
Is that You?


"What is wrong with him? He's been absentminded since he came back yester-night from wherever he went."

"Ikr, he was very enthusiastic when he left, but I can't read his mood now,"

"Whatever! I don't think that he will come with us today either; let's just go and leave him."

Rocky heard his friends but chose not to mind them. His mind was too preoccupied with what he felt were more pressing things than hanging out with friends.

His mind wandered back to the day before.

He still could not understand it. 'Ava, of all people crying? 

When he had heard her sniffles through the bathroom door, his mind had emptied of everything just to try and confirm whether she was indeed crying. Was his one and only Ebony Princess crying? Because of that fool of a brother she had?

He had schooled himself and turned back quietly and started cleaning up. It had taken Ava close to an hour to compose herself before she came out.
