
Episode 14.11 Shameless Honesty

Shame and injustice are painted vividly in the flushed frowning of Shen Zhaohui.


If it is because an omega beat his sorry ass or two overgrown felines with icicle claws played him on the ground like some pet toy, Shen Yuan doesn't know. 


The celestial fox spirit was too amused at the pathetic sight to ask his supposed "father" in this world to even care to ask.


The father and son were inside Shen Zhaohui's office for a final heart-to-heart talk, but neither side spoke for the past few minutes.


Shen Yuan savored the aftertaste of his revenge as long as he could. Meanwhile, Shen Zhaohui refuses to talk because he's barely keeping himself together after the humiliation that he experienced. It didn't even help that his youngest son looked at him with gloating eyes.



