
Chapter 22 - Aki's Super Saiyan Treat part 1

WARNING!!!! again The chapter as a whole was too long to be published so i split it into two parts so if the cuttoff/ end of this chapter seems weird sorry.


"I-I'm back." Gohan slightly stuttered, almost cursing himself for the slipup as he stepped back inside of the school infirmary, his coal black eyes focusing in on the buxom bluenette nurse.

"Okay." Aki nodded from her place sat on her swivel chair, ignoring the burning fire between her legs and the way her hard nipple poked harshly against her bra for the moment, as she looked towards the half-breed. The woman took immediate notice of the blush still dusting his cheeks, but chose not to mention it, as she knew why it was there. "Come sit on the bed close to me here," She pointed to the bed on her left and didn't even try to hide the blush that came on to her own cheeks as she continued. "you'll need to take your uniform off in order for me to treat your wounds, Gohan-kun."

Gohan's eyes widened somewhat as his blush darkened. "O-Okay… Is that just my shirt and such or…?"

Aki gulped, though not loud enough for the demi-Saiyan to hear. "Your pants too, Gohan-kun. F-From what I recall, your back and butt seemed to get the worst of it."

"A-Ah. Right, that makes sense, I suppose." The muscular teen nodded, trying to control his blush as he started to strip down whilst slowly making his way towards the bed she'd motioned to.

Aki's eyes watched with rapt attention as the boy took off his uniform top, exposing his musclebound physique to her yet again. His rock-hard six-pack abs looking as chiselled as they always did, his pecs like slabs of stone with how dense the muscle was around them. His broad, beefy shoulders like small mountains whilst his massive biceps popped and bulged with a heavy amount of flexible and dense muscle-fibre that put just about any professional bodybuilder to shame. By the time he reached the bed, placing his clothes on the sheets and turned away from her as he began dropping his pants, the horny medic's mouth was already watering at the prospect of what the specimen before her that was Son Gohan could – and would – do to her.

And by Kami, she wasn't going to wuss out here. Her best friends had managed to get what she'd been desiring before she did because she'd wasted time not going for it. No more. She had him to herself now, and as crass as it sounded being put like this in her opinion, he wouldn't be leaving this room without taking her maidenhood away, as he gave her the hardest, rawest fucking he'd ever given.

"Uh, is this good?" Gohan asked, feeling the cool air of the infirmary room lick off his skin as he stepped out of his fallen trousers and placed them down where the rest of his uniform lay, leaving him in nothing but his underwear.

Aki had to stop herself from gulping audibly when she saw a noticeable bulge already showing through his underpants, quickly giving her a strong reminder of the huge, ferocious dragon housed within that flimsy material. "Yes Gohan-kun," She said as she stood from her chair, peeling her eyes from his bound package for the moment as she moved closer to him, her stupendously sized boobs jiggling within her dress as she did so, roaming her eyes over his rippling physique. "that should do… for now…"

For now? What could she… No. No, surely not. It likely meant nothing. She was just going to be checking his welt wounds from the whip is all. "Okay then… I'm in your hands, Aki-sensei."

"That's good to hear." She gave him what felt like an off smile, and he immediately got an inkling feeling that he'd already been in a position like this before, but he chose to ignore it. He was probably a little too on edge after succumbing and ending up involved with both the principal and his homeroom teacher in the same day, one after the other.

"Oh my, she appears to have done quite the number on you." Aki commented with what sounded like genuine concern and a bit of something else that Gohan didn't fully pick up on, as she glanced from his chest, which had a good few welt marks on it, to his back and ass, which were layered in deeper, redder welts all over from the whipping he'd received. His 'injuries' so out in the open that she wouldn't have even required the use of her Maken Valhelm for assistance. "May I touch them?"

"Go ahead." He acquiesced, giving her a nod of approval. She was the medic after all, if this was something she needed to do, then so be it.

The gorgeous bluenette wasted little time resting one of her dainty hands atop one of his broad, muscly shoulders, as she brought her other hand up, and started tracing two of her fingers across one of the welt wounds across his sturdy chest. Her long nails grazing over the reddened skin. The action drawing a small shiver from the boy, which she was quick to notice. "Does this sting?"

"Ah, a little bit, yeah. Nothing all that bad, though." He affirmed, being sure to avert his eyes from her cleavage as it became more visible to him.

"Hmm." Rather than answer verbally, the voluptuous vixen moved just a little closer, to the point where her warm breath could tickle against the neck of the half-Saiyan. Her soft, but oh so perky breasts lightly touching against the young man's arm as she continued to 'inspect' him. her hand tracing over his pectoral where the welt continued over, where she could feel for herself just how hard and dense it was as her fingers pressed down a little more. She reached the end just shy of one of his nipples. From there, the nurse decided to get a bit more bold, pressing the flat of her palm over his stony pec, feeling every bit of corded muscle on it as she slid her hand forward, reaching towards the other pec that had an identical welt mark on it. Before long, she was rubbing across his steely chest back and forth in a circular motion, more so marvelling at how incredible it felt to feel every last muscle that made up the upper part of his torso than she was the welts that marred over them.

So hard and firm… its almost like I can feel every ounce of the training he must've gone through to attain and maintain this body of his. I… I wonder if this is what Minori-san felt too, before they made lo-

Aki had to stop that thought there. What had happened in Minori's office, and especially in Tomiko's case within her classroom, was absolutely not making love. It was far too carnal for that. Too primal. It was much more accurate to say that they'd been fucked senseless by a sexual beast incarnate, who valued them as little more than his own personal fuck toys to sate his urges on.

Just the thought of him effectively turning her into that was enough to make her womanhood tremble, as her juices trickled out even more down her legs. The scent blocked off from his nose by the powerful odour still permeating the room from the now bedded Tomiko. At least for the time being, anyway.

Meanwhile, Gohan was having his own thoughts about the buxom nurse, as her hand continued to trace her slender fingers and palm across his whip-lashed skin. Like how soft and delicate her fingers felt across his broad chest. Or how dexterous her palm was as it skilfully, and tenderly rubbed around each and every millimetre of his pecs and the centre of his chest. Each stroke deliberate, teasing almost, with her hand being cool to the touch, just a tad more than the room's temperature itself. Although it did sting lightly with every trace her fingers or palm made over his whip marks, there was no denying the pleasant sensation they also brought with them. It contrasted well with her warm breath that tickled over his neck, and his steadily increasing heartbeat, as he felt her huge breasts squish and lightly rub against his arm.

Keep it together, Gohan. The half-breed thought to himself, feeling his blush deepen just a little more, as he felt the prickling of an oh so familiar sensation down by his crotch. You've already lost yourself twice today, which is a bad enough sign as it is. Aki-sensei is just doing what she can to help you with your wounds after the mess you yourself got into. It was bad enough that he'd lost himself to his lustful instincts twice in the same day, showing just how much his tolerance was degrading. He'd have to find a way to get these instincts of his under control sooner or later, otherwise he may get so bad that just the simple act of a woman's pleasant touch like this would be enough to send him off, or worse yet, just the sight of a pretty girl.

Like Azuki for instance, with the spunky redhead's athletic, curvy body. Her toned, yet smooth, pale legs coming to mind, with a fine set of shapely hips and tight looking, round ass to her and that amazing pair of E-cup boobies she touted, that he'd gazed at in all their naked glory in two different occasions. Or the feisty, high-spirited Chacha. The caramel-skinned, white-haired foreigner with her heavy set of H-cup hooters, hips just a little wider than the red-head's, wonderfully slender legs to go along with thicc thighs and a bubble shaped rear. Heck even Garrett, the curious bluenette whom he'd seen little of, had a fine pair of lithe legs to her and a bountiful bosom up to par with Azuki's beneath that uniform of hers, that he could imagine looking just as delectable as the scarlet-haired tomboy's when bare. Not to mention his more petite acquaintances like the shy, manga loving Kimi or his fellow first-year and part of the magical enforcement committee within Maken-Ki, the pink-haired lass Minaya. While not as well-proportioned as the other three, those two certainly had their own unique quirks to them that made them attractive, quite like Himegami.

He could imagine them feeling the tightest of the bunch, for instance, but all the same, he'd bend over just about anyone of them and show them what it felt like to be-

Gah! Damnit I'm doing it again! The young demi-Saiyan all but screamed in his mind as he shook his head and rid himself of those increasingly lewd thoughts about the girls. Damnit all… At this rate, I'm starting to believe I really am just become a total pervert… What is wrong with me?...

"Gohan-kun… Are you okay?" Aki asked with what sounded like a bit of concern, as she noticed his briefly panicked expression, momentarily halting her hand's movements.

"O-Oh! Uhh, yeah! Yeah, I'm okay Aki-sensei." Gohan rubbed the back of his head nervously as he let out a chuckle that he tried his best to seem natural, hoping she hadn't noticed how forced it was, as he gave her a sideways glance, totally avoiding the perfect gander downward at her exposed cleavage. "Just a little lost in thought is all."

"Lost in thought, hmm?" Aki let his words fester in her mind for a small bit, as he turned away from her, clearly hoping she wouldn't press. She needn't have had to though, for whether it was instinct or just her arousal working her up, she found her eyes shooting downwards at the seated boy, where the only layer of clothing still on remained, his underwear. And that was when the beginnings of something starting to poke out through the fabric, as it partially pulled the front section of it forwards, unbeknownst at the moment to the half-breed.

The boy, even after everything he'd done so far today to both her friends, before she'd even truly made her move yet, was already starting to gain another erection…

"I see…" The bustiest woman in all of Tenbi nodded in acknowledgement, seeing her opportunity was closer than ever now. Her cheeks dusting red themselves as she felt the heat between her loins strengthen, burning for some proper action for the first time in her entire life.

And it was precisely because of that, that she decided to prod.

"So, tell me Gohan-kun…" The blue-haired, buxom babe began, her hand on his front rising up to his beefy shoulder as the other scaled down his back. Her fingers tracing over his substantially more whipped flesh with slow and practised strokes, eliciting a small shudder from the demi-Saiyan as her palm also began to press lightly against his stinging, reddened skin. "While I examine you, mind telling me what's got you lost in thought?"

"E-Eh!?" Gohan flinched, his cheeks darkening a little more as he kept his gaze away from the beautiful woman. "I-It's nothing, Aki-sensei. Really…"

"Is that so?..." Aki asked rhetorically, her hot breath washing further over the nape of his neck, producing a shiver out of the boy from her closeness to him, as she easily knew that was a lie. "Because, it certainly doesn't seem like it was nothing…" She continued, her voice becoming lower, and a little huskier as well, which the young man failed to pick up on. Her hand's movements trailing further down his back with steady, deliberate strokes of her palm and fingers over his whipped skin that were slowly becoming more sensuous in nature.

"U-Uhm… Well, I uhh…" Gohan started, hissing slightly from the stinging pain down his back, along with the nurse's remarkably pleasurable touch that was managing to lessen what should've been a deeper stinging sensation across where she was rubbing. The progeny of Son Goku trying to think of a way to deflect from that statement without seeming obvious.

"Gohan-kun… were you perhaps having some… indecent thoughts?"

"W-What!?" Said boy almost yelped, snapping his head towards the nurse with wide eyes, before quickly trying to school his features as he realized just how guilty he may have been coming across. "I-I mean, uhh no. No, of course not. Nope, not at all!"

Wow… And to think, Minori-san once called me a bad liar… That had to have been the most unconvincing denial she'd ever heard. There was no questioning it for her now, he'd definitely been having them. "You know it's not nice to lie, Gohan-kun." She told him, calling his obvious lie as her hand slid lower on his back, coming just an inch shy of the rim of his underwear, as she neared the most whipped section of his body. "Especially not to me, when I'm trying to help you. Tomiko-san is unconscious, so it's just you and me right now. No one else." She whispered that last part right in his ear, taking note of the way he tensed up further and his face scrunched up as though he'd sucked down a plum. The normally compassionate medic having to force down the giggle that threatened to leap out as she looked over said expression and his ever-darkening cheeks.

He looked so cute like that.

"I-It's not something I… Uhm… Well, you know…" The words came tumbling out haphazardly and awkwardly, and Gohan could do nothing but wince inwardly as he tried to formulate a measured response in his head, but to no avail, as he tore his eyes away from the prodding nurse just as he felt his eyes begin to dip instinctively where he did not want them going.

"Know what…?" The beatific medic tilted her head curiously, an uncharacteristically teasing grin adorning her full, red lips. "Is it that you can't stop thinking about what you did to Minori-san and Tomiko-san today…?" She questioned, whilst sliding her hand atop his shoulder over to his cheek, paying close attention to how he reacted, as she gently moved his head back in her direction. "Were you thinking about how good it felt ravaging both of them? Dominating them to the point you rendered them unconscious with your sexual appetite?"

Gohan couldn't help but swallow at her words, trying to force his mind not to bring back all of the vivid details of his recent exploits today under his hormones influence to the forefront, knowing what that would no doubt do to his currently controllable libido. For the most part, he was successful in doing so, but that didn't stop his face from burning at what she'd said. "A-Aki-sensei!... T-That's not…"

"Hmm… Or is it that you were thinking of what you want to do in the future to whoever you have your eye on?"


"I suppose the real question then is who you've your sights on next, no?"

Involuntarily, Gohan's eyes finally dropped down below the bodacious beauty's face, her words stirring the carnal side within him as his gaze set down on her massive melons pressing into his muscular arm. Now more than ever, he could feel their supple, expansive flesh squishing against his densely muscled limb. Those two mounds of feminine fat he recalled seeing in an ultra-skimpy, white one-piece thong she'd worn back at the hot spring a while ago that barely even covered her nipples, leaving little to the imagination. And that was without including the rest of her phenomenal body that'd been on display that day, that was worthy of salivating over even back then when he'd had better control over his hormones. From her slim, creamy legs and deliciously thicc thighs, to her faultlessly wide hips that went along seamlessly with a narrow waist, putting perhaps even the world's greatest supermodels to shame, and a perky, plump ass that could draw the eyes of any man or woman to it almost hypnotically, nearly as well as her colossal K-cup chest did. All of it came together in the perfect package, for the woman with the most alluring body and the highest amount of sex appeal in all of Tenbi.

Good lord… What he wouldn't give to have her take those clothes and show off that body of hers again. Or better yet, he tore them off her so he could take those gigantic tits of hers and-

No!... No!... Damnit Gohan, pull yourself together!… Gohan screamed in his head again as he clenched his eyes shut, hating how his mind was so easily sinking back into such perverted thoughts. And that went doubly so when he felt the part of his anatomy he'd become very familiar with over the last few weeks respond, becoming excited once again, and he could feel it growing harder within his increasingly flimsy underpants as it bulged even further out of the fabric, now already semi-erect again. Much to his chagrin.

Worse still – or better, depending on who you ask – Aki noticed this almost immediately, something which unknown to the half-Saiyan as of now, just made the bountifully endowed dame more aroused. Her legs already beginning to quiver slightly from what she was fully aware she'd be subjecting herself to by making advances on him, after witnessing the aftermath of what he'd done to Minori, and watching what he'd done to the now incapacitated Tomiko across from them just a short while ago.

A similar fate is what awaited her. This would be the way she was choosing to lose your virginity. The term 'hardcore' couldn't possibly be anymore literal.

"U-Uhm, Aki-sensei... A-Are you done examining me yet?" Gohan asked a little timidly, attempting to change the topic of conversation, becoming uncomfortable with not only where this conversation was leading, but also because it was making it harder to keep his own damn mind from wandering where he didn't want it going. Not to mention the rousing of his 'little companion' for the third time today. Faster than it ever had before, and when put into context that it had already been sated twice today, the connotations did not bode well for how fragile his resilience was becoming.

"Almost." The woman seemed to acquiesce, bringing out a brief sigh of relief from him as her hand halted at the small of his back. "Just need another minute or so and I'll be finished looking you over. After, I'll see if I have anything in stock to help treat them."

"O-Okay then. Thanks, Aki-sensei."

"There's no need to thank me, Gohan-kun." If anything, she'd be the one thanking him after everything was set and done. "I'm the school's nurse, after all. It's my job to look after both the students and teachers here, in case something… untoward happens."

"Ehehe… Heh…"Gohan managed a nervous chuckle at that. Untoward would certainly be one way to describe what he'd done today alone. Let alone the days prior as well.

"Although… I must say, what's happened as of late between a certain student and two members of faculty is not what I ever would've expected to happen…" The blue-haired beauty's smile grew, becoming more lascivious as she quickly glanced back down to his budding erection. "Especially not in the ways that it did."

Gohan nearly jumped when he felt the ravishing nurse's hand slip into his underwear, as her fingernails began grazing over the top end of his hindquarters. Right around where the harshest amount of damage had been done with Tomiko's whipping. He also could've sworn he felt one of them brush between his butt-cheeks dangerously close to his anus, but he reasoned that he must've imagined that.

"You have quite the abnormally large libido, Gohan-kun. I've run across some students before that had their own, shall we say, 'problems' with a certain part of their anatomy and some particular 'urges' that they needed help with." As in, the kind that required certain pharmaceutical subscriptions to help keep in check or otherwise. And the number was so few she could've counted them on one hand with only a few of her fingers. "However, what they were dealing with, is nothing compared to what I've seen from you…"

"Y-You think it's that bad…?" He couldn't help but ask, despite his embarrassment and tension at the topic. His attention being caught by the fact she may have seen something similar to him before, even if not on the same level. "Couldn't you just… Well… recommend me what you did those guys?"

"After seeing what you did today, Gohan-kun, I'm afraid I don't think there's anything quite strong enough to help your particular case."

"O-Oh…" Seriously… N-Nothing strong enough!? Was he really that far gone? If Aki, who was a trained medical expert to his knowledge was telling him that… Crab baskets, he'd well and truly fallen deep down the rabbit hole…

If medication wasn't even an option, then what did he do about it? At the moment, it didn't seem like he could do anything…

Other than give in… What felt like his subconscious whispered to him, but the half-breed shook it off.

No. He still had one option left if things truly went too out of hand. As embarrassing as it'd be to bring it to her, Bulma might be able to help him with this. Maybe. If even she couldn't though…

"I'll need you to stand up for me now, Gohan-kun." The luscious nurse told him with the kind of smile that eerily reminded him of Tomiko from earlier, in a way. All as he felt her palm caress over the top section of his buttocks. "It'll make it easier while I… check out the last area of your body…"

Heh. He'd let her check out a certain area of his body alright, and then, he'd give hers a check of his-

"Y-Yes Ma'am!..." Gohan nodded perhaps a little too quickly and practically shot to his feet, standing about as straight as an arrow. Wiping that thought from his mind as soon as possible. The boy forgetting the woman's hand was still inside his only piece of clothing left as he did. The sound of a fabric tearing reaching his ears, followed by the sound of a cloth rustling before dropping deftly dropping to the floor. The feeling of cool air licking off his nether regions much more than should've been possible coming immediately thereafter, as was the sensation that a certain 'little friend' was no longer being held in.

"O-Oh my!..." Aki gasped from her seat on the bed, seeing his underwear rip and fall to the floor before her eyes, giving her a full view of his bare ass and his semi-erect cock dangling out over his pelvis.

Ah crap… The demi-Saiyan himself instantly knew he'd screwed up, as he looked down and saw his bare dragon flopped out and about, with his torn underpants pooled by his feet. His eyes having gone wide in shock as the suddenness of this, with his face blushing the deepest it'd been.

"Can I… ergh… uhm…" Gohan's brain failed him for a very brief moment, as not even he quite knew what to say then and there. This is bad…

"I-It's okay, Gohan-kun." Aki started, tearing her eyes away from his manhood for the moment with her own heavy blush. The half-breed not catching how her legs rubbed together in arousal, as she stood up beside him. Her femininity on fire as her sweet nectar leaked out more down her legs from her sopping wet panties. A smile, one noticeably more salacious painting her full, red lips. "It's not like it's anything I haven't already seen before…" She said, placing one hand on his hard, six-pack hard abs practically sculpted to perfection, while the other reached down to his fiery-red, whip-lashed ass to finish her 'examination' of him.

Gohan's cheeks turned a velvety red knowing what she was referencing from earlier, as his hands moved to cover his waking dragon, before he turned his head to the side to look at the stunning nurse before him. the young man wrestling with his damned self-control to keep his eyes on her face, rather than shoot down again to her deep, almost pearly-white valley of cleavage. Now all too aware of their closeness to one another, and the sensation of her skilled, cool fingers and dexterous palm running over his flaming butt-cheeks. His mind desperately avoiding how amazingly good her touch felt, even on his most afflicted area that was nearly stinging raw after what he'd let Tomiko do to it. Or how his dick twitched behind his hands, growing that little bit harder at the thought of what that wondrous hand would feel like caressing it. "R-Right… Uhm, can we… ugh… finish this up…?"

Oh, believe me Gohan-kun. We're far from finished… "Almost done. Just another moment." She remarked, knowing that in order to get what she wanted, she'd need to be bolder. While one hand explored his reddened behind, the other began sensually rubbing its soft, delicate palm in a circular motion over his steely abdomen. Each individual digit grating along each and every contour of muscle that they could in a provocative manner. Adoring the feel of each muscle on its own that her fingers greedily felt up on his wonderfully sculpted abs. "By the way, you never answered my question earlier…"

Right as she said this, the half-alien youth felt her plus sized watermelons press into his arm. Their spongy flesh squishing against his densely muscled limb with literally zero resistance at all. The duo of doughy dumplings dangling from her chest feeling so tender, that he wouldn't doubt his fingers could potentially sink all the way inside if he reached out to grab either succulent mound and then completely disappear!

And they weren't the only part of him he wouldn't mind making disappear inside her marvellous mountains…

Guh… K-Keep a hold of yourself, Gohan… D-Don't let your instincts rule you so… easily…

"If you don't feel like answering, just say so. I'm just curious is all. Wouldn't want to… overstep any boundaries…" Aki giggled with a total lack of innocence, knowing full well she'd crossed some already, but she could tell by his lack of reprisal, and the budding boner she could easily see him trying to hide, that he was secretly enjoying this. Whether he realised it or not. "Is it Azuki-san perhaps? I've heard you two have been butting heads recently, not to mention the little incident that took place during the cavalry. What with one of the transfers exposing her breasts to everyone there, and last I recall, you were right in front of her when that happened… I can't imagine how… excited a sight like that must've made you…"

Gohan gulped at the memory, failing to stop it from coming to the front of his mind again. The image of the spunky tomboy's borderline F-cup boobies bouncing out joyously forever burned into his retinae since it happened. So perky and round, topped with two damp, dusted pink nipples swaying about on their wobbly, wet hills just begging to be fondled and mashed about.

"Or perhaps you have your eyes set more on her rival Garrett? Or maybe even Minaya-san caught your eye?" Aki leaned in again, her warm, hair-raising breath tickling against his ear as her colossal K-cups smushed even further into his arm. "I'd imagine you'd like to test for yourself if Garrett-san's body is truly up to par with Azuki-san's, in your own way." Her hand sunk further down as she whispered, reaching close to his pelvis. "Or possibly, you'd like to see how well your fellow freshman Minaya-san stacks up, with her more… petite… tight body… as opposed to the other girls…?"

Gohan tried to keep his mind blank of any imagery, but found his resolve crumbling almost immediately, as Aki called him on what he'd been thinking earlier as though she could read his mind. His blasted imagination, under his instincts influence running wild once more, as the aforementioned duo flashed through his thoughts. Both in their uniforms at first, faces flushed red as he imagined them in multiple compromising positions either bent over or on the ground, always with either girl's panties showing, before it transitioned into what he imagined either of them looked like naked in similar lewd positions. The older bluenette with curves to measure up to Azuki's, like her perky, pale E-cup boobies with sweet, pinkish cherries for nipples on top as they wobbled and swayed for his mind's pleasure begging to be groped furiously and a firm, round ass like the red-head's that you could grab fistfuls of for hours. Then the younger pinkette with a frame near identical to Himegami's, with small, almost flat breasts and small, pinkish buds he could twist and grind down with his hands or teeth and a pert, tight butt that was looking for a hard spanking.

The demi-Saiyan's face scrunched up as his dick rose to attention, its size reaching full mast once again, hardening like steel as it became fully erect. Practically ten solid inches of raw fuckmeat once again raring to go, pulling a mist over the boy's mind as it had done plenty of times before, where all he could think of were lewd thoughts to keep his arousal alive and growing intensely by the minute. All of which involved having his way with any one of the three aforementioned lasses.

And Aki could see it all on him. The struggle to keep a hold of himself as his rationality quickly began slipping. The same feral look he'd had before in his eyes while dominating Tomiko slowly emerging in his dark, murky pools. And that was to say nothing of course of his now fully erect cock jutting out from his hands still attempting to hide it proudly, a sight that only made her mouth water as she thought of what it was capable of. What he was capable of, when in the proper mood.

Never before had Aki been as bold with her language and actions as she was being now. She honestly sounded more like her friends Minori and Tomiko especially with how she was dealing with this. But then she knew just how affective such language and the actions she was taking now were, after seeing how successful they'd been for Tomiko, even if they weren't normally her kind of thing to say. Or at least in her mind anyway. With how all the boys reacted to her on a daily basis, she couldn't be quite sure how her words and actions actually came across to the opposite sex usually.

Regardless, she could see it was working on him. She could tell she was getting closer to getting him to cut loose. All she needed to do now, was give him a few more pushes in the right direction.

Her lips getting close enough to where she could've bit on his ear if she wanted to, Aki whispered yet more damning words into the young teen's ear. Her hot breath making a shiver run up and down his spine. "Or is it me that you have your sights set on now…?"


Aki lightly patted his beat-red butt-cheek while pressing her womanly assets just that little bit more into his arm for emphasis. She would've been extra cheeky and either pinched or smacked his ass, but even as horny as she was, she by no means liked to see him wince in pain like her sadomasochistic pal did. "You know, I may not be the sharpest when it comes to these things, but don't think I've forgotten the way you looked at me back when we were at the hot springs. You looked to be quite… enamoured with what you saw."

"A-Aki-sensei!... I… Umm…" Gohan's brain blanked on him as his head turned almost on its own accord down to her marshmellowy mambas, which he found his arm now cosily embraced in. Yet again, the image of the jaw-droppingly gorgeous nurse in that skimpy one-piece from his 'initiation day' of sorts into the Maken-Ki club. Those two mouth-wateringly massive fruits of femininity hardly even held in by that pitiful excuse for a bikini top, jiggling about with but the tiniest of movements. Their pointy nipples jutting out through the slim fabric held over them, threatening to slip out at any moment, and all but pleading with anyone to grab and fondle their tasty tit-flesh to their heart's content. "A-Are we… you, uhh…"

"Am I what, Gohan-kun?" Aki asked seductively, seeing the small bit of drool coming out of his mouth as he ogled her clothed tits. "Speak up, now. Don't be shy…"

Gohan swallowed hard on a huge knot in his throat, as he struggled within himself. Even to him, it was blatantly clear now that Aki was flirting with him at the very least, and more than likely to him now was also trying to coax out his more bestial side. Something which she was succeeding in doing quite casually. "A-Are you… eheh… done examining me yet?"

"Hmm…" Aki's sublime features seemed to gain a ponderous expression for an instant, before it morphed into one of overwhelming, amorous desire. "You know, now that I think about it…" Her hand behind him steadily travelled up from his rear, dragging each finger and nail up his back with an unmistakable, concupiscent air, drawing another small shiver from the boy, as her delicate hand reached the back of his head. "I'd say I've only scratched the surface with you."

The youth's brow furrowed, both in caution and alarm, as her words panged deep inside him, drawing a venomous twitch from his penis as his arousal shot up. And yet still, he tried to fight it in vain, as it clawed its way around him once more. Demanding he listen and give in now, perhaps more than it ever had before. "O-Only scratched the surface…? B-But you-"

Gohan never finished that sentence. A pair of the softest, most inviting lips he'd ever felt pressed into his at that moment. He hadn't even noticed the blue-haired vixen lean in, as she captured his lips tenderly. There was no proper force or serious aggression behind it like there'd been with Minori, or the skilful defiance and slippery technique that Tomiko had had. It honest to god felt like the warm, embracing kiss of a pure maiden, lacking any kind of experience or flare to it, but having its own kind uniqueness to it, that kept him utterly spellbound and rooted in place.

It didn't last long. Barely any more than a few seconds. To Gohan though, as the cerulean-haired woman – no, goddess – pulled back, he felt as though she'd ensnared him in that chaste kiss for several minutes.

"Gohan-kun…" Her eyelashes batted alluringly at him, as her needy, light-brown eyes stared directly into his enraptured coal-black pools. The former's seeming to shimmer in the reflection of the latter with an irrepressibly strong yearning for him, as her knees started rubbing against themselves again. Juices leaking freely down her shuddering thighs, as her breath became more laboured with wanton lust. "You have no idea… how much I want you right now…" She bit her lip, almost as if it pained her with how much she wanted. "I don't think… I can hold myself back anymore…"

"O-Oh…" Was about the most intelligent reply Gohan could muster to such a proclamation. His hands subconsciously shifting away from his now throbbing tower of man-meat and hung by his sides, as her hand dipped down further, until her fingers finally touched against his hard, tensile shaft. Each digit tracing back and forth along his mighty steed, rubbing along the meaty girth with a sort of teasing edge. The cool sensation of each finger grating over the phallus still sensitive after running through two strong women that same day only serving to rile it up more. "Ohh…"

Gohan would've thought to ask Dende for some strength here, of the mental variety, but had a feeling that the small, green Namekian still wasn't listening, and likely wouldn't be of help still anyway even if he was.

"I've been… holding myself back since I watched you pound Tomiko senseless… Just waiting for the right moment to… get you all to myself… And I think I've beaten around the bush enough…"

With that said, the woman took a step back out in front of him, pulling her hand away from his twitching rod and grabbed the sides of her long, white lab coat with both hands, before pulling her arms back and letting them slide through the coat as it fell and crumpled to the floor behind her heels. This left her in her rather revealing, strapless pink top openly laced down the middle, exposing her hefty K-cup cleavage. With the way it hung on her, it was nothing short of a miracle it even managed to stay on at all. He could even make out her erect nipples forming sizeable tents as they jabbed out of the top's fabric, indicating that she wasn't even wearing a bra…

Then again, he had a feeling there was no bra on the planet that could properly house the ludicrously large WMDs that her top was somehow clinging to.

"Tell me, Gohan-kun…" Aki prompted, as her hands fell to her pencil-thin, dark skirt. The sound of it being unzipped from the right side hit his ears, just as the tiny miniskirt fell to the ground as well, pooling by her feet. The half-breed's eyes snapped down as it did, taking in the drop-dead sexy maiden's long, curvaceous legs that seemed to run on forever. His eyes only then taking note of how the inner portion of her eye-catching pillars of womanly delight glistened with numerous trails of liquid running down along her thicc, creamy thighs. Sufficed to say, his eyes went wide when he reached her emerald green panties, the only thing left covering her nether region, and saw just how utterly soaked they actually were. It literally looked like she'd soiled herself bad with how drenched they were right now!

"T-Tell you what…?" The teen managed to get out, as he felt his heart start to pound harder and swifter in his chest, his increasingly horny mind whirring at almost the speed of light as he witnessed her reach up with both hands to the middle of her open, strapless top. It was only just then that he noticed the index fingers and thumbs hooking around two strings from the top that were tied together around the underside of her enormous dairy pillows. His manhood almost spasming at this point as veins started to appear around it. His horny mind realizing what was about to happen just before it did.

"Do you… want me…?" The sexual desire of all the collective males at Tenbi asked him hotly. And no sooner had those words been uttered, did Aki grip and pull on the precariously tied strings. The two strings knotted together easily came unwound, and what little held the top up was undone.

It was as if time itself slowed to a crawl as that happened, and Gohan watched in slow motion with bated breath, as the revealing top slowly peeled off her voluptuous body. Inch by painstaking inch, until…


The top fell off, dropping almost like an anvil from Gohan's perspective and cluttering to the floor in no time. A healthy, joyous bounce followed suit from the cerulean-haired goddess's chest that reverberated in his ears. The biggest pair of knockers in all of Tenbi finally freed completely before the lucky youth's eyes for the first time, with not even the tiniest piece of clothing to obstruct them. The duo wobbling about profusely with another hefty bounce as she took a small step forward from her pooled clothes, as though they were made purely from the softest, jiggliest jelly in the world. A diamond hard, dusty pink nub jutting out of the centre of each wobbling wonder swaying back and forth, drawing nice, fat lines in the air. The twin peaks nearly twice the size of any other set he'd seen, right in the middle of two puffy areolae, all but demanding his full attention as though failure to do so would be an affront to nature itself. The positively gigantic globes of fat showing a surreal level of perkiness to them, despite either one being noticeably bigger than his head, as even without support they chose to ignore gravity entirely and remain upright as they settled down on her chest. Not even the slightest hint of sag to them.

It was the precise opposite for Gohan, as it felt as though his gaze was gravitationally locked to her planetoid-sized fun bags. They were just so… flawless. No matter how his eyes roved over them, the dynamic duo showed nothing short or pure perfection at every angle, like two rounded tear-drops from heaven itself, they were the ultimate dessert delicacies with the two most sublime, ripe-looking cherries to top them off. They were the pair of boobs that captured the awe and dreams of every man, and plenty of women, in the whole school and beyond.

Topping them off with the rest of her hourglass figure and her unparalleled beauty, and to Gohan it was made more undeniable now than ever that Aki was without doubt the hottest and sexiest woman not just in the school, but perhaps the whole damn world itself. And right now, she appeared to be offering herself right up to him on a silver platter, stark naked save for her thoroughly soiled panties.

Just about every fibre of his being screeched at him as he ogled the bustiest babe he'd ever seen to let out the beast and claim her here and now. Her question itself only just registered in his now thickly clouded mind. It echoed in his head over and over, becoming louder and louder each time until it became literally unbearable. Just as the urge to ravage her beyond any other he'd claimed thus far became untameable.


G-Gohan-kun…? The unimaginably well-endowed medic thought to herself with a hint of concern despite how heated she was, as the boy seemingly groaned in pain. A milky white aura coalescing around his form as his dick began to twitch violently. Numerous large veins in the form of spider-cracks forming all over the frighteningly erect organ, as though it was under ungodly strain.

And then, something finally snapped inside him…

"Hraaaaaagh!" The teen suddenly roared, his aura spiking madly around him as what felt like the entire building shook. The buxom broad, unprepared for the sudden tremor, lost her balance and fell back to the floor on her plump rump, her magnificent melons being set into a ferocious jiggle frenzy as they heftily bounced about from her fall. All as a golden glow began to permeate around the room, nearly forcing her eyes closed with bright it became. Gusts of wind shooting out seemingly from nowhere around the half-breed, blowing away at the curtains and revealing the still unconscious brunette laid out on her own medic bed. Several appliances of the nurse's in the background getting knocked over as the boy's powerful roar echoed throughout the room. Her long cerulean hair blowing back in the wind generated, Aki's light-brown pools bared witness to the boy's muscles everywhere around his chiselled body expand and contract, growing and looking bigger and denser than ever. His once black hair spiking up much more wildly and fiercely than before, as his locks turned a mesmerizing golden colour to match his large aura expanding out several inches from him. His coal black eyes turning a sharp, teal green as they narrowed with unflinching purpose filled with sexual desire.

I… I've seen this before… T-This is the form he took when he fought against that creature Cell… Aki thought to herself, as she marvelled at the now golden-haired, glowing Adonis standing tall and mighty right before her eyes. I-I've only seen this on the recording before… Being this close to him when he's like this… It feels like I'm… in the presence of a god!... Her murky eyes, forced to squint from the wind blasting forth from his transformation, lowered back to his crotch, and she couldn't help it when her mouth fell open at the sight greeting her. A bit of drool of her own leaking down the side of her lips as she saw that the muscles around his body weren't the only things about him that'd gotten larger.

What leered back at her was the enlarged mushroom head of Gohan's penis. His entire manhood having grown in size too, now easily sitting at a full foot long, possibly even higher than that, with a downright monstrous girth that looked thicker than her wrist! Even the spiderweb of veins circulating around the utterly ginormous shaft looked more pronounced than before. His ball sack had also expanded in size as well, with each nut almost being the size of her clenched fist.

His now teal eyes narrowed like slits upon her, and the older bluenette felt the sheer intensity behind it. The entire air around him, even as his glowing aura dissipated, made that of what he'd been during his time with Tomiko for the most part seem like nothing.

He was going to absolutely destroy her. She could feel it. There was no doubt about it. She was walking right into something that would likely have her unable to walk for weeks, potentially months, by the time he was through with her, and she woke up from whatever carnage he was about to bring on her.

Rather than have even a slither of fear at her current, entirely self-made predicament, Aki could only smile with genuine, heated glee, as she managed to get back up to her feet. Her wobbling wonders bouncing and bobbling about as she did with an audible boing. The tremendously sized, Siamese twins not even settled down on her chest as she stood before the downright godly individual that she'd had her sights set on for quite some time now. All but propping herself out to him, as with one line, she sealed her fate.

"Gohan-kun… Show me your true power!..."


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