
Conduit weapons

Jewelry conduit weapons on the other hand were almost always used to defend the wearer while providing a buff to their abilities depending on where they were worn. Rings and bracelets increased the strength of ones grip while boosting the nimbleness of the fingers as well. Anklets boosted ones ability to run while also drastically increasing the power of each kick. Nose rings increased ones sense of smell and sight passively. Earrings and tongue piercings did the same for the two senses involved there. Necklaces boosted ones every organ defensively so the endurance of the person in question grew very high.-

This was actually why jewelry conduit weapons were very popular with aura users as if they managed to get a full set of jewelry they got a large boost in nearly every way. The final common shape of conduit weapons , gloves , were different than both of the other two as it was a sort of jack of all trades master of many type thing. For those wondering how gloves got made the system was kind enough to let me know since I had half the skills needed to make them myself.-

It was a joint effort between an aura user , a metal worker , a tailor and a alchemist to make a set of life iron gloves. First the metal needs to be absolutely saturated with the aura of the aura user before the metal worker gets it. The metal worker then needs to turn the metal into very thin wire that was no thicker than a human hair. That wire is then passed to the alchemist who has to treat it with a special potion that gives the metal the flexible properties of true sewing thread. Finally the tailor needs to weave the metal threads into a pair of gloves on the aura user all while the aura user maintains a constant coat of aura around their hands.-

I was left speechless at the sheer level of mastery in each skill that was needed to pull this off. I only had metal working and aura but I am almost certain it would take at least expert in both of those to even ATTEMPT to create such a pair of gloves. Assuming that the other two skills needed the same level of mastery that was a total of four expert level skills. For reference my skills would grow really slowly the higher I got in mastery.-

Right now I was still in the inexperienced phase of mastering them but eventually I will need a LOT of effort to improve them. Anyways I got off topic there for a second so back to the techniques of these gloves. Gloves were easily the most broken conduit weapon I had seen so far which made sense considering the effort it took to make them. They could allow the wearer to create and control threads of aura from the tips of the fingers but also attack pressure points with aura , heal others effectively , block attacks and even channel pokemon moves easier.-

There was a legitimate fighting form involving those threads as well that was basically the equivalent of ripping someone apart from several directions or capturing them. To top it all off the gloves also increased the strength and nimbleness of the hands. Jack of all trades and master of many indeed. I won't lie and say that I didn't REALLY want a pair of conduit weapon gloves but I also knew that unless I wanted to expose my aura cultivation I couldn't seek outside help for them.-

Either way there was nothing I could do for the moment with the ore so I stored it in my bag. After that Vulcan showed me all the stuff it had found but none of it was really worth noting at all which was to be excepted since it was searched up near the walls of the cliff. In a place like that there was likely nothing directly exposed to the surface and none of us were treasure finders. Gaia had slightly better luck it seems as she found a Shelder pearl thanks to her air gusts blowing away the sand under her to expose it.-

It wasn't very big according to the pokenav at only an inch in circumference with a smooth purple sheen to it. Despite Shelder and their evolution Cloyster being basically the pokemon version of oysters the pearls they produced weren't shiny rainbow things normally but actually had specific colors due to whatever it was they ate before the pearl was removed from them. The Shelder pearl Gaia found was purple which according to the pokenav was because of the pokemon eating a poison type item or pokemon. Thankfully the color had nothing to do with the actual presence of poison in the pearl so I was under no danger when I picked it up and stored it.-

The sun was starting to go down at this point so we called it here and left with me carrying the large fossil with me. It was rather funny to see the look on Birches face when he saw the fossil after we got back to the village. The man was more than happy to keep it in his lab to study it until one of us found a buyer for the thing. I couldn't blame him really as I doubted the opportunity to study the fossil of a genuine ancient pokemon was common.-

With that taken care of I had Gaia block the entrance to the cave as I finally chose to get my next two abilities. Nervously I prayed to RNGESUS not to screw me over with this and tore the first ticket apart. This brought up the rainbow wheel again in the system that then began to spin rapidly for an entire minute while I watched with crossed fingers and earnest prayers. RNGESUS smiled upon me with this particular roulette however as I got {healing}.-

Not healing as in regeneration but like being able to heal others in a supernatural manner. To my surprise this ability caused a direct change in my aura when I gained it as the color of my aura turned from the standard blue to white in color. That wasn't the only change either as my aura reserves directly doubled instantly flooding my body with energy. I had an instinctive understanding of this new ability and was surprised to learn that aura healing from the skill was actually created so long ago by an aura user mimicking the way a person with this ability used their aura to heal others.-

Humans with various abilities were nothing unknown in this world and had all sorts of different things they could accomplish. The psychic ability was rampant in the human population after all thanks to the many generations of trainers with psychic type pokemon the human race has had throughout it's history. Still my mastery of this new ability was limited due to my low energy pool and inexperience with it. My next roulette however was enough to make me want to cry at how unfair RNGESUS was , {perfect body}. (A/N: I'm starting to think RNGESUS hates my character lol.)
