
Chapter 104: Understand?! Meanwhile...


Samui's / Naruto's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

"YES! This stupid bet is related. I… I was given orders from my Lord." Samui said with shame. She spoke softly so the mics would not pick up her words. Suddenly, she threw several orbs all around them, they burst into smoke, surrounding the two entirely and cutting them off from the audience visually.

Naruto flinched at such but didn't seem too concerned. "Your Lord? You mean the Raikage?"

Samui nodded as she looked to the ground shamefully. She couldn't look him in his eyes as she exposed her secret. "He asked me to win you over to the Cloud, primarily through manipulation or seduction."

Naruto frowned at such but nodded to show he understood.

"I know it sounds terrible. I normally would never do something so… uncool. But well, my brother is a prisoner… though I suppose hostage would be more accurate." Samui explained. "If I refused to do so, he would be harmed, there's a chance he will be if I even dare fail. So, I decided to do as my Lord demanded. I figured if I seduced you, it may allow me to win. Then I would've used the bet to force your hand to join us… then I would've used myself to keep you there."

"I see." Naruto responded.

Samui felt her shame and guilt drown her. She went to kneel to apologize before Naruto's voice stopped her.

"Why stand down? You gotta fight to protect your brother." Naruto replied with a small smile. He relaxed and stretched as he began to speak. "Furthermore, you gotta win this bet to accomplish your mission."

"You realize what you say…" Samui said with a pause. Surely, Naruto couldn't be encouraging her.

"My mom told me everyone has their reasons for things. We often don't understand them, but we should try." Naruto explained with a wide smile. "I get you were trying to trick me, but you came clean. But the Samui, I think I know, wouldn't give up so easily. Especially if she had a good reason to fight."

"I fight to take you from your home. I fight for my own selfish reasons." Samui countered.

"Of course," Naruto replied with ease. "But I don't intend to lose. And besides, we all lie sometimes. Why give up on something you want?"

"Because it's pointless, we both know you'd never willingly leave, and I can't force you. By telling you the truth, I have given up. Even if it were not the case I attempted to mislead you. " Samui stated, her voice was now empty and full of pain.

"Fuck that." Naruto said with a frown. "Nothing we fight for is ever pointless… besides I gave you my word… So forget all that other stuff. Right now it's me and you."

"Meaning?" Samui asked with wide eyes. Naruto couldn't mean…

"If you manage to beat me, I'll do it." Naruto promised seriously. "But you better show me a real fight. Otherwise, you stand no chance."

Samui slowly stood as the words reverberated through her. Her determination was refueled as the two stood staring intently into each other's eyes. Before, they had lacked some intensity in them, but now they were filled with it.

"Naruto Uzumaki, you are one of the coolest guys I've ever met," Samui said with a slight blush. "But you'll regret bringing out my A-game, Blondie."

"I don't do regrets. Believe it."

The smoke cleared as they finished their conversation. There was no need for words anymore. Naruto suddenly shot forward at a shocking speed. Samui somehow managed to duck under the headfirst attack. But she was left open when Naruto stopped himself in mid-air and kicked her unprotected back. Samui rolled with the impact and fired off several kunai as Naruto pursued her. But to her shock, each kunai froze in the air. Naruto smiled as they fired back towards Samui. With all her skill and speed, she deflected each within mere instants. As soon as she deflected the last one, Naruto was within reach. Samui attempted to leap back from the distance, but as soon as her feet left the ground, she felt herself fly toward Naruto. This left her wide open for a haymaker Naruto sent. The blow was decisive, Samui felt her consciousness flicker at such, and she flew through the air helplessly.

Though Naruto could've finished her off, he allowed her to recover instead. The hypocrite… Samui rolled on the ground to bleed off the impact. And stood with a scowl. Naruto seemed to flinch at her look with a nervous smile. "You're holding back still. I appreciate the concern, but I'm not just some victim… show me what a fight with Naruto Uzumaki looks like. I'd rather fail knowing my opponent held nothing back, anything less would be uncool."

As Samui spoke, she pondered the fight so far. Naruto's Personal Atmosphere was a tricky technique to deal with. It allowed him absurd mobility, augmented his speed and power, and allowed him to manipulate objects in the air and even her, if not well grounded. Naruto Uzumaki was much cooler than Samui had even realized. She would need to use that technique again, she supposed.

"I suppose that's fair," Naruto admitted with a laugh. "Though I gotta keep some of my moves hidden, I can show you what it looks like when I'm serious." As he said this, eight clones appeared in the air around the blonde. In sync, the group of Narutos all slightly hovered in the air. "Instead, I'll show you my preferred close-range fighting style. Dance of the Nine."

Samui inwardly flinched, she was struggling to keep up with one Naruto, let alone nine. And they all seemed to have that damned jutsu activated… cool.

Samui weaved hand signs with a smile, and the two blondes smiled as they prepared for the final stretch. "Cool Aura: Electric Sense." Samui said as lightning crackled off her skin. She lowered herself into a defensive guard, as much as she was enjoying this time with Naruto, she had to try to win. It would be the best for everyone.

Naruto's POV

Naruto ordered his clones to surround Samui with a subtle nod. Soon, the nine surrounded the blonde Cloud kunoichi from every conceivable angle. Each of their eyes was intense and focused. The smile was now gone, they each were focused with an intent stare. Naruto had been routinely pushed to his limits during his training with Jiraiya. It had affected him in odd ways. One of which was that it fundamentally changed the way he fought. Before, he would attack head-on with all of his abilities, guided by good instinct and blind emotion.

Naruto had learned from that mistake, now he knew there was a time for such. A pitched battle was not the time. Samui was weaker than him, but not to her detriment. She was impressive. But Naruto had trained with a much stronger opponent in mind. Truthfully, this was going to be overkill.

But Naruto knew if he held back, it would be to Samui's shame. She must be going through a lot… Naruto's eyes glanced at the Kage Box. He could not see the Raikage but felt anger towards him. What sort of leader treated his people like this? It didn't matter, Naruto needed to face Gaara, for now, that meant beating his own friend. Even if she did need the win…

Besides, Naruto would never serve a leader like that.

"I'm sorry, Samui, I must continue, even through you." Naruto declared seriously.

"It's cool." Samui said with a fragile smile.

"But one day, I will come to the Cloud. And I'll make it so this sort of thing will never happen again… just wait." Naruto promised.

"Oh, Naruto," Samui said fondly. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

Naruto didn't respond, they would communicate through combat.

Two Naruto's flew towards Samui at high speeds from opposite sides. With precision and coordination, three clones threw a litany of kunai and shuriken toward Samui, covering any route she might attempt to retreat. Naruto and another clone hung back as the last hovered over Samui.

With a burst of electricity, Samui managed to deflect both clones but could only block a punch from a clone sweeping in from above. Naruto merely narrowed his eyes as the blocked clone clutched Samui's arm, crying out as if shocked. The second clone in the air grabbed the legs of the other and, with a twirl, managed to whip Samui and the clone from the ground and slam them back into it. Samui coughed up blood as the two deflected clones zoomed in to finish her off. The lightning surrounding the blonde woman arced off her and destroyed both clones. The remaining seven Naruto's eyed the woman carefully as she crawled to her feet.

"I'm lucky this technique offers me some defensive amps as well. Or else that little slam would've been the end." Samui commentated as she reset her stance. She would've loved to go on the offensive but needed to stay still to use her technique, without it he would tear her apart.

Naruto was ready to end this…

"Let's get this over with." Naruto said grimly.

Naruto witnessed Samui flinch at such before Naruto and his clones zipped around her. Samui's head whipped around as she desperately attempted to keep track of them. Naruto had decided to show his actual speed, it seemed he was too fast for her.

Without warning, a clone zipped into Samui, once again, the woman managed to block it, but the move's power made her stumble back. This left her open for another clone who took out her legs before she could rebalance. Samui flew up in the air, helpless as several Naruto's smacked her around the air. The real Naruto watched from above as she flew up to him, with a flex of chakra, he grabbed her by the throat and raced towards the ground. Just before the impact, he slowed their fall, allowing the two to touch the ground gently. "It's over." Naruto said with a smile.

Samui had yet to respond. In fact, she seemed frozen, her face oddly red and panicked looking. Naruto was confused by this but figured she didn't like him pinning her down like such with him on top of her. "Sorry." He offered as he stood up and offered a hand to Samui. The woman seemed to flinch before she smiled widely. It was similar to the smile she had given him earlier, but there was something different about it. He liked this one a lot more.

"That it is," Samui said as she took her hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet quickly. "Nice work, Blondie, I had no clue you were so cool. We'll have to do this gain sometime" Her tone was different than before, more optimistic, sure, but there was an odd edge, not unpleasant, but something different…

Naruto had no time to ponder over it as Kakashi poofed in and, with a nod to both, officially announced the result. Naruto smiled as he heard a few sounds of applause from the crowd. It mainly was forced silence, but that was much better than the open hostility of before.


A's POV (Kage Box of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

A felt some fury as Samui was defeated. He was no fool, as good and loyal as the woman was, he did not expect her to defeat a jinchuriki. She would have to be punished somewhat for not even managing to make him use his beast. But regarding his most recent orders, he was pleased. Clearly, Samui had made a move of some sort when she used the smoke. For neither had looked harmed and had even seemed closer after the fact. Not to mention that ending…

Yes, it was fortunate indeed A had slain her traitorous parents and imprisoned her brother. Samui would prove more than worth the cost of sparing them if she managed to seduce the Nine Tails jinchuriki. Even better, they would likely spawn worthy soldiers. Yes, things looked nice for A and, by proxy, the Cloud.

He supposed he would spare Atsui and Samui from any further punishment,

at least in this case. But it was time to act his part.


Yagura, Rasa, and Onoki were all openly amused by such. A was not

surprised, his exaggerated personality was grating. It must've been satisfying to see him "rage". Besides, they could take these mere exams.

One day, he would show them all true strength…

"Anyway." Hiruzen interrupted their chatter with a small smile. Smug Leaf bastard. "We may want to discuss how we wish to do the finals."

"A good point." A agreed, happy to escape mockery.

"There are three Genin left, perhaps a free-for-all?" Mifune offered.

"Such a chaotic experience may become too much with two jinchuriki and a Uchiha in play," Yagura warned. "Besides, a one-on-one bout would provide a much more heroic battle."

"While I do not share whatever mental illness this lad has." Onoki sniped as he chimed in as well. "But I do agree, I doubt the civilians could keep track of the action. Nor could we expect Kakashi Hatake to reasonably contain such. Those three are nothing short of Jounin level."

"So we continue our randomizer to select a final bye round. The other two will engage in honorable combat and, after being healed, face the third." Mifune concluded. The others all nodded, leaving A no choice but to do the same.

"Well, time to see which Leaf Hippie will die." A spoke bitterly. The board whirled with the three names as it landed on the official match.

Gaara of the Sand VS Naruto Uzumaki

Sasuke Uchiha Bye Round

"Excellent. I'll enjoy watching the Uzumaki perish." A said with a sneer.

"I hope my son doesn't kill him," Rasa offered while rubbing his temples.

"Hmm, Gaara will win then." Yagura decided.

But much to A's disdain, Mifune, Hiruzen, and Onoki seemed to be leaning towards Naruto.

"Naruto Uzumaki is a shinobi unlike the many I've met little over the years," Hiruzen admitted. "He has always been one to shock and inspire. I expect no difference here."


Guren's POV (Somewhere within Land of Fire)

Guren sat on a branch slowly sharpening several crystal blades. They were in a small forest just outside the Land of Fire. She sat up high in a tree keeping watch for their expected guest while the other two waited below. In truth sharpening her blades was pointless, with a thought she could do so instantly. But it passed the time as they waited. Also helped block out the other two, who were deep in an argument.

"I'm telling you shitstain you can't possibly compare to the Sound Four!" Tayuya yelled angrily as she stood in the face of Dosu. The two were both arrogant of their abilities and had deemed to pass the time by arguing.

"And I'm telling you we both lost to Naruto Uzumaki, we obviously aren't all that strong. We both were practically useless in the battle with Kabuto." Dosu reasoned.

"One loser, I didn't lose, I surrendered. Two, you three lost three on one! Hell in the last fight I only struggled because you blew out his damn ear drums within seconds of the fight. He was fucking immune to my strongest Genjutsus!" Tayuya replied.

"Against any normal foe that would've been lethal." Dosu countered. "Besides all you did was use that accursed form to fight like a bruiser."

"Better than getting hamstrung and dropping out of the fight first!" Tayuya roared.

"Yet I survived the same as you. Perhaps your title was as manipulative as your leader." Dosu pointed out.

"I get the two of you are bored but please either fight or be silent." Guren barked from her perch above the two.

"I suppose that would be the most efficient way to solve this." Dosu said as he lowered himself into a charging stance.

Tayuya squared up with him as she raised her flute to her lips.

Before the two could clash a duo arrived in the middle of them.

"I have been beseeched to aid you lot. But I must warn you, I will not condone pointless violence. I am a man of principles after all." A deep voice sounded out.

"Sensei remember these aren't the best of people. But I'm obligated to aid them." A lighter pitched voice reasoned.

The group stared down the new arrivals. One was a monk with a shaved head and garbed in simple robes. His eyes were serious and his chakra powerful, he nearly felt as strong as Guren herself.

The other also radiated power and had a presence. He had long haired pulled back into a bun and seemed more expressive than his supposed sensei. He wore the same simple robes, though his aura was different though, it held an air of darkness…

Guren dropped onto the ground facing the two. She had figured Danzo had some men who were still loyal and merely laying low. Then she had discovered Sora, after a brief clash to test his power it had been clear he would be needed for her plan. But she had not expected him to bring Chiriku with him, he was a Jounin level fighter. Guren could not help the smile that filled her face. Two strong fighters had joined their group…

'Prepare yourself… Orochimaru…'

Naruto defeats and manages to get through to Samui, who's earnest performance managed to luckily win over A. However the blonde has not time to rest as a much less enjoyable opponent waits for him. In the mean time Guren's group grows and continues to plot. Things are picking up here folks! Anywho, thanks for reading, support if you care to, and remember, Peace~!

AfroLordcreators' thoughts