
Superstar Keeper

Despite being on the pitch simultaneously, Hiro and Tominaga trained separately.

Slowly the sky opened up as the sun illuminated the entire sky. The morning sun cast long shadows on the ground, while the crisp air carried the sound of their efforts. 

Yet still, they refused to talk. 

As the minutes ticked by, more players began to trickle onto the field. However, the absence of the coach led to a relaxed atmosphere.

Some players chatted idly, others stretched lazily, and a few even lounged on the grass, enjoying the rare moment of respite.

"He's here," Naoto said, pointing toward the entrance.

All eyes turned to see Coach Hiroshi Nanami making his way across the field.

He cut an impressive figure with his lean, athletic build and slightly disheveled salt-and-pepper hair. His sharp, penetrating eyes seemed to see right through everyone, assessing and evaluating with every glance.
