
The unexpected hero

The crowd was tense, the tension almost unbearable. With the fans holding their breath, a collective hush fell upon the stadium. 

In this hushed silence, the collective gasp of the players on the field could audibly be heard. The exchanges, the players exchanged, the struggle inside the box, and the crisp sound of the boot against the grass, reverberated around the pitch. 

On the sideline, Hiro and the others watched the unfolding scene with growing anxiety. Nanami and Guardiola were both on their toes, their brows knitted. 

Inside the field, the English players, equally desperate, swarmed around the Japanese box with determination written on their faces.

Trent standing before the ball, exhaled deeply before looking at the ball. Slowly, he averted his gaze from the ball and swept his gaze through the swarm of people before him. 

He scanned the box. 
