
I am five. [2/2]

Somehow I began to pity the reapers anew. I had Bella's {Fate} which made things go digital. It was like I had a system similar to the one in the Isekai novels. For everyone else, how the hell would they even know how many souls they had?

Figuring out the nuances of {Rewind} was already difficult because I could only do it by trial and error. But what about the others? Just like in real life, people would not be able to measure their abilities, but would have to test everything manually. 

'Whatever, I will ask Bella later.'

I checked the new program, [Autosave] and [Autoload]. Suspiciously, Exa refused to answer me even though she heard my questions.

[Autosave] - {Program} that invokes {Save} when entering a new battleground. {Save} cooldown can be staggered to prepare a 2nd {Save} for active use. Save point can be set manually. Requires the {Rewind} family to be available.
