
The Legend of Wendonia Episode 4

Hot Shot vs Zae Continues, The Battles Epic Conclusion

"Man he's too tough everything I throw just bounces right off of him" Zae Says Tired. "They've been fighting for 10 Straight minutes it really isn't that serious" Pure said "What can I say, get ready to die behind this *Pub* Shit" Spec Said. "Damn it man I might have to use it" Zae said "Use what" Hot shot said. "You mean to tell me you've been holding back this entire time". "Hell Yeah, Didn't think I'd need to pull out everything I had to beat you, but here it goes" Zae says. Suddenly his Magic Energy Spikes. Pure and Spec are both shocked "Damn it NO!" "Zae why are you using that Technique it's only for 15 Gold Coins" Spec Yelled. "What Technique are you referring to exactly" Pure Said concerned. "This technique might lower my life expectancy but hey, 15 Gold coins ain't anything to scoff at" Zae yelled "Demon Katana Magic: Death Slash!" Zae Said Speed Blitzing Hot Shot. "Damn you" Hot Shot Said. "I'll Make sure this Attack Destroys your soul" Zae said. "!" "Looks like I gotta use my secret technique too" Hot Shot said. The Milisecond Before zae landed his attack, Hot Shot used his "Paladin Magic: CLOWN CARD!" Hot Shots Sheild Grows Radiading Magic Energy manifestating his sheild in a rectangular sheild that has a clown in the middle Hot Shot and Zae Hit each other with their their attacks Hot Shot Gets Slashed Vertically on his upper body, completely Slicing his chest. Zae gets hit with the clown card, getting sent flying 15 yards. Both are down for the count. "ZAE" Pure and Spec yell. Pure Goes to heal the critically injured Hot Shot and Spec goes to Pick up Zae. "I told you it wasn't that serious"- Spec Said

Zae wakes up in a hospital bed. "Ugh What happened I fell like shit" The doctor comes in. "Zae you have a Few Broken ribs and Hot shot you need stiches from your cut wounds the hospital bills will be adding up to about 15 Gold coins". "Are you serious" Zae Said.
