
Chapter 112: Long night (R-18)

With the two panting on top of each other, Xiaoyun decided to stop to let them catch a break.

"I finally know why Leyan married so early... if I got a taste of this cock earlier in my life, I would of fight Leyan over this." Wuli suddenly hugged Shuli.

"Wuli! S-Stop being s-so vulgar. A-Also s-stop touching me." Shuli pushed Wuli back a little.

"Come on, you're getting shy now? Is this too much for you?" Wuli caressed Shuli's breasts.

"S-Stop it! Hm!" Shuli let out a small moan.

Wuli kept teasing Shuli nonstop as she found Shuli's face cute every time she let out a moan.

Suddenly, Shuli caressed Wuli's breasts and forced Wuli to drop it.

"S-Stop!" Wuli couldn't hold her moan as Shuli started playing with it.

"That's what you get for touching me." Shuli let go of it.

The two blushes as they remember Xiaoyun was still on the side watching the them.
