
Its Good To Be A God

(Before I begin this chapter, I would like to state this very clearly: I am not a very experienced writer, and I am fully willing to admit that, so if I have issues with pacing or the romance may seem a bit too cringy, I apologize as I'm just literally taking what I'm thinking of it putting it into text and in all honesty I believe I've been trying to go as slow as I can because as I've not already established Meta Essences are ridiculous just having one could make you a world-class threat.)

Entry 112:

Linus Ozias POV:

How fast can things change? This a question many ask themselves and have had many answers.

From one bad day to Injustice, change can be both quick and slow, but for me, such change has firmly laid in the fast category as I sit atop the throne of Heaven the day before the beginning of 2019, a whole year to rebuild Heaven and create a better world.

Now, from where I sit, I see all and nothing on this planet, and the galaxy itself can hide from me. My powers have grown to the point where my punches can shatter planets, and my swipes from the Blade Encarmine can destroy solar systems.

I have created hundreds of angels, all having the potential for greatness, and in regards to tech trees, I have slowed down the ability to every two months, and as time passed, I have gained four new trees. Code Geas, Splatoon, Mortal Kombat, and Warframe.

All of them are useful in one way or another, with the Warframe tree being especially useful for the creation of frames, weaponry, AI, and other various tech.

In regards to empowering charges, I have placed hundreds of them mostly evenly, and they have paid dividends, increasing the potency and potential of my various abilities as the control and amount of magic I have over my overall strength allows me to essentially walk among regular people and have them not even notice me.

Controlling God's system has become so easy that I may manipulate it by simply extending one thought partition. However, I may have gone a bit too meta with my angel creation as I stand looking at Jibril, Inarius, Mathael, and Mael, with each one given Archangel status.

I even made Asia Argento an Angel, and when she became one, her faith and purity nearly blinded Heaven itself as she began to bow before me, which I stopped and told her.

"We are all family here, and you are worthy of value and worthy to be here, so do not bow and simply continue being you."

Asia even developed the healing aspect after returning Twilight Healing to the system.

Mael has the aspect of the sun, Inarius holds the power of light, Jibril is the knowledge keeper of Heaven, and Mathael owns the domains over sin and death.

The original archangels are now nearly as strong as the original God-Kings, and the faith has been revitalized due to the presence of my order. 

Every day, I fall asleep hearing the grateful prayers of a satisfied world. When I do rest, I do not do it alone as Ingvild, Rossweisse, Yasaka, and, surprisingly, Gabriel have entered a relationship with me.

Using my control over the various powers I've gained, I eliminated all of their racial weaknesses while improving Rose, specifically with the greatest weaponry and bodily enhancements I could give.

Yasaka is now connected to the Earth through me, pulling her strength from my never-ending natural energy reserves. She can now travel across the world without fearing pain from being repeated from Kyoto's Ley Lines.

Gabriel has become my most devoted follower, spreading my word across the various factions, and has convinced various Fallen Angels to return to Heaven.

Ingvild no longer needs to fear holy weaponry, and her sacred gear can now control nearly every dragon on the planet when she activates her balance breaker, which she has named Nereid Kyrie: Siren Songstress.

Her voice becomes so hypnotizing that anyone who listens to her becomes infatuated, similar to a certain singer from Date A Live.

I have trained them all myself to be higher level existences, with all of them ranking within the top 20, which within eight months is very impressive, and with time, they shall grow ever stronger.

I have told each of them that I can traverse worlds soon enough, and they shall all follow me and are ready to do so, with Kunou excited to take a family trip. I even gifted the one whom I consider my daughter my own sacred gear, which I refer to as Purity's Embrace.

The yukata provides varying protection from nearly all types of damage, and its primary ability is to reflect damage against the yukata against the opponent. So essentially, any magic spell or physical strike damages the opponent similarly to a full counter from the Seven Deadly Sins anime.

I gave it to her for her birthday, and she would not let go of me for the duration of the day, along with the Infinite Dragon God, who had begun to emote facially, and while some of them are awkward, you can feel the emotion behind them.

I do still tend to meet with Great Red and the Dimensional Gap to monitor for any outside Intruders as well as any signs of those alien gods, which, luckily, there are none so far.

Regarding the other factions, the Devils provided with a means to reproduce naturally took to their spouses like fish do to water, as I have heard that Sirzechs  Lucifer is expecting his second child soon enough with Grayfia.

I have literally become a Godfather, and I even asked  Sirzechs Lucifer to name his son if it is a boy, Linus, or Alexander. Rias has become a top ten member of the rating game charts.

Her peerage has improved tremendously as all of their traumas have been taken care of, and even some new members joined. Rias even found love in the most unlikely of sources, that being Vali Lucifer himself.

They literally clicked upon the first meeting, and I made sure it wasn't due to any bullshit dragon-related pheromones, and the two genuinely did bond as Vali was just stubborn enough to keep up with Rias's enthusiasm.

Luckily for the Heiress of Gremory, she will never have to worry about having a harem like in the original show, as it seems our little White Dragon Emperor is a one-girl type of guy. Even though we're at their relationship was met with some drawbacks, I personally went down there and promoted the ship.

Now imagine if you literally had God on your side promoting your relationship, and it turns out that the male was a descendant of the original Devil himself, and those Devils immediately called for the marriage.

The blushing couple was quite adorable, as Akeno and I had teasing material for days. The girl even tried to get in my pants during my time in the underworld, and let's just say she will eventually wear me out.

The conversation eventually went to the fact that it was not her beauty or personality that turned me off. Even if she was a sadist and masochist, it was mostly just the fact that she hadn't even graduated college yet.

But then the conversation turned to her perverse fantasies of teacher and student roleplay, and I immediately checked out and told her that once she grew a bit older, she would find me. 

And based on the look on her face, she will come to find me eventually.

Luckily, a higher reproduction rate for devils has had the result I was hoping for, and the evil pieces are rarely being used other than by high-class Devils to form peerages for Rating Games. I have colluded with  Ajuka to improve his system.

The improvements made were that the evil pieces themselves are constantly being monitored. When a devil betrays their master, a copy of all the data held within that devil's evil piece is sent to the main computer and analyzed to see if the so-called betrayal was legitimate.

The stray devil population has nearly decreased to nothing as the improvements to the evil pieces include the fact that if you do betray your master and it is legitimate, you are just sent to jail. You're not mutated into some abomination to be hunted down by every faction for sport.

But there is still hope for reincarnated doubles as they are given the proper representation for their variety of cases. Given by Sona Sitri from her school for Reincarnated Devils.

Although the girl did try not to take my money every time I went to a meeting, she ended the meeting while in a magical girl dress. She eventually got used to it, which took the fun out of it, but by the time I had stopped doing it, she started wearing her own.

I even heard that Serafall and Sona have started a fashion trend of magical girls, which makes me think I should have the entertainment branch of Celestial Tales to create the Sailor Moon anime and manga.

I have also met with various mythologies. The meeting with the Greeks was a bit awkward as I essentially invaded Hades with enough bribery as well as proving my strength to them.

  We eventually got on to a good standing point. I essentially have Ares on my side by providing him with Advanced VR technology that allows him to fight battles every single day.

The Hindu Pantheon was a rather relaxed affair as it turns out the precognition blind, as it is referred to, helped their pantheon as those that were constantly looking into the future were now forced to look towards the present, and gods like Shiva became much more outgoing. Indra was Indra i.e., a dick, and was promptly put under my boot while I drank some damn good tea.

A majority of the other pantheons were rather indifferent about the changes as while most of the gods that held a connection to nature celebrated the reinvigoration of the planet, all of the others were simply coasting on.

But my enhanced Godhood has also caused a bit of a problem as in while I can hide my presence from nearly everyone, my blessing from Gaea has a caveat as she has become my stalker.

I can barely move across the planet, even in the sky, without her attempting to contact me, and while I do hold active conversations with her nearly every day, it is seemingly not enough as she is trying to take our relationship a step forward. The only thing holding me back is the fact that while I can take the others with me as they are individual entities, Gaea is literally the planet.

When I told her of my plans, she understood but asked that I find a way to bring her along with me as soon as possible, which I have been researching other means.

Humanity has flourished in the past few months while I keep the technological advancement much slower than in my previous world. I have been making changes in terms of terraforming the planet and creating much cleaner energy sources.

My supporters immediately put down any governments that try to stop me, as it seems people have gotten sick of the fact that their planet is dying. The medical sector makes its money off of treating and not curing most diseases. My company essentially gained a cult following when I made insulin pens accessible.

But other than advances in power and medicine, my company has mostly been based on household items and various other conveniences while my operatives influence nearly every Earth government. 

Soon enough, the supernatural will be revealed, but not for the next couple of years, possibly even a decade at most. 

So, as I sit on my silver throne, I focus on that feeling I have had since I became a God, and I find myself returned to the same office with the same random omnipotent being looking at me and smiling like a father watching his son win their first award in a sports game.

"I see that you have achieved what you have desired, so can you answer my question? What is God to you, Linus, or is it Anakim now?"

I smile and say, "Godhood is simply what we make of it. It can be the greatest of tyranny or the most beautiful of benevolence, for while there is no such thing as perfection, all should strive to seek it. We assign our value whether or not it be in godhood or life."

The random I'm omnipotent being looks at me, and even though I've grown to the point where I could easily destroy galaxies, I still feel small, but I do not back down as he laughs and places two essences on the table.

"I am proud of you, Young God, but you have a far way to go to ever match up to me. Now you have a side quest waiting for you, and as you've noticed, I'm giving you two Essences instead of one. This is mostly because you have formed an organization and have people you love. I am not a monster, so I grant these two to you."

(These are the Essences of the Binder and the Supernatural Organization, by the way.)

So, as I drink the two Essences, I feel not a change in my soul but a new space has opened up, and I feel an innate connection to it. As I focus on it, I find myself alone on a large Halo Ring surrounded by my Eldari Craft Worlds and Dyson Spheres that I have created.

It also seems that I have the entire system of halo rings as I see them floating alongside the craft worlds and Dyson Spheres, which will come in handy for when I am in need of additional space as each Craft World and Halo Ring are the size of planets.

I then find a portal in what would be considered the main science center leading back to High School DxD, as it seems I can take the side quest once I'm done with my business.

The essence has taken into account my various other lovers and have created their individual spaces on the ring and combined them into one compound.

Soon enough, another universe will know ultimate glory and beautiful evolution. For now, though, it's time to take a family vacation.

( Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of the original High School DxD Arc, even if it was a bit more show than tell before the arrival of the alien gods. I am happy that each and every one of you has witnessed these chapters, and while most of you may not enjoy the pacing, thinking it is too fast, I apologize, but I hope all of you who remain enjoy what I am writing.)
