
No Other Reason

Atticus hadn't forgotten Dell; he couldn't even if he tried. But Dell had been basically a blip in his past that Atticus hadn't deemed it necessary to place any sort of importance on him.

If not because of the fact that he always remembered everything, he would have probably forgotten his name.

The same would've been for Lila, were she not attending the same class as him.

There was no passing thought for Dell; Atticus didn't even need to think about what the boy would gain from doing all of this to him.

From everything he had seen 7 years ago, the boy was proud, arrogant, vindictive, spiteful, and callous.

He would do something like this.

Atticus took in a deep shuddering breath as that name resounded in his head.

The time was just a few minutes after 12, and the class had basically just started.

