
Qualifier finals III

Some days ago, Hiro had already warned Akutsu about the nature of Park Seung-gyu. However at that time he hadn't thought much about Hiro's warning.

Thus he had ignored his warning thinking that he was only worrying needlessly.

Not only back then, even today before the start of the match, Hiro had reminded him to be wary of Park Seung-gyu.

And just like back then he had once again turned deaf ear to Hiro's reminder. But now upon witnessing the craftiness of Park Seung-gyu first-hand, he felt a bit regretful that he didn't listen to Hiro sooner.

While the referee may have failed to notice the collision because of the obstruction, Akutsu who had remained in the backline had clearly seen the sneaky move made by Park Seung-gyu.

With every passing seconds Park Seung-gyu was getting closer to the penalty box. And not only Hiro but also the coaches had strictly warned the players from letting Park Seung-gyu inside the box.
