
Chapter Two Hundred And Fifty-Three:The Sacrifice We Have To Make.

Amid the controversy that was going on, the Petrovs were not exempted from having a knowledge of what was going on. They were all gathered in the sitting room, where the news headline about Joanna Russo was being displayed on the television.

Although it was just Viktor, his wife Lily, Igor and Maksim that was in the room, Alina has just walked into the room to hear the news only to have a change of mind, over what she was about to tell her family.

They were supposed to go see Marisa today, but the feedback that was given to her by Giovanni's assistant, Leo, made her feel bothered. This was the feeling, that she had about Giovanni from the very first start that Marisa was involved with him, that things are going to be really complicated to be involved with a Mafia family.
