
Will It Be You Then? (**)

Yvette placed her hand on top of Evian's immediately.

She planned to pull it off but the sexual throes her body was going through were much too intense for any energy to be spared to her hands for the action she wanted. Eventually, she settled for placing her hand on his and just being along for the thrusting ride.

While his index and middle fingers were deep inside Yvette's moist center and he felt as her velvety walls were squeezing around him as though trying to milk fluids his fingers did not possess, Evian's eyes were on the Lady's mature face.

He had had mature partners before but none came close to the beauty before him and none of the faces any of them made in the throes of pleasure came close to the tongue-wagging ecstasy before him.

This was the look of a woman at her wit's end slowly losing grasp on reality and slowly losing the ability to form coherent thoughts or words and just getting swept away in lust.

Evian was not so narcissistic enough to think it was his fingers that were causing this. No, he was very much aware that Yvette was heading toward this moment all on her own even before him but it did start making him wonder how gratifying it would feel if HE was the cause.

If his cock driving in and out of her pussy, his hands roaming all over her, could be the cause for this sort of reaction.

'Definitely possible,' he eventually decided,

'Not only possible but I'm going to do it!

One more thing to add to the growing to-do list.'

Today was likely not going to be the day for that of course but Evian was going to lay the groundwork.

Evian shifted his touch of her breast from light to firm as he gripped the flesh and marveled as his fingers sunk into the ampleness as they were enveloped in her mammary warmth.

In Yvette's current state, the squeezing of one of her massive tits was plenty and the ongoing sensations were only furthered by the fact that she herself was currently pinching the nipple of her second breast.

The pleasuring sensations wracked her body as the steam of the bath enveloped them both and then that sensation got a spike when Evian lowered his head and took the nipple of the breast he was sucking into his mouth.

First, he bit it lightly and while the erect peak was between his teeth, he brushed it with his tongue, feeling and hearing Yvette go nuts.

And then the grip of her pussy reached a new high and announced what Evian knew was coming even before his hand was completely covered by her pussy juices with the many excesses dripping into the warm and sweet-smelling bath water.


Yvette started with a moan of the ecstasy of release and then slowly rolled into a quiet scream while her mouth opened and she let the last vestiges of her climax roll through her.

Only now did Evian take his mouth off her nipple to place his lips close to her ear and whisper.

"Mmm, you liked that, didn't you?"

It took her taking many breaths before Yvette managed to speak and of course, her words came out in indignation.

"Of course I did. But it had nothing to do with you!"

Just below the surface of her sharp words was Embarrassment. Yvette wasn't embarrassed that her body was bared to the eyes of this youngin, rather she was embarrassed by her vulnerability.

'*Sigh* Who would have thought my debilitating act of seeking self-pleasure would put me in a compromising situation?' she asked herself sarcastically.

She placed a hand on her face and let out a more vocal sigh before she glared up at Evian who was smiling at her while rocking his fingers inside her pussy.

"You can take your hands off me now," she said.

Evian cocked his head to the side.

"And why would I do that?" he asked as he ground his palm into her clit immediately eliciting a reaction from the Lady of the Estate.


Yvette placed a hand over Evian's but this time, she did not make an attempt at pulling it away, rather she pressed it even harder against her little nub while rocking her pussy against the fingers currently ravaging her insides.

Evian let his voice go even lower in a breathy seductive tone that perfectly matched the warm steam that permeated the bath,

"I think we can both tell, this is far from over."



The Larnak Estate was basically in pandemonium.

By order of Lord Larnak himself, the bulk of the Estate forces was out and searching for Evian hopefully before he got outside the grounds.

The longer they search, the more likely it was looking that Evian was no longer on the Estate grounds but no one had the galls to report this to the Lord.

Instead, Amira and her fellow Captains not only ordered for the grounds to be shut down but also tried to diversify portions of the guards to extend the search out of the Estate. The Patrolling guards in the Territory especially received orders that rallied them to join the search.

The search left no place untouched.

There was only one part of the Estate left unsearched so far; Lady Yvette's private bath which was locked from the inside.

The Captains first spent minutes debating among themselves if it should be searched. Some argued their Orders to search every portion of the Estate had to be followed to the letter while others argued that this was an area they should not even try to access.

To the ones arguing for the Bath to be searched, Lady Yvette's maids simply eyed them and asked one very important question;

"Will it be you then, who barges into the Lady's bath?"

The Captains, a majority of whom were male, shared looks and instantly backtracked.

There were certain things you don't dare to do in the Larnak Estate. Beholding the body of the Lord's wife was one such things.

Even Amira did not dare barge in despite being a woman.

In her case, it was a case of upholding the Lady's order for privacy rather than it was about perversion.

"We can just report to the Lord?" Captain Amira suggested, "Let him decide if the bath should be searched or not."

"Yes, yes. That's definitely an idea."

It didn't take long, less than a minute even, for the news to get relayed to the ears of the angry Larnak Lord who still had Daria standing by his side.

Daria wished to be around should Evian get apprehended so she could intervene. Of course, the longer it took, the more unlikely it looked and the happier she was.

When the message reached Larnak, he was seething.

The search wasn't bearing fruit and he refused to believe Evian had simply vanished from the Estate.

'That Grey cloud has to have been a distraction but why couldn't I see or sense him when he ran off?'

Even while Evian brandished his sword and cut down Estate Guards, nothing about the energy or 'feel' he gave off was the conventional sort Larnak or any other Knight was used to detecting.

Daria, as an Arcanist herself was baffled. She had been treated to a bit of that energy once before but evaporation was not one of the abilities she knew Evian to have.

Once Larnak was told his wife's bath was the only place left to search, he set off.

In one corner of his mind, Lord Larnak felt it was impossible Evian was in the bath but had anyone told him Evian would escape his Guards and vanish from his sight, he would have said that was impossible as well so really, who knew what the thieving bastard was capable of?

With the might of his Order powerfully powering his speed, Larnak arrived at the doors in minutes.

Larnak's first instinct was to override his wife's spiritual lock but he calmed himself long enough to knock.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

The knocks were loud. They needed to be to get past the noise canceling heavily active within the bath.

"Darling? My Lady!" he called while the Captains gave him space to call to his wife.

The maids also gave the door space with their heads bowed.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

When knocks seemed inefficient, Lord Larnak switched to hitting the doors hard and quickly.

"My Lady!" he called once again. "Yvette!"

No response.

"Alright then,"

Larnak conjured up his spiritual pressure and prepared to override his Wife's signature lock but then, a crack appeared between the large double doors and slowly, they swung open.

Lady Yvette stood behind them with a hand raised, her brows upturned in surprise and her body clad in a delicate silk robe while her silky wet hair fell down to her back.

"Herbert, why are you here?" she asked,

"What's all the commotion?"
