
From America to Africa to Asia! (July-September, 1911).

Regional problems in the Sino-Russian border]

The 1911 revolution in China was received in a neutral way in the Russian Empire, there was a border trade certainly but for obvious reasons Russia and the Qing Dynasty were not the best friend-neighbors.

Result of Russian intervention and imperialism to annex territories of the imperial dynasty.

In addition, the Russian services certainly had contacts with the revolutionaries, with men like Dr. Sun Yat-sen (one of the heads of the revolutionary movement). But it is not as if Russia was leading the strings of the Chinese revolution (which was extremely chaotic at many points).

But the important thing in these matters is that a revolution of these characteristics (a violent revolution destined to change the socio-political order of a country) has many consequences for neighboring countries.

Especially when neighboring countries have a land border with the country undergoing a revolution.

We talk about crime, violence and border insecurity, population displacements and refugees, reaching the Russian state. With a Qing dynasty unable to bring order to its own country, the St. Petersburg-Moscow government had to take care of this.

* Drug trade.

There are estimates and research indicating that between the 1910s and 1930s, a WIDE portion of the Chinese population was addicted to certain drugs, especially opium.

We talked about how up to 10% of the Chinese population could have problems with opium (and if it was not 10%, it was still a huge problem for China, one of the three most populous countries-regions in the world).

During its integration of conquered territories, Russia had inherited part of this problem and applied a policy of zero tolerance to the trade of opium (and some other drugs).

During this period of the 1911 revolution and the Second Duma, the drug trade in China remained a troublesome and growing issue. Many officers and criminals would use it to enrich themselves for various reasons, and obviously due to the proximity between countries-markets, Russia was again affected by the drug business in China.

In this context, the Russian government of Tsar Alexander III and the Second Duma led by Premier Mikhail Skobelev devised a formal code to actually deal with the drug business on the Sino-Russian border and other parts of the Russian Empire.

Rehabilitation for the addict, punishment for the dealers.

Transporting or selling illegal drugs in the Russian Empire (we are talking about opium and other drugs not accepted by the regulated medicine in the empire), could mean 15 to 20 years in prison (with forced labor) or even the death penalty.

Tough measures, but which turned out to be effective at the time of cutting and reducing drug-related crimes in the eastern parts of the Russian Empire, preventing part of the instability of the Chinese situation from seeping into the Russian Empire.

Future governments would maintain the Alexandrian and Skobelev Premiership policy to deal with drugs, which is why the Russian state was one of the countries with the most severe laws in this regard.

* Violence and banditry (Hunghuzs / Honghuzi).

The Russians called them Hunghuzs or Khunkhuzy, although other foreigners generally used the term 'Honghuzi' (紅 鬍子, which can be translated to Red Beards).

By this we mean bandits that plagued northern China between the Sino-Russian border. Carrying out attacks and looting actions in the aforementioned territories.

These bandits already existed for some time, they were former soldiers and unemployed who resorted to crime and also fought alongside the Boxers against the intervention of the allied nations against the Qing dynasty.

The Russian pacification and integration of certain territories (Inner Manchuria in particular) meant the elimination of the majority of the Hunghuzs on the Russian border (by peaceful or violent means).

But with the 1911 revolution and the economic-political crisis, crime on the Chinese side re-emerged strongly, which was a danger to the border positions of the Russian Empire.

The Hunghuzs attacked innocent civilians, Cossacks, and Russian officers by day or by night.

So in response, the Russian government would establish the additional fortification of certain positions on the Sino-Russian border to deal with the Hunghuzs and would also re-apply the military corps to strictly deal with bandits and other attacks in rural areas.

Military corps were assigned to suppress bandits, and a much more active border defense against crime was a better response.

While this helped prevent crime from entering, we cannot assure you that it decreased it since the nests of criminals were formed especially within Chinese territory and not Russian territory.

* Displaced persons and refugees.

Another advantage of the border control measures was to control the flow of Chinese immigration to Russia, we are talking about displaced people and refugees who escaped from the 1911 revolution and the fall in the order of the Qing dynasty.

Criminals were not wanted to enter, but it was not wrong to let innocent people in (peasants and officials of the Qing dynasty).

With these the government of Tsar Alexander III had more lax policies, even these could be useful for the Russian Empire and its objectives in certain regions.

An example is the Manchu ethnic population from other parts of China who were coming to Russia with the fall of the Qing dynasty, the Russian Empire could use them as part of the "Manchu cultural renaissance" and continue to divide-conquer the annexed regions.

Those Han and other ethnic groups, on the other hand, could become more labor, trained personnel (through training and education or if they were already intellectual-officers) and population for the Russian Empire (the population of Han workers in the Russian European and similar).

The Qing dynasty had already been in decline for decades, but the 1911 revolution was extremely chaotic (military rebellions, criminality, and changing sides of officers, with a revolutionary side not always in control of all things).

What caused some of the human displacements to the more stable regions, as was obviously the Russian Empire.



With the new policies of the Russian Empire to deal with border problems (particularly in this case, bandits) Wan Fulin and Ma Zhanshan were appointed as Provincial Bandit Suppression Commanders.

Which is actually similar to a brigade commander, destined for the patrolling and suppression of criminals (rather than bandits, but those were the main objective of the pair's patrolling).

"These guys are seriously a nuisance." Wan Fulin mentions, gathering together with the brigade the human and material remains of another attack. A small group but brave enough to attack military troops.

"Yes. Some have tried to attack nearby railroads ... but you know, I have an idea." Ma Zhanshan exclaims.

"You? Ideas?" Wan Fulin asks.

"Don't sound so surprised!" Ma Zhanshan responds promptly. "Yes, you see some bandits have actually tried to offer me bribes, in exchange for us leaving them alone or turning a blind eye." Ma Zhanshan admits, something the officer had not indicated until now.

"That?!". Wan Fulin exclaims in surprise.

"Hey let me explain first, I have a plan. We take the bribe and then we stab the bandits in the back." Ma Zhanshan explains his strange plan.

"... Why would we take the bribe in the first place?" Wan Fulin responds, open to the idea but still doubtful.

"We can use the resources to our advantage, more evidence or maybe just something to take to our superiors." Ma Zhanshan indicates.

Wan Fulin and Ma Zhanshan's pair successfully carried out some similar operations (hoaxes and ambushes of criminals), although of course these kinds of strategies cannot work forever.

The standard method was to capture or murder (the results of violent conflicts) bandits and other criminals.

Occasionally some could be turned into an asset to the Russian state as sabotage squads, but there were always some suspicions about them.

1911 onwards marked the rise of certain Manchurian officers from the territories annexed to China by the Russian Empire.


[Russosphere: Persia in the scheme of things]

Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar, Shah of Persia, conducts certain secret deals and protocols with the Russian Empire under Tsar Alexander III and Premier Mikhail Skobelev.

Now that the Imperial Federation was busy in the Americas and other matters, Persia and Russia would initiate a plan to once again damage British interests.

Through a Russian freight transport company called "Christoforos" (actually a fake company) actually under the KGB, shipments of "mineral water" and other beverages would be distributed in Persia.

We are currently talking about artillery, common weapons and ammunition, intended not only for Persian forces (against a very possible future battle with the British) but also for arming rebels in the British Raj (more specifically in western Muslim areas, such as Punjab).

Fortunately this was kept secret in 1911-1912, Persia was obviously changing its position, tipping the balance in favor of Russia and against the Imperial Federation even more.

Also the Persian government together with the Russian leadership, would prepare certain economic and governmental measures to deal with British assets (economic, political and others) in the country.

This included nationalization, use of secret services (assassinations, purges, or similar), use of military and political force, etc.

More than 100,000 rounds of ammunition and other equipment came into Indian hands through Indian collaborators with the Persians and Russians.

Of course the Indian revolutionary effort did not depend on Russian-Persian support, but it was welcomed by the Indian guerrillas, often surrounded by British positions.


[Bogd Lama]

July 23, the eighth Jebtsundamba Khutuktu (a kind of spiritual head belonging to the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia) also known as Bogd Lama, is received for the first time in Saint Petersburg and Moscow.

The Bodg Lama was accompanied by a clergyman, a peasant and a Mongolian nobleman for certain celebrations and political discussions.

Born Agvaanl Uvsanchoijinyam Danzan Vanchüg, the eighth Jebsundamba Khutuktu or Bogd Lama, he met with the National Congress of the Russian Citizens of the Second Duma, to speak on matters relating especially to Mongolian Buddhists.

And he also meets with other authorities, to continue the cooperation of the Mongol natives with the government located in Moscow.

The Bogd Lama was happy about Mongolia's separation from China and had received some Russian help, but there was still much to discuss.

The Russian government of Tsar Alexander III was willing to give certain liberties in exchange for help, but of course nothing that could rival imperial authority.

Therefore Bogd Lama would not be enthroned as "Bogd Khan" as some proposed, but he did receive princely titles and other benefits.

In return, the Bogd Lama began to seriously help the Russian authorities, who in return could take care of certain troublesome people.

Bogd Lama was aware of many of the local Mongol intrigues and authorities, but did not have the means to deal with them (except for punishments for crimes such as blasphemy according to Mongolian Buddhist doctrine).

So his alliance with the Russian authorities was beneficial, they both eliminated troublesome issues and got the means to do so with impunity (the Russians through one of the heads of Buddhism in Mongolia and the Bogd Lama through the Russian government).

In secret also Bogd Lama and the Russians would plan a solution to separate Inner Mongolia from China in the event of a war between China and the Russian Empire.

Among other issues, thanks to this alliance the Russian army in Mongolia grew considerably in number, influence and relations with the local Mongols. In particular one of these prominent Russian military men would be Roman Fyodorovich von Ungern-Sternberg, for whom Bogd Lama had a certain preference.

Ungern-Sternberg served under Grigory Semyonov during his stays in Mongolia, but this is a matter for later.


[Macchu Picchu]

On July 24 one of the greatest re-discoveries of the century takes place, in the middle of the war in Peru it is obvious that not many British or Americans are dedicated to archeology.

But if there were Russian teams in the country (which was falling into guerillas and the liberal advance supported by the Imperial Federation, Chile and Germany), part of the archaeological efforts of the Russian Empire.

In this context, thanks to local help, the international scientific community re-discovered the city of Machu Picchu or mɑtchu ˈpiktchu (old mountain, pronounced in Quechua).

There is evidence that the site had already been visited recently, but this information had never seriously reached the international scientific community (which was mostly European-North American).

The city was never really 'lost', so it's not a proper discovery. But it is in 1911 onwards when the importance of the ruins is recognized.

Soon the ruins were cleaned (as far as possible) and many objects taken from Peru towards the huge collection of Tsar Alexander III and some other sites in Europe (archaeological collaboration).

Something that certainly did not make Peru happy decades later (in more modern times).

It should be said that part of Machu Picchu was damaged during the New Great War, especially after 1912, due to the conflicts in Latin America and Peru. But today the restoration efforts of the Peruvian government and the international community continue.

The history of Russia and the archeology of the pre-Columbian Native American culture is interesting, not only because of studies of the natives of Alyáska, but also because of thins like re-discovering Machu Picchu and for example the work of Yuri Knórozov in Mayan culture.



August 27, is considered the day of the founding of the Professional Football Club CSKA (ЦСКА) or CSKA Moscow, also called Central Sports Club of the Army. Although of course, it was not the CSKA in 1911.

Dinamo Moscow was already something strange being a sports team for the intelligence services and associates. CSKA was also something very strange.

It arose as a result of the Amateur Society of Skiing Sports (OLLS Moscow) or society of skiing lovers, forming a soccer club and three other sports teams.

Soon after, amid the militant reform of Mikhail Skobelev (Premier and Minister of War), the OLLS joined the Experimental & Demonstrational Playground of Military Education Association (OPPV).

A military sports society.

So from being something mostly bourgeois, the OLLS / OPPV becomes something much more related to the Russian army and the militarism of Russian imperial society.

The OLLS-OPPV sports club, which would later give rise to CSKA Moscow, is another strange but successful case of sports in the Russian Empire.

Bourgeois or common elements such as sport now also had a patriotic component strongly associated with the Russian state (its armed forces and its intelligence services ...).

The OLLS-OPPV won several matches, competing with the Dynamo and other national teams for years to come. Resulting in some fame and growth throughout the decades, until the formation of the CSKA proper in the 60s.



July 1, the Imperial Parliament and local parliaments of the Imperial Federation have an important vote, officially establishing compulsory military service (with some modifications) in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.

Eduard Sachau, German linguist and archaeologist, completes the transcription and translation of ancient Aramaic papyri (Hebrew and Aramaic papyri, the discovery of which has only become more 'frequent' since 1960).

July 2, Gran Colombia completes its conquest of Ecuador, an operation carried out by General Juan Vicente Gómez Chacón, who aims to be the next president of Gran Colombia.

It should be said that General Juan Vicente Gómez Chacón was important in geo-political developments during the presidency of Rafael Uribe Uribe.

Juan Vicente Gomez dethroned Cipriano Castro from the prominence of politics, which would lead to turns in the great Colombian foreign policy and therefore the Latin American wars with the breakdown of relations between Gran Colombia and Germany.

The United States government under William J. Bryan seeks to reopen diplomatic talks with Mexico to stop spending resources in the region (which could go to war against the Imperial Federation and Germany).

But for the deaths of innocent Americans in border attacks against the United States, the United States government is asking for at least $ 250,000 in reparations ...

July 3, the Anglo-German navy successfully achieved a major attack against Peru, managing to destabilize Lima and the government of the Peruvian Democratic Party.

The Imperial Federation and the German Empire fight the following days to re-establish a government favorable to the Chilean-Anglo-German bloc (more importantly, a government more favorable to British companies).

This of course leads to breaking the small peace that existed in Peru for a brief time, with the civil war between parties (liberal and democratic), foreign interests and local / Native American tribes.

July 5, the heat wave ends in North America.

More than 500 deaths are attributed to the 1911 heat wave (which set records that lasted several decades), 115 deaths occurred in Chicago, United States, in a space of only two days.

July 6, the Imperial Federation, the German Empire and Peru successfully recover Lima and the center (of power) of Peru, which makes the democratic government of Nicolás de Piérola "the Caliph" begin to regress.

The United States Navy and the Argentine Navy cannot compete much with the Navy of the Imperial Federation combined with the German Navy.

Fortunately fighting in the interiors of Latin America is difficult for any invader (product of mountains, jungles and angry natives, among many other things).

July 7, the protection of North Pacific sea lions (associated with Russian, Japanese, American and British efforts) causes the population of sea lions to increase by 30% in the next six years.

July 10, Chile begins to recover from some defeats at the hands of Argentina with British military and economic support.

Between July 10 and 12, after the conquest of Ecuador, Gran Colombia begins to try to support Peru against the Anglo-German troops and the Chilean bloc.

Logistics are difficult for both sides, but after the loss of Lima the Democratic government of Peru falters (after all they came to power thanks to a coup in that city).

Northern Peru begins to be retaken by the Liberals, leading to the capture of many Colombian soldiers.

July 15, Anglo-German movements in the Atlantic lead them to become somewhat more aggressive, finally a vote in the Imperial Parliament leads them to accept an unrestricted maritime war against the United States and other countries in the New Great War.

In theory only against the Washington and Buenos Aires bloc, but obviously like the German Empire before, it leads them to certain diplomatic problems with other countries.

July 17, the Anglo-German bloc secretly signs more treaties with the Chinese revolutionaries, which supports the military like Yuan Shikai (who has several allies in the military) to lean on the revolutionary side against the QIng dynasty.

Which will be more important in the coming months.

July 18, in the New Great War, Persia (the Qajar dynasty) leans towards the Russian Empire, which supposes a weakening of the British influence in the south of the country.

July 20, several ports such as Cap-Haïtien de La Hispaniola, territory of the United States (colony but with another name) are successfully captured by Anglo-German troops and allies.

As a result of this, a group of rebels and enemy troops march towards Port-au-Prince, capital of the Hispaniola territory.

Socio-economic and political problems in the German Empire continue to generate severe problems in the country ...

July 24-28, the United States Navy suffers a major defeat in the Caribbean against the Imperial Federation, marking an important victory in Hispaniola.

The Haitian region of the territory falls under Anglo-German control, while the Dominican half remains 'loyal', although this would not be very precise about the situation.

The truth is that Hispaniola is in chaos, with food problems and generalized civil violence.

July 26, Dusé Mohamed Ali, a Sudanese-Egyptian activist holds a Congress of Universal Races in Cairo, the first of its kind.

An incredible effort against racism in the racist Second French Empire, which tried to overthrow the congress, but could not face the contradictions of the French caste system.

Several of the Egyptian-Sudanese collaborators supported this and succeeded in moving Dusé Mohamed Ali's project forward. Which of course does not make Charles Maurras very happy ...

July 29, the American counter-offensive against Canada just missed.

But it is obvious that Canada, much less populated and with a much smaller regional economy, could not withstand constant assaults from its southern neighbor for long.

Due to this, the rest of the Imperial Federation (especially the Home Islands) and Germany (to a certain extent, they are already very weakened) begins to mobilize aid to Canada to prevent it from falling into American hands.

For the United States, attacking western Canada (near the Russian Alyáska) could be successful, but we are talking about a sparsely populated area with difficult access, which does not imply the surrender of Canada.

Attacking the east would be quicker to end the war, but it is also more difficult.

August 2, various imperial authorities of the Qing dynasty begin to flee the country due to the increasing defeats of the imperial government against the Chinese revolution of 1911.

Many Manchu officers would join Russia, others non-Manchu scattered throughout the Chinese diaspora.

August 4, after the Russo-Japanese war, for the first time several admirals of the Imperial Japanese Navy are received in the Russian Empire, to carry out some important diplomatic meetings in the continuous normalization of relations between both countries.

The Russian Empire from this gives some support to the Imperial Japanese Navy in secret, we talk that Japan was going through enormous political, social and economic instability.

This gave some help to the imperial navy of Japan, it was not enough for all the chaos that was happening in the country of course. But he supposed that the IJN and the Russian Empire could agree on certain situations ...

August 5, great defeats for Gran Colombia and Democratic Peru on the Peruvian front of the New Great War.

With Ecuador conquered, some propose that Gran Colombia should seek a separate peace with the Imperial Federation and return to neutrality.

After all, now Gran Colombia has a lot to lose and little to gain.

August 9, in the middle of the Great War, a diplomatic crisis broke out between the Second French Empire, the German Empire and the Imperial Federation. When the German ship Panther joined the British ship Silver, they joined the French ship Emir.

This occurs near the French Morocco and the Strait of Gibraltar (in the hands of the Imperial Federation).

Needless to say, the Second French Empire and the Imperial Federation hate each other, and this actually makes the perfect pretext for war.

August 12, this day finally the Second French Empire and the Imperial Federation declare war, opening fronts on the African continent for the New Great War.

Of course, sadly this only helps to be a distraction. The United States and Latin American countries do not have any military, political or diplomatic coordination with the Second French Empire.

Which means that a new 'partner' does not really mean any victory. The French army in Africa is good, but its navy is ... rubbish.

August 15, German Togoland is the first territory in the line of fire when the Second French Empire joins the New Great War, practically separated from the huge British colonial empire and the German colonies.

In a few weeks it falls in front of French troops, although in reality this is not a great victory ... it is only Togoland, insignificant in the great schemes of the war.

August 17, general strikes throughout the industrial world, especially in Germany, the Imperial Federation and the United States. We speak especially of strikes within railway workers (and associated with them).

August 19, the Ecuadorian part of the federal system of Gran Colombia is created, composed of a local congress with collaborators for the Colombian government.

August 24, the 1911 revolution marches on most of central China, before this it is clear the end of the Manchu dynasty against the revolutionaries.

Yuan Shikai begins to convince members of the imperial court to cause the abdication of the emperor, the young Puyi.

This for certain promises of the revolutionary groups to Yuan Shikai, associated with leadership positions.

August 26, the battleship ARA Rivadavia, the largest ship in the Argentine navy, is launched.

Despite this important event, the Argentine Navy is not at its best, the Imperial Navy (Royal Navy) is severely turning the balance of war. Previously in favor of the Argentine side.

August 28, after the problems in the Caribbean, certain American positions manage to hold on despite British coastal attacks.

With this we talk about Panama and some of the small nearby islands, such as Flamenco, Culebra, Naos and Perico.

August 29, the last of the members of the Yahi tribe, Native Americans from the United States, is discovered hiding in a corral in Oroville (California).

A native who introduces himself by the name "Ishi" (although by custom, it is a name only used with foreigners, Ishi's real name would never be known).

Relatives and other members of the tribe have been killed, or have only disappeared over time.

Ishi was the last to be found, the last speaker of the Yana language, A sad story. Ishi spent the rest of his years as a guest of Professor Alfred Kroeber, curator of the Museum of Anthropology in San Francisco.

Death of Asaf Jah VI Sir Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Siddiqi Bayafandi, the richest native prince of the British Raj.

August 30, William J. Bryan finally achieves the creation of 'peace'

(among many quotes) on the Mexican issue, I acknowledge Victoriano Huerta's United Mexican States as independent.

This of course does not currently satisfy any Mexican, the Mexican Revolutionary Council and the majority of Mexicans do not want a Mexico arbitrarily divided by action of the United States. While Huerta wants more pieces of Mexico.

But due to the situation of the war (the stagnation of military fronts, logistical problems and problems of the extended war), there is not much that the Mexicans can do to stop the American decision.

September 2, Emperor Xuantong (Puyi) abdicated, forced by the 1911 revolution and the resignation of the regency over the young emperor due to the situation facing the Qing dynasty.

This brings the millennial monarchy in China to an end, with the proclamation of the Republic of China by the provisional government, led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Yuan Shikai would soon move his pieces, he wanted the position of president after having helped Puyi's abdication (and very importantly, Yuan Shikai had the advantage of an army loyal to him, not to the republic).

September 3, more than 900,000 Germans protest against the German government and the New Great War, led by the socialist Karl Liebknecht.

September 5, flood in the Yangtze (Republic of China) causes the drowning of 100,000 to 200,000 people, and 100,000 people who die from famines associated with the flood.

September 7, 5,000 US troops are defeated by 12,000 Canadian-Imperial troops on the Canada-New England border.

September 11, Sun Yat-sen fulfills the promises made to Yuan Shikai after the abdication of the Manchu monarchy, making Yuan Shikai president of the ROC. He voluntarily giving up power.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen is credited with financing the revolutions and maintaining the revolutionary spirit, leading a successful merger of minor revolutionary groups into a single larger party (which provided a better basis for all those who shared the same ideals). ).

On January 1, 1912, Sun Yat-sen and the original national assembly still had some influence, enough to establish the new Chinese republican calendar. But Yuan Shikai had the power to lead the new foreign policy and other events (within the military and the like) ...

September 14, 400 American citizens of Mexican-Hispanic origin are attacked in Texas (United States).

September 19, military exercises begin in Iberia and the People's Republic of France.

September 20, Yuan Shikai receives the support of the Imperial Federation as the new leader of China, and before this without a doubt the Republic of China leans towards the Anglo-German axis.

Effectively joining the New Great War in exchange for Anglo-German loans to China (over £ 10 million) and other goals.

Yuan Shikai aimed to take back the island of Hainan, in the hands of the Second French Empire (which was now in the New Great War against the Anglo-German side).

On the other hand Germany and the Imperial Federation now did not have to fear an enemy Chinese, and could send Chinese cannon fodder against their enemies.

September 23, Argentina launches the battleship ARA Moreno, brother of the ARA Rivadavia.

September 28, various anti-war and resistance movements begin in parts of the Imperial Federation (Ireland) and Germany (the Netherlands, Alsace-Lorraine and Flanders in particular).


[Imperial perspective]

"... I could expect the entry of China and the Second French Empire into the war, I didn't expect it to be so fast." Alexander III mentions, a bit disgusted.

"We don't have to support the Second French Empire, we should probably just let them fight alone for now. Inevitably, they will die of their own weight." Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov, the Emperor's heir, argues.

"True, but it is disgusting to think that we will be on the same side as the Boulangerists of North Africa." Alexander III exclaims.

"The troublesome thing is that we couldn't do anything to stop Yuan Shikai from taking power." Nicholas shifts the conversation to China.

"You think so? Yuan Shikai seems positive to us ... to some extent of course ... If he cannot create a stable government, China will fall into a period of warlords." Alexander III responds to his son's comment.

"Right, that would allow us to get our claws into various northern provinces." Nicholas admits. "But I want to say that now we have to adapt our plans for a ground war on various fronts, Germany, Sweden and Norway in Europe and China in Asia." The heir insist.

"Problem with that?". Alexander III asks curiously.

"No, me and Skobelev will take care of that. We have the means, it just takes more work." Nicholas calmly mentions promptly. "Perhaps it is time to initiate plans to put Japan on our side in the next war."

"I don't think Japan has the economy to support all of this." Alexander III insists.

"And? China doesn't have the economy either." Nicholas Alexandrovich exclaims with some indifference.

"Yes ... I take all this with humor. Within what is possible in how horrible this new great war is." Alexander III admits with certain concerns within his morals.

After a few moments more of talk, the Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov left the room with the bruocratic work done inside the room of the sick Tsar Alexander III.

"A team of state bodyguards managed to save the life of Pyotr Stolypin, former Premier of the Russian Empire. Attacker: Dmitry Grigoriyevich Bogrov".

The Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich read. It was positive, the loss of a politician like Stolypin would be a loss, he was a very good interior minister.

The anarchist Bogrov was promptly assassinated shortly after the assassination attempt, with little investigation. Normal in the response of the Russian Empire for these types of people.
