
Hickies as my punishment

Advika P.O.V

I don't know for how many hours I slept there on that bed like a corpse but it felt like hours has passed.

My whole body hurts like hell. Like someone burned me alive or skinned me alive. It hurts so much.

I still have my undergarments on me but the marks coated my body like a layer of bluish black and red paint.

This wasthe Reyaansh way of punishing me for what I said him out there.

He marked me. He bite me everywhere.

Apparently his way of punishment is marking me like this with his bite marks... branding me as his. His words not mine.

He bit me everywhere he can get his hands on and sucked the same spot like a child sucking on nipples. Wherever he bit me after few mins turned into this horrible large bruises like marks. I look horrible. I feel horrible.

From my hollow of my neck to my ankles..his marks are there. Everywhere.
