
Good Day To You All

With a surprised expression, Daria looked from Myrine's face to the waiting almost expectant faces of the Stygians and Stygian Captains.

"I don't really have an opinion," she eventually said with a shake of her head, "I'm not close enough to this to get involved. It's YOUR men who are dying... It's YOUR Territory under attack- my words might come off as insensitive in that case."

"Nonsense," Myrine said while waving her off, "Evian said you two have been to the border- He said you've seen the dead- If you ask me, that gets you close enough to have an opinion."

Daria sighed,

"Alright. I'd advise you to pull your men back,"

"Thank you. Some common sense!" said the Stygian man feeling vindicated.

The Stygian woman sneered at Daria,

"Of course, an Arcanist will advocate for a pullback. Cowards, all of you! Congratulations Dolton, you have the same take as a Spell-spouter."
