
Pull up to da crib

Travis finished eating the delightful grub. He washed his dishes and stored them where they belong. He then took a nice, hot shower followed by making a concert inside the bathroom. Since he was alone, all of these things were basically normal for him. He walked out of the bathroom and entered his room, which, for some reason, looked more spacious to him.

"Should I buy a TV set? Yeah, I should, just to make my room look more lawless," he thought. After getting dressed, he checked the time. Only 20 minutes until 12, so he could walk at a steady pace.

Caleb's house wasn't far, only a block away. In fact, if he wanted, he could go there five minutes before, and he'd still make it to 12. But he wanted more time to stare at his mother. So, Travis hurriedly left the house. He, of course, locked up and didn't forget to take the joystick and his phone.

Travis then crossed the street and entered the passageway that would take him to the next block. He was now standing in front of Caleb's house.

"I kind of over exaggerated," he thought. Travis put his finger on the doorbell, which automatically opened the gate for him. Perks of being really close to a teen with wealthy parents – you get to have your fingerprint ID logged into their house.

A dog ran up to Travis and circled him once. He bent down and brushed the fluffy mutt.

"What's up, Itachi? You good?" Yes, Caleb named his dog after an anime character. Then again, if a robber tries to steal, and if it happens that the robber is an anime fan, he might think twice about stealing anything. Or that they'll pretty much get killed by this huge-ass dog.

Caleb ran out of the house to meet up with Travis. "Hey Bro!! What's up?" They bumped fists, which made no sound. That's what gave Travis a reason to take his mom.

"I'm good. How have you been?" he asked as they began to walk towards the house.

"Great! I really enjoyed being inside for the past few weeks," he replied.

"Same here, bro. Is your family here?"

"Just my Mum and my lil' bro," he answered. Caleb opened the door and walked inside, with Travis following behind him.

"How's that dude? Last I checked, he enjoyed sleeping on my lap. Wonder if he still likes that," Travis said.

"He's more talkative, not like before. He can also walk, so I guess he's changed a lot. He's still a fat baby though," he said.

"Which in my opinion is good."

"How? You're readying your kid to be a fat guy in the future."

"No, not really. He can change as he grows older, but for the first 5 years, I want my kid to be fat," he said.

"Wow, you're really weird. Well enough of that, let's go greet my mum. She's in the living room right now."

They went to the living room, which was a spacious room with several couches. They also had a huge TV on the wall. They were really living the dream.

"Hey, Mrs. Holland," Travis greeted Jennifer as he and Caleb walked in front of her.

"Travis, wow, how you've grown. Look how bulky you are. Have you been working out?" she asked.

"Yeah, I have been working out. I can also see that you've also been in shape," Travis said as he observed her figure. Jennifer giggled, then said, "What can I say, I like being fit. I wish Caleb could do the same as well."

"But I'm fit, Mum. I don't need to exercise. Let's go, Travis, before Mum gives me a lecture on my health for the 20th time this month," he said. Travis nodded and waved at Jennifer as he walked away.

"What a good kid he is. There is no doubt that he'll be successful in the future," she muttered to herself. She then continued doing what she was doing before – reading tweets.

Travis and Caleb went upstairs to his room. He had been to this place many times before. Ever since they entered High School, which was like 6 months ago, the two have been close.

"Bro, I've got a whole catalog of two-player games I want us to try. You got the joystick?"

"Of course, don't get mad when I beat you, okay?" Travis said with a smirk.

"Haha, we'll see about that. I've been training, just so you know. I should be warning you," he replied with a smirk as well. Travis and Caleb nodded in agreement. They now had an understanding that they would be playing at their best from the start. So no one could ever say that they were holding back or something like that. So the two started their game war.


"I should go take a bath. My body really aches right now," she thought.

She got up from the couch and placed her laptop on the couch. Jennifer went up the stairs; her room was on the third floor. When she got there, she went straight to her room, only to find her two-year-old son, Brandon, wide awake and staring at the ceiling.

"Baby, you're awake. Don't worry, Mama is here." She picked him up and kissed him on the head, which got her a cute giggle from him.

"So cute. I could never get enough of my chubby son," she thought to herself.

"I still need to bathe, so I'll leave him with Caleb. I wonder if he remembers Travis. Only a couple of weeks have passed since he last saw him," she thought.

They went to the floor below and entered Caleb's room, where they found Travis and Caleb engaged in a heated match of FIFA. Both of them were in serious positions. The score was currently 7:7. Only two minutes till 90.

"Caleb, pause the game before you throw a fit again. Take care of Brandon, I'll be taking a shower. If he cries, give him to Travis; he knows what to do."

'I do?' he thought.

"Sure. Come here, you brat." Caleb took him and placed him on the bed. He then ran to the back and got him some toys to play with.

"Let's continue, Travis. Get ready to lose," he said. They unpaused the game. Travis wasted no time and got him while he was still trying to recover from not having contact with the joystick. After a god-tier through ball, Travis pressed O/B, which sent the ball rocketing into the net.

"Yeah!!" He got up and did himself a well-deserved "Suiiiii." He then went to Brandon and poked his cheek. Brandon stared at Travis with widened eyes. He took Travis's finger in his hand and tried to eat it.

'Cute.' Even he was weak to his cuteness.
