
Chapter One Hundred And Thirty-Two:Safe With Him.

Marissa groaned tiredly, as she opened her eyes to look at a huge silver chandelier staring right at her at the ceiling of the room she was in.

Her vision was still fuzzy, so she figured out that she was probably having her baby girl dreams, with her being the princess in it, but this time around she could hear distant voices from where she lied.

The softness of the bed against her body, made her realize that she was not at home when her right hand grazed the softness and then did she notice the iv injection in her hand, making her eyes open instantly as she didn't know what happened to her.

When she looked around the unfamiliar environment she was in, she knew that Giovanni was up to one of his tricks, until she sat up on the bed, and a groom left her lips when a wave of nausea washed over her, and she was forced to remember every single detail of what happened to her earlier.

Burglars in her room!

They had guns, and dead bodies?
