
Chapter 113: Prove it!


Jiraiya's POV (Kage Box of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Jiraiya subtly eyed his long-time teammate, friend, and one-sided love interest. As busy as the man was, he had always kept an eye on his ever-burning flame. Partly out of a desire to keep her close but also at the behest of Hiruzen to ensure her loyalty. The situation had been confusing and alarming as most ended up between the two of them.

The point was Jiraiya knew Tsunade better than anyone. He understood her reactions, impulses, and limits. She knew she was hurting; the loss of Dan and Kawaki and even their treacherous third Orochimaru Tsunade had been suffering. Her previous proclivity for gambling grew into a full-blown addiction. Her fiery temper often reigned in by her intense intelligence. Grew uncontrolled and usually displayed. Jiraiya had watched as Tsunade distanced herself from their home. Took over a local mob and made them into her lackeys.

It had been straightforward to Jiraiya that Tsunade had given up. Living merely for her coping mechanism instead of any happiness or drive. Tsunade had become a shell of herself. Until recently…

Jiraiya, having grown accustomed to keeping an eye on his often troublesome teammate, realized she had yet to visit the local red light district, which held a rather considerable casino. There had been relatively few cases of Tsunade causing property damage or assaulting people, the few instances present all being almost universally involved with Jiraiya himself. The old habit of teasing his teammate had never left Jiraiya. Tsunade seemed, for all intents and purposes, to be making an unknowing recovery.

Jiraiya, being both the spymaster and caring teammate he was, had investigated such and had made an exciting discovery…

Tsunade's recent improved behavior coincided with the meeting of one Naruto Uzumaki. The odds seemed abysmal and unlikely, and random Jiriaya had initially dismissed it. But as he pondered the idea, it seemed increasingly likely.

Tsunade had moved to defend Leaf's interest, something she had likely done merely because she knew such was expected. It was not the first time such had happened, yet her reaction was peculiar. Jiraiya had seen her save others in similar circumstances. Usually, she'd crush or drive the opposition away, heal the allies so they were safe, and leave as soon as possible. Yet Tsunade had personally escorted them and even allowed Hiruzen to keep her there.

Oh, Jiraiya knew Hiruzen had intended it to be an order. But Tsunade was never one to take such lightly. If ever given one she found disagreeable, Tsunade was the type to voice such. And if need be, she would debate it at length, settling when fed up or convinced. Yet she had agreed readily, even making her little crew the new Police Force. A decent choice considering the relatively low workload, but a peculiar one.

At least until Jiraiya looked into it further. The Police Force had recently taken on a civil and shinobi dispute case, even calling for a controversial council meeting. All of which was focused on one Naruto Uzumaki. As if to further this idea, the ones who had headed such besides Kakashi himself had been Dez and Shizune…

Tsunade had returned to the Leaf upon meeting him, involved herself in affairs to his benefit, and now had confirmed it. Tsunade had almost intervened in the conversation among Kage. Unthinkable for most bodyguards. Even the two of them, as Sanin, were expected to respect and act politely toward Kage. As little as the opinionated Tsunade would care for such, she wouldn't stir up a situation that could be dangerous lightly. Yet an insult to Naruto Uzumaki, if only for a moment, made her consider such.

A shame this wasn't one of Jiraiya's works of art. If Tsunade was younger, or perhaps Naruto was older, this would've made for quite a great setup! An older, scorned woman who had lost faith in love, inspired by a courageous young man who awakens that old flame in her. Perhaps Jiraiya should write that down… later… Besides, this wasn't the case; Tsunade had sworn off such, and it seemed almost more… maternal?

Jiraiya refocused on Tsunade. The woman must've seen him daydreaming and lowered her own guard, openly watching the battle with rapt attention. It was clear now that Naruto Uzumaki had gained her attention, perhaps even impressed her to some degree.

It wouldn't surprise Jiraiya, given that, in a few years, Naruto would be quite the man. And if Jiraiya was honest… he was sure Naruto was… familiar to Tsunade. He figured being noisy could be forgiven. Besides, if Naruto had managed to bring Tsunade back to life, it would only have been suitable for Jiraiya to nurture it.

"Enjoying the fight?" Jiraiya asked nonchalantly. Intentionally, he lowered his gaze into the valleys of Tsunade. Who caught such and merely sighed, annoyed.

"I can't say I am. Are you? The bastard is your student," Tsunade answered hotly. Jiraiya didn't mind. However, he had learned by now, irritation made Tsunade more honest and loose-tongued. "Figured it would bother you to see him get thrashed like this. And they call me heartless." The two were whispering so as not to interrupt the others. Doubtless, Hiruzen could hear them, but he would not give them up. They had earned the right to speak freely as long as they were not interruptive.

"Of course it does, but because he's my student, I know this isn't over yet." Jiraiya countered with a shrug. "Besides, I learned with Minato that you have to let them learn in whatever way they choose to. Kakashi won't let him die, and I have confidence Naruto will find his way out of this. Though I admit I am infuriated, he hid so much of his abilities from me, though it makes me feel more confident in his chances."

"Chances? The brat is lucky to be alive down there. In mere minutes, he'll probably pass out." Tsunade snidely responded. "Seconds later, he might die."

"See, Naruto is odd, though…" Jiraiya responded. "We spared often, and now I see he held much of what he can do from me. But that cements my confidence in him. See, we had this one spar. I pushed him harder than I ever pushed a student. Even Minato likely would've struggled to power through it. Naruto did, too, the first time I ever saw him close to giving up. But he steeled himself and came at me one last time."

"Another can't give up type huh?" Tsunade asked with a raised brow, obviously unimpressed. "Sounds like every foolish shinobi or kunoichi ever."

"That's not what impressed me. If you're unskilled and uninformed, never giving up simply isn't enough." Jiraiya said grimly. "Guts are important, but there needs to be substance to it. In that final push, I saw a side to Naruto that I never would've guessed existed. Naruto became a machine, eyes unblinking and focused, movements precise and efficient. Enough to where, for a mere moment, I took him seriously. And I think It's happening again." Jiraiya pointed down to the arena below.

Kushina's / Rasa's POV (Courtyard / Kage Box of Iron Arena - Land of Iron )

Kushina was shocked as she watched her son face down the monster below. Naruto had spoken to her about Gaara, but seeing him fight made it clear just how massive the task was. Gaara was no mere Genin; even Chunin would've fallen to this beast. Kushina was sure that even if she did as all mothers wished to do and fought her so, she would struggle with this beast.

Yet Kushina had helped Naruto train, allowed Jiraiya to aid as well, and allowed Kakashi to enter them in the first place. Was this what Minato had given his life for? For Kushina to allow their son to face death again and again? Indeed, he was ashamed of her performance thus far as a mother.

Despite the shame, it was drowned out by a feeling of pride as she watched her son. Kushina had whooped at each victory, cried out at each close call, and been blown away by how far her son had come. Naruto had shown his strengths on occasions during her visits to him in the Forest of Death. But never had she realized Naruto had grown into a powerful young shinobi—one that she wouldn't have to coddle or worry over incessantly.

Somehow, even now, in the fight , Gaara was playing with Naruto. Kushina felt a certainty that kept her from losing her cool and saving her baby herself. Naruto had not shown any great fear, effort, frustration, or even momentarily panic, but never fear. Kushina's son clearly thought this was somehow still within his control. Kushina would be a good mother and would believe in such a thing.

Rasa's POV

When was the last time Rasa felt such unrestrained joy?! It must've been when the Third was slain all those years ago. It cemented his rise and weakened the political opposition of those who had sided with them. Yet this felt much greater, much more intense. Perhaps it was because it was his own spawn doing it for him?

Yes, it felt good to watch his son battle his own fight. Sowing a bright future for Suna with his own blood pleased Rasa. Furthermore, it couldn't have happened in a more satisfying way.

It was a poorly kept secret among the Five Great Villages that the Leaf had access to the strongest of the Tailed Beast. The Nine Tails had wreaked the most havoc by far of the beast before the First Hokage had captured them. Ironically, their closest allies, Suna, had received the weakest. And now, hehe, and Hiruzen had forged an alliance, yet there was still a grim thrill. Something about watching the Leaf, often heralded as the "strongest" of the Five Great Villages, lose his Sand, often heralded as the weakest.

But that would change after these exams. Rasa would make certain of such. He would take advantage of the boon of missions request for Gaara, leverage for his homeland as he did everything else. Yes, the Sand would grow more vital than ever. Their stable economy and soon mission boon would ensure a smooth period for Suna.

To think Rasa had been foolish enough to attempt to have Gaara killed. It had built him into a killer, but now that it was clear he would be useful, Rasa feared it made him a flight risk or potential future overthrower—a meager price to pay to ensure the future of his homeland.

Rasa would have to work to change such a situation. Gaara would be needed for the future. Rasa would have to ensure his son became fully loyal. This monster needed a leash…

Rasa focused his attention outward once again toward the Kage. A and Yagura both seemed deeply troubled by the information. He imagined A worried about a powerful jinchuriki residing anyway but the Cloud. Yagura was more a toss up. Rasa found it shocking the man even became a Kage. For all intents and purposes he seemed insane. Rasa wasted no time trying to guess what went on in the sick man's head. Besides, it was time to leverage things as he planned.

Hiruzen and Onoki glanced at each other. Onoki nodded toward the Hokage making it clear he intended to watch how it went for him. Logical considering Rasa was feeling particularly creative at the moment.

"Rasa." Hiruzen spoke politely. Knowing better than to hastily trade words with either men, Rasa merely nodded to show he was listening. "I'd like to request to send an official political envoy to the Sand after the exams. With our new alliance such seems wise."

Rasa barely stopped himself from smirking. Hiruzen was a sly fox of a politician. Mentioning their alliance in such a scene strengthened the Leaf even with the Sand making such a showing. It made it seem they were on the same side, which while more or less true, was a manipulation all the same. The envoy was also a wise ask, instead of asking from something from him, he offered. Making the Leaf seem strong even as they strengthened their bond. Rasa admittedly wanted to reject such, it was always enjoyable to disappoint Hiruzen. But it would be needless. His offer was mutually beneficial.

"That only would make sense old friend, would you like for me to choose one as well?" Rasa offered with his most accurate impression of a kind smile. This also kept the Sand from looking weak, besides they both were likely sending "envoys" who would just so happen to keep an eye on things. Better to play along, especially with the promise of Leaf support.

There was a tense silence in the room for a moment. Rasa knew such would be the case. With five large nations present and always ready for war. It could be mere friendliness to another nation that launched it off. A from the look of him seemed primed to make an issue of it. But with Onoki seeming interested in talking business next, and Yagura seemingly out of it. It would be more risky to do so then it was worth.

"And if I ever would inquire for Gaara's services in the future?" Onoki chimed in sensing Rasa was feeling amicable. Old fool.

"I would refuse." Rasa answered plainly with a more honest smile. Onoki's offer seemed good but was simply too risky. Onoki would have a lot to gain from ensuring Gaara never made it back but too little to lose for such. Even war would be unlikely due to the other villages. Onoki was no idiot and likely had considered such. But perhaps thought Rasa was merely too merry to catch on. Unlikely.


Gaara's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

"Collaboration Jutsu: Personal Atmosphere Level Two!"

"Collaboration Jutsu: Personal Atmosphere Level Two!"

Gaara couldn't help the wide smile that broke out as he saw Naruto reveal his summon and unleash his chakra. The blonde's wind technique had been troublesome before, but he would be even more formidable now.

Was it possible Naruto Uzumaki was not only worthy but even more? Gaara was nothing short of ecstatic to find out. Besides, now he could start to cut loose. With a flex of his chakra, gold sand whirled through the air around him, taking moments to form into large golden spikes. Unlike before, however, Gaara allowed his sand to move in tandem. Two growing spires spiraled through the air. It forms into two large Dust Devil-looking funnels.

"Golden Dust Manipulation: Headstone Golden Volley, Sand Devils." Gaara said with a smirk as he glared at Naruto and his newest ally, the small raccoon.

"So this redheaded human is the one you told me of? Gata was it?" Muri asked as he held up his palms, aiding Naruto in maintaining the technique. Focused even as he began chatting with his summoner.

"It's the one; remember how we do this technique, right, Muri?" Naruto asks as he starts to lightly stretch and test out his new technique and the power it seems to fill him with.

"Of course, the Okami clan takes our duty seriously, ya know? There's little time to waste anyway, Naruto. You need to remember the limit." Muri answered dutifully.

"Don't need the mockery," Gaara interrupted. "You forget who you face, the arrogance. I will humble you, brother!" With a chop of his hand, Gaara commanded the Sand Devils to spin even faster, the trunk-sized golden spikes cycling them quicker and faster. Gaara smirked as he released his volley.

Gaara was surprised, however, as Naruto merely walked to meet the speeding projectiles. For one, he could tell the blonde was tracking their movements easily, whereas, as before, he had struggled. To walk towards it so confidently suggested a defense, a counter, but it would matter little. This attack would make Golden Weasel Hunt look tame. The piercing golden attacks would not be deflected or blasted away. They could not be tanked as Naruto had the orbs.

Naruto seemed to disagree with Gaara, however. The wind seemed to move independently as the attacks drew close, similar to Gaara's defenses. Somehow, a wall was seemingly formed that each spike collided with and was destroyed. Somehow, the mere wind repelled one of his stronger attacks. No matter! Gaara had planned for him to survive anyway.

"Let's see you deal with this foolish brother!" Gaara mocked as the living storm that was Naruto Uzumaki continued his march. Gaara whipped the Sand Devils towards Naruto, who stopped his march and raised both hands. Similarly to the spikes, the sand twisters met the invisible wall. Unlike them, however, it was not repelled or destroyed; instead, it attempted to grind through the wall. All the while whipping small bits of zone and debris into it. Gaara smiled at the standstill and, with a hand sign, willed the golden dust into it. There was a shrill sound, sand and gold ground against condensed wind and chakra. "So much power wasted on y-" Gaara was shocked into silence as Naruto slowly sheathed Riptide and crossed his arms. He seemed to grip the air as even more chakra filled the Courtyard. Naruto ripped his hands back to their original sides with a silent grunt as if tearing something in two. Gaara felt confused until the two Sand Devils suddenly split in two. The sand and gold flowed back to Gaara as Naruto completely negated them.

"It's not wise to use a twister against a powerful wind nature user," Naruto mocked with a smile as he crouched, prepared to leap.

"You are nothing to me!" Gaara roared. Never before had anyone dared to not fear him or crumble before him. His joy was slowly being replaced with Rage.

"Prove it," Naruto answered simply as they suddenly released a hand chop. Gaara rose a brow before suddenly flying back, his face aching as if there had been an impact. Had he been at Another painful blow hit his legs, making Gaara's head point to the ground and his legs the sky? Overcoming the sudden pain, Gaara buried himself in a massive amount of sand. Gold forms into several smaller spikes before shooting off to kill Uzumaki. "Gold Seeking Slivers, Living Sand Pyramid!"

Naruto knew not what he was doing… Gaara would have to try to remember his plan…

Good Mornin! God I just had a flashback to that awful cartoon Uncle Grandpa... ew. Sorry anyway! Jiraiya and Tsunade discuss Naruto, as Tsunade slowly seems to be becoming more and more interested (not in that way) in Naruto. Meanwhile Rasa is luxirating in his percieved sure victory. But Naruto's new technique seems to be significant. Next chapter, we will continue the war of Jinchuriki! Thanks for reading, supporting, and, this is the most important one, Peace~!

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