
A Shopping Trip

Nora threw a glance at Demetri as he drove the car and frowned," Why do we need to go shopping for a bathing suit?" 

Demetri simply sent her a look, without speaking a word so Nora could only continue," Fine, I know it was my fault for being foolish and not getting some fashionable and skimpy swimsuit. But really, it wasn't like I had some lying around at home, since you gave me such short notice. And who is going to know what I wore in the privacy of that villa of yours?"

"We are going to the beach as well. And believe me, there are going to be people spying on us. If you look like a nun..."

Nora harrumphed and continued to complain," So I should wear a bathing suit just to show my 'womanly charms' to random people who would be snooping on us on your grandfather's orders? Do you see the sheer number of problems in that single statement?"
