
Never Meet Your Ecchi Heroes

(Before this chapter begins, I have also posted an auxiliary chapter that explains the empowering charges and helps keep track of them in case anyone gets confused, and the chapter title is referred to as empowering charges tracker/ description.)

Entry 68:

Linus Ozias POV:

You know, I have always enjoyed physical conditioning as every morning I would do the same exercises to keep myself limber and awake, and with the essence of the broken limiter, any training I do increases the gains exponentially.

But do you know what is even better? It is the small increments in power that I feel by simply existing. It's like being a dragon in various worlds but actually noticeable.

In addition to the fact that the tattoos I'm wearing are increasing the weight on my body and are increasing over time thus increasing the initial amount of experience.

But another day, another five charges to spend with the first three going into my light manipulation abilities, and as such, my holy powers are also affected.

The other two I put into my charisma as I will be meeting with the two "owners" of this town.

Regarding the fallen in this town, I have already seen them beginning to hire stray priests, which is already a red flag, and the second they move on, they shall be eliminated.

For now, though, Raynare is able to keep control of them for the most part, and it seems that Freed Sellzen has not arrived just yet.

It does take a weight off my shoulders, knowing that the little nun will never have to be in such a dirty place as she is being guarded by my order 24/7, even if she doesn't know it as I have implanted my own people at her convent.

And according to the reports I received, she's going to be moving to the Vatican itself. She deserves it because by her faith alone, she was able to get through to all of the Androids I sent there, and they are a step away from becoming Yandere.

I have been in contact with Asia, and it brings a smile to my face every time we talk as I can hear her excitement that she can just talk to someone well and also describe some of the new members that have joined her group.

Little changes like this will always keep me happy.

Who knows, maybe she'll eventually meet that muscle priest Vasco Strada, and he will teach her the ways of heavenly weight lifting, with Dulio providing her with food from his various missions.

In terms of my relations with the Yokai, Nura has been in contact asking if I settled in alright with Kunou soon calling me to see how I was doing as the little fox tried to get Yasaka to join the call, but the Nine Tailed woman was busy.

But to quote Kunou, "I will get you two together whatever it takes!"

I want to say that relationships don't work like that, but I can't bear to see her cry. Yes, call me a wuss, but I was never good with crying children.

I myself have yet to meet those two, but I imagine it will be an interesting meeting nonetheless.

If I were any other reincarnator, I would be excited to meet the main cast of DxD, but my feelings are simply mixed as while I have ascended to the beginning of Monarch class, which puts me at the level of a low-level seraph, I am still not strong enough.

If I were any more eager to gain power, I would just call myself Vergil and bleach my hair silver.

Even if my memories of Vergil are tainted by Marvel vs Capcom as his combos were stupid and, you cannot argue against me on this, and you cannot change my mind.

But enough distractions, it's time to head to their Academy as I can't seem to find them anywhere else.

And while I do sense the Gremory cat and her familiar, I don't let it bother me because, unlike most prominent characters that enter this world with no backing, they cannot harm me because they are too weak and they cannot proposition me for anything for they have no leverage.

As I approach the Academy, I hear the female population whispering around me.

"Hey, Muryama, who is that?"

"I don't know, Katase. Do you think he's a parent?"

"Who knows, but he is huge!"

"He definitely gives off a pure yet welcoming energy."

I may have sped up after hearing that, as I do not want to be forced to use magic on normal humans.

But I guess this is what happens when you increase your charisma to a planetary level.

The school itself should be getting out around now as it is 4:00 in the afternoon so I should have very little of the student body impeding me, and then I am reminded of what anime I am in right now as I see a group of women chasing after three I don't even want to call them men.

And as if the universe was agreeing with me, all three of them trip on something simultaneously and are then beaten with kendo sticks, which could be considered assault. The three bugs did commit slight sexual harassment, but I guess that's just never noticed.

Or the more realistic explanation is that both groups of devils are subtly hypnotizing the population to make it seem more normal, or it's just the universe correcting itself.

As the women proceed to leave after beating the men senselessly, I take this opportunity to place a tracker on the future Red Dragon Emperor for later. 

Luckily, the red dragon himself is not awake yet, but in half a month, if the story is even relevant anymore, he shall awaken very violently, I might add.

In all honesty, it's a wonder the boy did not trigger Juggernaut Drive, as it has been proven that under extreme duress, even the weakest sacred gear users could activate Juggernaut Drive.

But I assume it was most likely because the boy was mostly just disappointed and sad rather than angry as he died, as well as confused.

After a couple more minutes of walking, I arrive at the school's main gate and see Sona Sitri or "Souna" Sitri, which is so stupid I don't even want to think about it.

As we stare at one another, I begin first, "Sitri-San, it is good to see you in good health. How is your sister doing as she was quite angry the last time I saw her?"

The glasses-wearing devil, which makes no sense, by the way, twitches slightly as she states, "Anakim-Sama, thank you for the concern, and my sister has been fine as the event has been solved for now at least, but let's take this conversation inside ."

I nod my head slightly as we head into the Academy, passing by a variety of classrooms, and as I enter what I assumed to be the student council room, I notice both peerages present.

The looks on their faces range from indifferent to angry.

And as Sona takes her seat, we stand in a sort of standoff, with neither side willing to speak first.

The tension is palpable as I tower over all of them.


And then I hear the white cat take a bite from her food, which looks like a candy bar.

"Well, if we are done posturing, I would like to begin this discussion," I say as I remain standing.

"All of you, I assume, have been informed of the situation by your siblings?" My wording somewhat annoys them at my irreverence, but I could fatally wound them with one swing of my sword or a stab from my spear.

Rias Gremory then stands before me and says, "Yes, we have, but I believe introductions are in order. I am the ruin princess Rias Gremory, and this is my peerage, the Lighting Queen Akeno Himejima, Knight Of Gremory Yuuto Kiba, and Rook Koneko Toujou."

As she says this, all of them give me a slight bow, with Kiba begrudging one small curtsy.

My only response was, "Pardon my rudeness, Lady Gremory, but did you practice that in the mirror before coming here?"

She then trips over onto the couch as her peerage catches her, with Akeno somewhat giggling, Koneko saying nothing, and Kiba intently staring at me.

"Also, Lady Gremory, your knight is staring rather intensely at my person, and pardon my crass language, but does he play for the other team?"

Some of the other people in the room laughed as Kiba looked shocked and somewhat dumbfounded.

Sona just sighs, knowing this meeting is not going to be enjoyable.
