

"Great. Just great." Nora stood in front of her rather empty wardrobe with her hands on her hips and muttered to herself. She did not have a single formal dress! Suddenly, she missed her fully operational wardrobe that Demetri had arranged for her. Why had she been so stubborn and not brought a single dress with her? Now her anger had come back to bite her in the a**.

And why did she never invest in a pretty invest? Now that they were going to dinner tonight, was she supposed to wear her tracksuit and sneakers while he would be dressed to the nines looking like James Bond while she would look as if she was going to the gym? That would make him interested in her alright. He'd think he was going to dinner with a kid!

She picked up her phone. She should definitely ask him where they were going. Or at least suggest that they go somewhere casual... And now Isabella was also not here to help her save the day.
