

After about 15 minutes of watching Hades being tortured by the birds Diana said, "Enough, it is not as pleasing as it would be if it were me causing his pain. Trying to kill my sisters and my mother I thought it would be more rewarding hearing him cry out like this." 

  We walk through the puddle of blood surrounding the rock and knock away the vultures causing them to fly away, but they still stayed close hoping for their meal to still be there after the trespassers leave. 

  Hades, "Did Faust send you? Did he decide the vultures weren't enough?" 

  Diana, "They aren't enough for a monster like you. You tried to take everything I love in the world from me and succeeded in getting my sister banned from being with our mother. Their pain is much worse than this paltry bit you feel." 

  After saying that Diana jumped up and with her sword, she severed the chains holding Hades, their glow fading when she destroyed them. 

  Hades fell to the ground after Dian released him. Kneeling in a puddle of his own blood he looked worn and disheveled. But as he stood, I could see him taking deep breaths as if breathing in the power from the land and air. He reached down and tore the cuffs from his wrists now that Diana broke their enchantment, and I watched the wounds they left behind heal in moments. 

  Ignoring me he looked to Diana and said, "It appears I am in your debt, my child." 

  Diana, "Thank the Gods that commanded me to come here Hades, if it were my choice, I would have brought someone that could have taken over the underworld and run it much better than you. Leaving you to watch as you are turned into vulture shit one bite at a time. I imagen that if Faust had continued the cycle, then the Gods also would have left you to your fate. 

  Logan, "Guess you're lucky the bookworm doesn't care what happens to this place." 

  Hades, "No one ever appreciates your work until you're gone." 

  Diana, "Come on, time to kick Faust off the throne before he gets too strong." 

  Hades, "Or die trying?" 

  Logan, "We will let you handle that part, if it comes to it." 

  Hades, "Let us first head to my Palace in the Elysium fields. It seems it is time for me to wield the weapons of the underworld yet again." After saying this Hades lifts his cloak like an old vaudevillian and we are again sucked through space." 

  We appear before a Greek style home; it is neither grand nor poor but something rather average looking. Well-worn but clean, nonetheless, like it is well cared for. 

  I look around and see a small garden in the back and flowers in the windows. A nearby river flowing with a sound that is rather playful and occasionally sounds like a glass chandelier in the wind. I see Diana is also looking around with a tense look on her face, waiting for something to jump out at us. 

  Logan, "This is your palace in Elysium?" I ask with doubt in my voice apparent. It was just so obvious it wasn't his style at all. Way too many flowers. 

  Hades, "Why else would I come here?" He answered as he started walking up the path to the front door. But as soon as he touched the door handle, a bush beside the door reaches out with branches and incircles Hades who has a resigned look on his face suddenly. Next thing we saw was the bush throw Hades off the doorstep and nearly out of the yard. 

  Hades, "Damnit Seph, teach that bush to recognize me!!!" 

  The door to the house opened to reveal a remarkable beauty. She stood 5ft 6in with wavy golden hair that went down to her waist, emerald-green eyes and a heart-shaped face with a VERY curvy figure. However, the only curve on her face was a frown directed at the disheveled figure picking himself up from the ground. 

  Persephone, "He recognized you just fine. But unlike you he remembered when I told you to not walk into my house wearing that tacky spiked armor. Get it off or get out!" 

  Grumbling, Hades focuses on his outfit and his armor fades away to be replaced with a traditional white toga. "Treated no better than a servant in my own home. Then she wonders why I spend so much time in Tartarus." Hades mumbles under his breath. 

  Persephone, "Did you say something dear?" Looking dangerously at her husband. 

  Hades, "Nothing my love, I was just surprised that you were here is all. I thought you were with your overbearing mother up on Olympus." 

  Persephone, "How could I stay there amidst all the snickering I was getting for your latest blunder. The only god not laughing at you is Hephaestus because that stupid armor is basically free advertising for his inventions and metal work. I had to cash in favors left and right to get enough gods to request Zeus to send someone on a hero's quest to restore you to your Throne. Hela from the Norse even sent a raven asking what was going on, I'm too embarrassed to reply to her." 

  Hades, "Those very heroes are here witnessing our marital tiff woman." Hades said in hopes that he would be spared his wife's wrath. 

  Persephone, "Diana!!! It is so good to see you. How is your mother doing? I am so sorry about what happened with your sister. I really did try to get her spared, it was all my idiot husband's fault. If he would only learn to be happy with what he has then maybe I would let him have another child to rear the right way. Give you a fellow Olympian to adventure with, in your little group. Please, do come in dear child." 

  When Persephone turned her attention to me her eyes widened a little, "What have we here?" 

  I politely bowed, "I greet the Lady Goddess of the Spring! My name is Logan, Diana requested my help in freeing your..... Esteemed husband." 

  Persephone, "The shade of your skin is truly a lovely green." Logan felt a push at his mental defenses but didn't feel any ill intent. "Your mind is very strong as well... Hmm!" She turned to Diana, "If you have not spoken for this one child, I may have to introduce my lovely daughter Melinoe to him." 

  Diana blushed, "He is only a recent colleague Lady Persephone, I have no claim over him." 

  Hades, "We can speak of this later my love, I have come for my Bident and Stygian Sword to remove this usurper Faust from my Tartarus Castle." 

  Persephone, "Yes, let's end this so I can go have drinks with my friends without all the snickering. Your Bident is by the fireplace, I was using it as a fire poke. Your sword is probably in the garden shed. I remember asking you to move it and you ignored me as usual, so I put it away where I thought it should go. By all means, go get your little Man-cave back!" 

  After Hades got his gear, we prepared to head back to Tartarus and gave our farewells to Persephone. 

  Persephone, "Diana, please tell your mother I will come by next spring. I think I will need to brush up on my training, I feel a dangerous era coming for us all in the future. And dear Logan, I will be sure to mention you to my daughter, if you start having funny dreams, she may be looking into you. Also, before I forget, my sphere of influence is also over resurrections, and you feel odd. If there ever comes a time you need to talk about your experience I will be here." 

  Hades, "Be back as soon as I get this straightened out love. Maybe it's time for a vacation if there is trouble looming in our future." 

  When we appeared outside the library castle in Tartarus, we started to brainstorm plans. 

  Logan, "So I can keep him from sending us away or being unwilling to fight us. Best I can think of is I go in and distract him and Diana goes the roundabout to attack from behind when there is an opportunity. Hades, you jump in when you feel it suits you best. Any better ideas?" 

  Neither Hades nor Diana brought up any objections, so I started for the door. 
