
Ch 9 An Eventful Return

I snuggled with Rhaella on the back of Ancalagon as we soared back to kings landing at a snails pace, wanting to enjoy our time together.

after some time in the air I spoke to her about my desire to wed Ashara Dayne (who Barristan the bold was madly in love with, and who would fall in love with Eddard at the tourney of Harrenhal)

I asked Rhaella what impressions she had of the girl since she is the Lady in Waiting to the Princess so I'm sure Rhaella would have met her by now.

"Currently she's visiting family in dorne and won't be back for about two moons.....

she is a beautiful girl, her haunting purple eyes are even more intense than most valyrian eyes.... however she is an idealist who appears to believe that life is a fairytale that always has a happy ending....other than that I can tell you she has a kind soul and she is great with children since Rhaenys loves her" (her idealism must be why she killed herself in Canon, unable to handle the loss of her baby, her one true love, and her brother.)

I would definitely have to snap her out of her childish mentality if I wished to make a proper bride out of her.... and I had the perfect plan on how to do it while crushing her idea of loving the meek wolf Ned Stark.

"very well thank you for letting me know my love... you will have to teach her how to be a worthy woman when the time comes but for now keep acting as if I never told you of my intentions"

I kissed Rhaella on her forehead while she just hummed in agreement.

after half an hour we approached Kings Landing and I placed a bad odour protection talisman on Rhaella it was around six in the afternoon and the jousts were just about finished there seemed to be one more match.... the deciding joust.

descending down to the tourney field I made sure to land in carefully and not break the barrier again since I did not wish to ruin the festivities.

Everyone on the tourney grounds made way for Ancalagon and this time instead of just fear there was also awe from the spectators in the arena....

once everyone lost their initial fear the truly awe inspiring sight of a monstrous dragon nearly as large as Balerion took their breath away and people started without blinking at the giant majestic dragon as if not wanting to miss a single second of looking at it.

Then Ancalagon let loose a deep grumbling sound before flying off in search of dinner.

After Ancalagon had flown far enough I noticed lily running towards us.

once lily reached us she proceeded to perform a clumsy curtsy while saying "welcome back Master....Mistress" while curtsying at me before doing the same towards Rhaella.

I just smiled at her cute attempt before patting her little head (she was 5'0 110 lb Rhaella was 5'10 155 and mc is 6'8 260lb).

lily just giggled before hiding her head in shame once she realized the entire crowd was watching me treat her like a child.

I just walked over to the royal booth with my women and sat down in a comfy seat beside Rhaella and pulled lily into my lap so she could bring golden chalice to my mouth while I watched the upcoming joust then the king yelled out with a mouth stained brown from chocolate which lily had given him which startled me a bit.


then his eyes glazed over with insanity before he looked lost for a second then he started looking around as if he sensed an assassin.

I could tell he had completely lost his mind Likely a mix of his inbreeding and mercury poisoning,it was likely Masters from the controlling group 'The Order of The Guiding Hand' using small doses over long periods of time.....but that was of no matter, not as if I cared about Old Scabby and his health.

I then greeted The Crown Prince and his lovely wife who appeared weak... poisoning and a birth defect most likely....I would fix her up eventually I thought.

I kissed her hand as a greeting and a deep blush settled over her face, it seemed that Rhaegar was not doing his husbandly duties....he wouldn't have to worry about such things much longer anyways.

I then rubbed the head of Rhaenys who was on Elia's lap and gave her a candy bar to which she smiled and said thank you in a very cute voice she reminded me of Kanna the dragon girl but with black hair and purple eyes.

then proceeded to greet Rhaegar he had a pretentious face that I instantly didn't like he also gave off a fake sickly sweet friendly vibe that turned me off and made me want to give him a Colombian Necktie then and there.

I noticed he had a scheming glint in his eyes but it was different from baelish...it seemed as if he tried to be a schemer but he was just not intelligent enough to be good at it unlike Varys or Baelish...he was just smart enough to think he was good at it but too dumb to know that he wasn't, a bad recipe for a king if even I could read him like a book.

Rhaegar tried making smalltalk asking me if I had any sisters 'if I did they'd be in my hands not yours' I thought but I quickly lost interest and focused on the joust that was beginning.

The first knight was Lyn of House Corbray he was the wielder of Lady Forlorn a valyrian steel longsword.

he wore a gaudy engraved plate armor and had his houses banner embroidered on his horse armor and caparison, on his hip was The fine Valyrian steel longsword with a lemon sized, heart shaped ruby on it's hilt versus A man in Golden armor when he had his helm visor open I could see he was quite handsome.....Arthur Dayne the Sword of the Morning and at his hip was the Greatsword Dawn with its pale white blade that reminded me of mithril from the Tolkien universe.

Arthur was an imposing man but I could see that he was straining for some reason.... I used my senses soon I could smell ointment for pain relief and I could see that he had been injured on his ribs and shoulder in a previous joust which meant he would surely lose this one.... but as a true knight should win or lose he would give it his all even though his battle was surely a lost cause.

no wonder many called him the greatest knight alive and one of the greatest swordsman to ever live, my respect grew for the man instantly.

With much fanfare they both paraded around the field before lining up and preparing for the signal....'BUGLING'.....at the end of the bugle both men spurred their horses onwards and the well bred steeds kicked up a flurry of earth behind them as they accelerated at incredible speed in six seconds which seemed to last forever they met in the middle of the list.

Both knights landed their lance perfectly on each other's shield's, they both were knocked back on their saddle but none dropped their lance or fell off. they went to the end of the track and received another lance and I noticed Ser Arthur was having more and more trouble breathing at this, he wouldn't last much longer I thought.

They soon after charged at each other once again but I could see that Arthur was having trouble keeping his lance up even when it was in the cradle.

after five seconds they impacted and in an explosive splintering of wood Arthur was knocked from his horse and slammed hard into the earth where he lay for a few seconds before struggling to get back up.

quickly some stretcher bearers came over and he refused to be carried off instead he used them to assist him in walking back to the front of the royal booth where the winner would be presented.

Lyn Corbray on the other hand had received a Lance tipped with the famous Crown of Love and Beauty it was a silver crown with multicolored roses around it and I thought of winning a joust soon to gift one to my woman.

I asked Elia what the crown was just to make conversation and she let me know that

"In Westeros, tradition holds that the victor in a tourney selects a woman present and name her his queen of love and beauty, crowning her with a wreath of flowers and dedicating his victory to her. Nowadays Crowning a woman means choosing a woman who he loves or intends to court"

I nodded at the explanation and told her I liked the idea of the practice and I would eventually get a crown for her, she blushed deeply and looked away hurriedly while Rhaella pinched my stomach in protest, i placated her by saying I was just joking.....and that I would get her one first

Lyn Corbray slowly trotted around the arena while the spectators made their guess at who should be chosen.... many believed the young Cersei Lannister or Mina Tyrell....those would have been the safe choices but instead the knight slowly stopped in front of the royal booth and lowered the crown onto Rhaella's lap which caused murmuring to spread throughout the crowd.

Rhaella looked offended at receiving the crown and quickly tossed the crown back onto the dirt at the hooves of Corbray's horse. Which caused the crowd to gasp since they had never seen something like this.

I was fucking livid.... on the day of my engagement he pulls some shit like this....I was fucking fuming 'what the fuck is he thinking' I thought before delving into his mind using magic.

I quickly found out that he didn't even like Rhaella he actually liked boys...he only crowned her because he wanted to earn fame from insulting the first Dragonrider In centuries.... this would not stand.

I Immediately stood and walked down from the booth, my bloodlust was so palpable that people nearby found it hard to breathe.

Lyn Tried to turn his horse to back away but the beast was frozen still, I slowly withdrew one of my falx from my waist into my left hand and with a swing I cut off his mares head.

it collapsed and gushed gallons of blood with him on its back however as an experienced knight he quickly stood up and withdrew his sword with a fire in his eyes.

this was no pissant bandit who would tremble from a little intimidation, he was a knight of the vale who cut his teeth fighting mountain clansmen...his confidence was also boosted due to the fact that he wielded a valyrian steel sword...but it mattered not.

I approached him as if I was calmly strolling through a garden which unnerved Ser Corbray and attacked without much power behind my strikes with each swing the knight would block with his valyrian steel sword and the clash of magical blades caused a sound that was like a thunderclap.

I could see some of the peasants jumped a bit whenever the swords would strike against each other.

After testing the skill of the knight I let him take a breath shortly after which the knight unleashed an assault of his own on me with fire in his eyes and if I didn't have my strength or reflexes I'm sure I would have died due to a lack of actual sword skill but with my Vampiric powers it was as if he moved in slow motion therefore it was a simple affair to fight him... at the same time the entire crowd was chanting and cheering our names, they seemed far more entertained from this battle than from even the championship joust.

after three minutes of battle to entertain the masses I had delivered twenty shallow cuts into the flesh of Corbray meanwhile he had landed none....the crowd could tell I was toying with him so I decided to end it...

I poured a bit of my magic into my falx which caused it to release a black aura which cleanly sliced through his valyrian steel sword, it cut off one foot off of the tip of Lady forlorn, his eyes opened wide in shock and for my next strike I slashed upwards hard and Lady Forlorn flew out of his hands into the air where I caught it with my right hand... the crowd went silent at the sight of his sword being cut and me disarming him.

he raised his arms and began to speak while heavily panting

"Lord Cathicus please I was wrong,I surren....."

I cut his words short by swinging my falx downwards and cutting him cleanly in half with my empowered falx.

The sword was so sharp and that it took half a second for each half of his body to split in two and fall into the dirt.....


I heard the screams from various women in the crowd who had not seen such a sight before.

I resheathed my falx and looked at lady forlorn for a moment before removing the giant ruby from the pommel and pocketing it before tossing the broken sword onto the dead man's split corpse I didn't need it and it the blade was actually of poor quality I'd rather return it to house Corbray.

after that tossing the sword I had a great idea...

I pulled out my massive cock in full view of the crowd and the nobles.

The I proceeded to piss all over his split corpse, the stream lasted about a minute while the crowd cheered and laughed at the sight some shouting things like



"Look he's got three swords not two!!!"

I just chuckled at the last one.

The noble ladies all turned red and made a poor attempt to look away as I could see them all peeking through their fingers.

the only noble lady who didn't act bashful was Rhaella who gave me a beautiful smile and lily who just waved at me while eating some pretzels.

I looked just next to them and noticed Elia was staring directly at my cock, when she noticed me looking at her she quickly turned her head away....what a naughty princess I thought.

I then spoke with an empowered voice while giving my meat a shake and putting it away

"Today I have avenged the dignity of my betrothed as per the ancient laws dictate a man of honor should...should any man of House Corbray seek quarrel for the events which occured today I would be obligated to insite a Vendetta against their entire house....be warned that should you choose this course of action.....none of your blood or those bearing your name shall live past the next moon.....choose your decision wisely."

I said and sauntered back up to the royal booths while the crowd finally awoke from their stupor and began to cheer since I had framed it as defending a ladies honor, I always enjoyed how effective propaganda is on peasants.....reminds me of my past life.

I proceeded to check up on Ser Arthur I didn't say a word to him however, I just put my hand on his chest and cast higher heal. he just looked at me wide eyed I shock and nodded as thanks. as I was walking to my seat he asked.....

"you could have killed him in three moves why toy with your opponent for so long?"

To which I just smiled at him and said

"Can't you see these people wanted a show, I don't like to disappoint"

while pointing at the cheering spectators then i sat in my chair with lily on my lap.

I took out a bag of pizza rolls for her and she began to munch like there was no tomorrow.....

Shortly after it was time to enter the red Keep so I called Shadowmare who was wearing his full black armor from the shadows and slapped a talisman on him to block the bad odour, he thanked me with a neigh.

Shortly after he licked Lily's face again which got her upset like usual

"Mr horse I've told you not to do that, I'm going to tell Ancalagon to punish you for being a bad horsey"

To which the fully armored stallion just huffed and turned his head in an over dramatic fashion.

For the first time in a long while I gave out a hearty laugh.... I rode to the castle on shadowmare while lily and Rhaella took a Royal carriage to the red keep.

The walk to the palace took far longer than I expected.

Our delay was mostly due to the throngs of smallfolk eager to take a look at the new Dragonrider and hoping to getting a copper thrown to them, the second reason was due to lots of nobles carriages moving at a snails pace through the streets on their way to the keep at the same time.

On the walk to the keep shadowmare violently ripped the arm off of a peasant man who grabbed his reign in an attempt to stop me and ask for a copper.

this caused a fountain of fresh blood to pour out of the man's shoulder I didn't forget to stealthily gather his blood since I was feeling a bit thirsty.

Then shadowmare shoved him to the ground with his monstrously powerful armored head and stepped into his body crushing his hips and intestines while the man screamed bloody murder, during that shadowmare was calmly munching on the man's arm as if it was a pickle.

With a final heavy stomp of his rear hoof the man's head popped and the smallfolk began to talk about the

"demon horse being even more vicious than the dragon"

eventually we reached the red keep where shadowmare walked off into the stables after I dismounted and started railing all the mares...I guess it's true that a horse resembles its owner hehe.

Rhaella led us to her room since we declined supper as Rhaella and I had just recently eaten and lily didn't want to go alone, she preferred the dimensional food anyways.

during the night I sensed spies listening in through passages in the walls and long metal tube like contraptions, to which I sent parasitic mindflaying worms to burrow into their brains I guess Varys will have to be put in check.

Just after sundown a knock came to the door...I had sensed who they were long before they approached the room. Before their Captain even knocked I opened the door dressed in nothing but a silk robe, their Captain spoke

"Lord Tywin Lannister Hand of the King Summons you to his solar."

he said with a commanding voice...summon me....as if I were a servant....this would not do, it would not do at all.

"I think you are mistaken Captain....Your lord would not summon me, he would humbly request my presence.

return to him and tell him to write a request to meet me."

I said and tried closing the door but the captain stuck his foot in the doorway and said

"You need to come with us"

I simply released my bloodlust, grew my claws and ripped his throat out in one swipe of my razor sharp claws.

While the others looked in shock I launched myself at them like a rabid animal slicing and shredding pulling out intestines and tearing arms off ,while blood flew and painted myself,the walls, floors, and high ceilings in vivid Red.

I had thrown the youngest I'm their group towards a wall and he was dazed looking as his comrades were torn apart by what seemed to be a demon in his eyes.

the screams must have resounded across the entire castle which caught the attention of the guards, when the household guard came around the hallway they froze and backed up slowly before running back to their posts.

they had witnessed the Dragonrider become a demon incarnate and wished to take no part in it.

I grabbed the second to last remaining man and clawed his eyes out before biting through his jugular and swallowing the gushing fountain of blood that poured forth his crimson lifeblood tainted my mouth in deep Lannister red.

The youngest Lannister soldier was still collapsed on the hallway floor so I grabbed him by his hair and forced the young man to stand

"up you go boy, I won't kill you I'm a very merciful man..." i whispered in his ear

"if you wish to live after tonight you will collect the heads of your fellow soldiers in a basket and take them with you .

then you will guide me to me to Tywin's solar where you will explain to him what mistakes your comrades made in insulting me and not receiving his message properly....am I clear." I spoke whispered which sent a chill down his spine

The trembling young soldier couldn't even speak and just cried with snot coming out of his nose while nodding vigorously. 'I love to see people in this state of mind' I thought....hehe

And so me and and my six new friends(five in a leaking basket)made our way to the Tower of the Hand while i whistled Spike Spiegel's favorite little tune.....


