
Renqin and Interrogation

Renqin has no other support in the town, and he has already wanted to retire.

Leifeng is way too young, and people still doubt his capability to lead. Without his support, he would never be mayor of Guangzhou.

Lianzheng was even more extreme, as the people under him were still grumpy towards the military takeover that brought them out.

Even though people in Foshan had been gradually accepted as living above ground, Lianzheng was still on the verge of being overthrown.

If it weren't for Xiaoyun's military, the metro lines would never have been united.

"Mr. Governor, ID, please."

After handing the ID, Xiaoyun headed straight to Yueyue's office, only to find her missing.

"Where is Yueyue?" Xiaoyun curiously asked one of the nearby workers.

"Boss is outside examining the agent's work. I'm not sure where she went to."

"Thank you."

Xiaoyun sat down for a bit, then left for the training field after ten minutes.
