
Chapter 11: Elsewhere...


Jiraiya's POV (Village Hidden in the Rivers)

Jiraiya was a man who traveled. Important to do so in his line of work. As a spy, a genius author, and an unrivaled manly man; he had to be well-traveled. Now usually Jiraiya enjoyed the gig he had been placed in. He could move about as he pleases, gaining info and having plenty of chances to meet bodacious babes. But this particular visit to this particular village would not be a fun one. Orochimaru, the intelligent snake he was, had somehow founded his own Hidden Village. Worse yet had gained the support of various other small Hidden Villages. Hiruzen, when he heard this, was initially stumped. Oh, Jiraiya was sure in a couple of days he'd receive a letter detailing a response. Jiraiya knew Hiruzen would want to do this with kid gloves. But Jiraiya was always more of a more dynamic kind of guy.

The first step to his plan was simple. He had arrived in the closest village where the Leaf's sway should be the strongest. The Village Hidden in the Rivers. It was a small mostly merchant village but had recently gained a ninja force, they specialized in water ninjutsu. Supposedly allow them to weaponize the rivers in the river system the village was located in. He made sure to be witnessed entering a bar. Ensured he was partying hard. This would make the village aware of his presence. And due to their little treaty, they would likely respond in some way. Either to repel him or persuade him to leave. Couldn't leave an S-class shinobi to wander freely around one's village after all. But for now, he needed to seem an irresponsible fool arriving here purely for greedy desire.

Which is why the legendary Sanin was surrounded by various bottle girls. All laughing at his gallant tales and leeching him for every Ryo he had. Oh, the Sanin was aware of their ploy. But being so "full of life" made it hard to blame them. He roared approval to them, then slammed his cup full of sake. To the immediate cheering of the young woman. Ah, he knew they wished to get him drunk to make him spend more. Surely a normal man would've tried to bed one of the beauties. Or would be mind-shakingly drunk. But Jiraiya was never a normal man. Normal men didn't become legends after all! But perhaps he may be a bit distracted. He had barely noticed the two Kunoichi that had snuck into the group. They were easy to sense both being Jounin and their outfits were just a bit too revealing. Bottle girls were clothes that highlighted or hinted at assets, but never showed off too much. The chase is what made the men waste their money after all. But they were low-cut blouses displaying wonder-. He meant evil cleavage. They both let their long and smooth legs show. Jiraiya felt his very soul scream to pretend to be fooled. But he knew they likely only did this to get close.

"Water Style: Water Canon Jutsu!"

"Water Style: Twin Water Blades!"

A shame Jiraiya's gut was right. He stood slowly feeling the two powerful blasts of water close in. At the last second, he quickly turned a glowing orb in one hand that quickly grew large. "Odama Rasengan!" Jiraiya called as he smashed his trusty technique into the woman's attack. The orb seemed to eat through the jutsu. Jiraiya chuckled as he raced forward and quickly put a kunai before each woman's throat. "You wouldn't mind taking me to your leader would you?"

"Assuming you keep things quiet." One of the two said. Jiraiya merely smiled and offered them both a hand up. They both rudely decline before grabbing the Sanin and Body Flickering away.

Jiraiya landed in what he assumed was the office of their leader. The woman who brought him there left him with the inhabitants of the room. An old man sat behind a desk. He was fully bald and was certainly past his prime. Next to him stood a masked anbu. "I'm assuming you have an idea of why I'm here," The Sanin said walking forward confidently.

"Of course. I figured they'd send someone eventually. But it being a Sanin and it happening now certainly is surprising." The old man answered calmly. So the wise old leader set up. Not that different from home then.

"Of course, the valiant Jiraiya always comes when needed!" He called with a confident laugh.

"We most certainly do not need an S-rank ninja in our village." The anbu said with an ounce of anger.

"You do need me. After all, you've allied with the sound." Jiriaya countered casually.

"They offered a lucrative trade deal." The leader replied.

"Take it."

"Excuse me?"

"Take it," Jiraiya continues " take the deal, do what he says. But you keep me in the loop."

"You know he'll kill me if he finds out."

"Don't let him. See I'm a peaceful man." Jiraiya started walking out of the office. "But I'd raze a village like this to the ground for my home. It's unfortunately my duty."

The two men watched the Sanin leave silence remaining. "We'll do as he says for now." The leader said simply. "Besides I did doubt the Snake Sanin's intention. At least the toad was open with his threat."

"Sir." The abnu said teleporting out of the room to enact orders.


Shikamaru's POV (Training Ground of Team Eight)

 Shikamaru and Tenten sat on the sidelines as Sai sparred with Asuma. Asuma is a tall bearded man. With short spiky hair. A cigarette permanently in his mouth and the standard Jounin gear. With a sash hanging from his hip saying "Twelve Guardian Shinobi". He had mostly been having them spar for the day. Mostly against himself. He claimed this was to get them used to fighting a more powerful opponent. But in Shikamaru's opinion, he found it fun trashing them. And trash them he did. In the first round when Shikamaru had attempted a surrender he had merely got beaten till he defended himself. Only to be trashed anyway. And it had been a cycle of pain. Despite having defeated them all twice now he seemed to still be ready to go. Luckily Sai seemed to be slippery and a long-range fighter buying the other two time to rest.

"What a drag. What kinda guy has this stamina." Shikamaru complained.

"You're not wrong, it's impressive. In that second round, I could barely use jutsu yet he looks fresh as a daisy." Tenten agreed.

"Inhuman is what it is." Shikamaru continued. Tenten giggled at this, making Nara glance over for an instant. "Can I pick your brain for a moment?"

"I guess." Tenten replied.

"Somethings off about Sai. He's nice enough but it feels kinda empty. Plus he has the oddest compliments. It's like he's trying to pretend to be human."

Tenten felt her heart tighten but reigned it back with enough ease. "So people are just born different. I feel bad for him."

"Hmm, good point," Shikamaru replied simply. Silence reigned for a second but Shikamaru didn't mind it allowed him to think. Despite his casual tone Sai slightly unnerved him. Tenten seemed to be open-minded which was nice. But as someone who had just met him seemed odd. Every time Shikamaru got annoyed with the artist's behavior, Tenten defended him. Often very well. Almost as if she expected it.

Shikamaru had the oddest feeling his team was very, very, troublesome.

While Team Seven struggles to get along, Team Eight seems relatively well, unless of course two of them might be holding some secrets... well even if they were it's not like their teammate is a genius... well shit. On the other side of things we get to see our favorite womanizer in the field. Flirting, kicking ass, and somehow still being called a spy. Jiraiya the Toad Sage has arrived!

AfroLordcreators' thoughts