
Plane Romance

"Good job." Austin handed the bags of electronics to Ally. "You did well. They are for you, Zeke, Mom and Dad ."

She smiled gleefully then, maintained a straight face. "Well played Sir. The goods are in the car. And she is blind folded?"

"As you requested." He bowed. "I have to get going." He ruffled her hair. "Thanks, little musketeer."

She winked. "Always, Sergeant."

Austin sped out of Lors's house and into the car. Alora was sitting still in the passanger's seat, the blindfold shielding her eyes from beholding the actual suprise that he had for her.


"Mmh?" He started the engine and escaped the driveway.

"I thought the shelter was the surprise. And I loved it." She began toying with her fingers. "When you told me a few moments ago that I had yet another surprise, I was surprised." Her voice trailed off. "The phone was enough but, I don't think..."

"Alora," Austin cut her short. "You are always thinking. Analysing, inspecting and all what not." He sighed. "Just relax. Do you trust me?"

She nodded. He drove to an airport where his private jet was ready to take off. He whispered to a porter who took her luggage into the plane.

"Austin, were are we? I can hear blades spinning ."

"Calm down, love."

He guided her into the plane and hushed the sercants who wanted to chant out their greetings. He pulled off the blind-fold

"We are going to Italy." He waved his hands as if performing a fleet of magic. "Suprise."

Her mouth was wide open. She just kept looking from his to the closing doors, then back at him and then the doors. A warm hug was enough to convey her feelings.

Austin was content and happy to have her in his arms and soon enough, the plane took off and she sat on a soft cushion and admired the lavish setting.

"I want a bottle of Screaming Eagle, two glasses and a silk blanket. I don't want anyone this room " Austin gave a quick glance at Calum. "And I mean everyone and anyone" He clapped. "Get going."

His desired wine and much appreciated silence reached him a moment later.

"Are you having fun, my dear?" He poured her some wine but she sank into the blanket. "Is there something wrong?"

He was truly concerned. Since she entered the place, she hasn't uttered even a single word.

"I understand that this is a bit sudden but it was a surprise and I just wanted you to be happy." He said softly. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Slowly, she uncovered herself, revealing her partially hidden face. He was so convincing. "I am afraid of heights." She whimpered.

"I am sorry. I didn't know."

He felt guilty. The fright would have been a lot. He walked over to her seat and sat on the arm. Just then, the plane began to experience a little turbulence and she groped his shirt.

She was shaking and her face turned pale. He lifted her, sat in the seat and cuddled her. Her muscles relaxed and he heard her inhale.

"It's going to be alright." He whispered into her hair. "You will be just fine."

Calum happened to walked into the sacred section of the plane and saw the two sleeping peacefully. She could probably save him from that thing...
