long member pulsing between his lover's legs .

A small amount of clear white liquid on its tip laid testimony to Stuart's pleasure and made Link smile again . He went close and held it with one hand , and Stuart reflexively thrust his hips up and a bit more liquid came out .

" You eager to start, love ? " Link said rubbing the tip slowly with one finger and Stuart held the bed with a claw like grip from going insane . This was torture . And he ... loved it .

" Link , " Stuart moaned as more liquid flowed out In a slow drip and Link drew his finger away knowing Stuart would explode from that alone . He wanted to make Stuart enjoy himself more than this .

" No worries , I'll tend to you . " Link said and then moved his mouth onto the base of the shaft , his tongue trailed up until it reached the head . Then Link opened his mouth and took Stuart's penis into his mouth , making Stuart groan from the pleasure .

Links mouth was warm , wet with saliva and his movements were slow as he sucked Stuarts shaft . Up and down , up and down , his pace even and controlled . Stuart moaned and breathed out shallowly , his body burning and his senses overwhelmed with pleasure .

" Link I ... I'm ... going to ... to , " Stuart's warning was too late as his climax grabbed him and he reached his peak . His member pulsed and shot into Link's mouth , before the other boy moved back and let it dripple down .

Stuart lay still , panting as the pleasure flowed through him and receded . Link looked at his face enjoying that look of content peace that Stuart always had after this . Then a wicked smile formed on his lips .

" My turn , love . " Link said moving between Stuart's legs and separating them to reveal what was underneath . " Raise your legs ."

Stuart obeyed and Link nodded his head when he saw his lover's entrance . He reached over and took some clear liquid from Stuart's now placcid member and lubricated his fingers . When he felt good enough , he put a finger on the entrance and Stuart held his breath when it entered him .

It always felt strange when Link placed his fingers first inside him but he knew it was to make Link's own member move smoother . He tried to relax and let his lover prepare him for what was coming , his mind already anticipating the pleasure to come and his erection growing anew .

Link placed another finger inside and moved them slowly , making sure to lubricate and smoothen as far as he could go . Finally after adding two more fingers and leaving only a thumb outside , he deemed it good enough and pulled his fingers out , making Stuart fill empty .

" Ready ? " Link asked as he lowered his pants to his knees and lifted his own bulging member to Stuart's entrance . The other boy bit his lip and Link swallowed at that sexual provocation , knowing Stuart did that intentionally .

He moved closer , until his head was on the wet entrance and then he pushed forward slowly . As he entered , Stuart gave a soft moan and Link moved further in to get more moans . Finally , when he was fully sheathed inside Stuart's warm and tight walls , he stopped to catch his breath .

Stuart was already panting and his eyes were closed slightly , adjusting himself to the long and large intrusion in his body . When his eyes opened , Link drew back and gave a deep thrust .

A delicious moan escaped Stuart's lips as a groan of pleasure moved from Link's mouth . Soon Link began thrusting with an adore , his member reaching deep into Stuart and the other boy feeling like his body was being split in two . When Link hit a certain spot , and Stuart moaned in pleasure , he aimed there again and again , his shaft stroking it and driving Stuart mad with pleasure so intense it was unbearable .

Flesh met flesh , pleasure built pleasure and the two boys felt themselves rise and near their peaks .

" Link , I want to ... " Stuart tried talking but Link already understood him and his thrust became more faster and deeper . Finally Stuart couldn't take it anymore and for the second time , his shaft squirted out clear liquid as his peak of pleasure consumed him and he became spent .

Link continued his thrusting until he felt himself tip over the edge . His eyes opened wide and he stiffened as he climaxed and filled Stuart with his seed . Finally , when he felt spent he seperated from Stuart and lay next to him , breathing deeply and feeling content .

" You should go , the sisters are moving through the corridors more carefully tonight . " Stuart said after a while as he pulled his pants up and stood . He felt a liquid drip on his leg but just held it in .

" I wish one day we could sleep in the same bed like husband and - " Link was silenced when Stuart placed a finger on his lip .

" Don't blasphemy . I am not a woman and can never be a wife . " Stuart said softly and Link frowned and held his lover's hand .

" I love you , " Link said honestly , " and you love me . You're mine and I'm yours . I see you as any man would see his wife . "

" But I am not and can never be . Now come on Link . " Stuart said but his fingers linked with his lover's fingers .

" Fine , I'll be leaving . " Link said with a grumpy face and Stuart sighed knowing what he wanted .

He leaned forward and gave Link a kiss , biting his too lip and making it look raw . When he drew back , he saw Link sucking his bruised lip and he knew by the look in his eyes he was happy again .

" Come on , off you go . " Stuart said pulling him up and leading him to the door .

" But if we could , would we ? " Link asked as he reached the door . He didn't need to mention what he meant .

" Absolutely . " Stuart said and gave him a parting kiss .


The boy stood in the garden, with his hands behind his back and his face downcast . The moon had moved away , leaving the space dark and starlight . Rose petals lay strewn across the grass and the water in the fountain looked new , which it was .

The storm had destroyed the plants and buildings around the garden . The orphans had spent the last two days fixing what could be fixed but were not yet done in other places .

" What are you doing ? "

The boy turned to the person who had just appeared next to him . It was that person from before . He smiled at him but the other person did not return it .

" What are you doing ? " The person asked again .

" Who are you ? " The boy asked him instead .

" I don't know . " The person answered and the boy smiled again .

" Me too . I don't know who I am either. " He said happily .

" What are you doing ? " The person asked once more .

" I am waiting for him . " The boy said and looked around the garden as whoever he was would appear too .

" Who are you waiting for ? " The person asked him .

" For my lover , who loves me . " The boy said the person frowned .

A gust of wind blew into the garden and made the roses sway like they were in a storm again .

" He didn't love me . " The person said angrily and the boy looked at him with confusion .

" Who ? " He asked and the wind stopped blowing .

" I ... don't know . " The person said and he looked at the sky above .

" Are you alone ? Do you want to be friends ? " The boy asked him and the person looked at him with a frown but instead this time he looked confused .

" Alone ? " He said and then he heard words in his head ; " All alone ."

A light flashes in his eyes and then a moment later he vanished and the boy was left alone . He looked around and when he realised the person wasn't coming back , he got back to waiting .

Soon , he thought , he'll be back soon .


Henric breathed softly as he lay on the bed . Sleeping soundly because his body was unconscious . He was denied visitors until he woke up , because Sister Becca did not want the children to be alarmed .

This was to Sister Irene's chargrin but she found comfort in that he had stopped tossing and turning the day before , and his fever had left him . The only worry was if he would wake up , and Sister Irene was praying constantly that he would . If he died in his sleep , her grief would know no bounds .

The infirmary was still and quiet , Henric slept alone , Sister Irene having gone to her room for another candle . She had begun sleeping in the infirmary to monitor how Henric progressed . But in honesty it was so that if he breathed his last she'd be there to know it first hand .

A small breeze spilled into the empty room and the person appeared next to Henric's bed . He stood a moment , looking down at the sleeping man and felt his pain all over again .

He moved closer and looked at the man's features , his handsome face and lifted a finger to brush his hair . His finger passed through the hair and he frowned at his hand .

Then he looked at the boy again with a sad look .

" Thank you . " He said and moved his face closer and placed his lips on the boy's .

Henric immediately woke up and took a gasp of air . He looked around frantically , trying to determine where he was and finally realised he was at the infirmary .

He touched his lips and looked around the empty room . Had someone been there ?

A bonus chapter ! My first attempt at smut too . What do you think ?

Be honest .

And the person , stealing Henric's first kiss , shame on him !

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts