
The reality of being a prodigy

[27 October 2012]Kageyama Tobio POV: After the victory of Shiratorizawa

Tobio saw the look Eita and Satori nii-chan gave him, and after looking around the gymnasium, he saw all his siblings look at him, giving him the signal to cause chaos. Tobio gave them the signal to start. "Bah, haha, aha ha Elmo-san, I believe you owe me 1000¥ since I beted for Tobio nii that he will win," taunted Miya kun also known as "Kitten-kun". "You little brat must you out my terrible betting skills in front of my team. They already know I am broke, and I am not as influential as you. So would you forgive your Satori nii-chan for not having the money. In exchange, your Satori nii-chan shall cook your school lunch for you." Satori, theatrically said, but seriously meant it. "Hhmm ok I guess, but you have to make Tobio nii's famous tofu burgers and get me a new hoodie for my birthday." Miya replied. Just as dramatically as Satori nii. While Eita nii-chan seems to be muttering something to Satori that he lost a bet to someone five years younger than him.

" WHAT IN THE WORLD OF ALL VOLLEYBALL THAT IS LUCKY IS GOING ON!?!?" Every single volleyball players,fans, and coaches all cried out. "MIYA CHINEN YOU TELL US RIGHT NOW WHAT IS GOING ON," another group yelled out. Tobio, who knew who they were, they were the 'S' gang or the Skittle gang. "YOU THINK YOUR TOO GOOD FOR US HUH?! YURIOO!!! YOUR LUCKY YOU HAVE OTABEK TO PROTECT YOU!!" Tobio knew that JJ would yell at Yura. After Yura and Otabek nii-chan went to give him a head ruffle while congrating him and comforting Satori-san. Suddenly, he felt his side being hugged. Looking down, he saw Hitomu, the adorable little boy of the one who started their clique, his sibling could not come because they were still hurt from their bullies. "Hey little Hitomu, how's your sibling doing? Are they feeling better? And if so, who's taking care of the worrywart of our group." Tobio asked softly while kneeling down to the height of the little boy. But before Hitomu could speak, he was frightened by a loud booming voice coming from Shiratorizawa. All of them know that Atsumu and their little brother pale at the sound of loud shouting or any degrading remarks due to their family. The voice screech as though it was tortured, but in reality, it came from the coach of Shiratorizawa. "TENDO SATORI HOW DARE YOU NOT ADMIT THAT YOU HAVE NATIONAL ATHLETES CONTACTS!!!YOU ARE A FUCKING DISGRACE OF A PLAYER ON THE 1ST STRING!!!YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED FOR THEM TO SPONSOR OUR SCHOOL TO BUILD OUR STATUS AS AN ELITE SCHOOL!!!YET YOU KEPT THIS SECRET TO YOURSELFFF!!!I HAVE NEVER SEEN A MORE SELFISH MEMBER IN MY CLUB THAN YOUUU!!!SO FROM THIS MOMENT ON YOU ARE OUT OF THE CLUB AND SINCE I OFFERED YOU A SPORTS SCHOLARSHIP YOU ARE HEARBY OUT OF THIS SCHOOL!!!YOU ARE TO HAVE YOUR THINGS PACKED BY TOMORROW!!!" The old coach bellowed. Tobio was surprised the old man was still able to breathe. Silently, he thought that in his past life, he must have been born as a howler monkey before being hunted by humans for being so loud.

Throughout the yelling match, he noticed two things. First, he noticed his adopted father approached his team. Probably to ask whether Tobio could leave with him rather than wait at the school to be picked up. "Hello, my name is Nicholas Romero, and his father. I was wondering if I could pick up Tobio-kun right after the award ceremony." Nicholas asked in decent japanese. "WHAT YOU ARE KAGEYAMA'S FATHER!!!"yelled almost everyone in Karasuno except Hinata. This caught everybody to look at him. "Wait, who is he? And why is everyone shocked that Romero-san is his father?"Hinata asked the team. The Karasuno team was having a silent conversation trying to decide who would tell their clueless teammate. Effectively deciding on their captain to tell him. "Hinata, we are shocked because Kageyama's father is part of the Brazilian National Volleyball Team." Daichi-san slowly explained to his brain dead junior. "That be true. I was planning on taking Tobio and his friends to go skateboarding. Since little Hitomu begged all of them to go with him." Nicholas said while chuckling at the memory of Hitomu begging all of them including his sibling to let him go after the match. "Bakayama!!! Why did you never tell about your friends and family!!" Hinata whined at Tobio.

" Boke Hinata Boke! You interrupt me every time I talk so... I stopped trying to tell you." Tobio says. The next thing he noticed was Oikawa and Iwaizumi-san staring at him. He knows that Oikawa is jealous and that Tobio intends to avoid him until he corners him again. Luckily, Iwaizumi-san dragged Oikawa out of the gymnasium. "Anyway, it's ok. You can bring him back after the award ceremony."Takeda sensei told his father. "And since I am out of the team, I will just leave so I can spend my time with other people more deserving of my time. Also, just so you know, Semi told me he wanted to come with me since he is sick of your attitude to people like us. After all, we did plan this to teach you a lesson on the consequence of the way you act to show on national television."Satori revealed with Eita nodding beside him, both craving to see their now former coach and teams reaction. They were not disappointed as they saw all of their mouths drop open, including Ushijima. Coach Washijo wanted to say more, but neither wanted to ruin the reputation of Shiratorizawa even more or embarrass his students even more than he had already done.They grabbed their sports bag, and Satori took out his skateboard. In the audience, the second and third string of volleyball cheered. They got their revenge on the first string players and the coach for treating them like dirt. They all had decided to leave the volleyball club to make the revenge even sweeter when they heard what Tendo and Semi had planned. Now, they are just waiting for their next practice to turn in their club resignation forms and uniforms.

"Great job causing chaos, you two. Satori, you picked a good one, and tomorrow we are going ice skating, so remember to bring a thick jacket or coat and long pants. Ok?" Yuri reminded them."Yes, mommm!!! We know there is no need to nag at us." Hitomu and Miya said, dragging out their sentence."Ok, we got it, thanks, Tiger-san." the others said amused by the youngest of their group."Oh, Tobio nii Kyodai is fine, and they are staying at their captain house. They just asked Yura nii and Ota nii to pick me up so I could watch the game and still skate with all my nii-chans." Hitomu informed Tobio what he wanted to say before he got frightened by coach Washijo. "Well, what are we waiting for? We have an award ceremony to start." asked Miya, wanting to leave so that he could introduce the 'S' gang to his family.

After the ceremony, three groups met some of the Karasuno team still lingering around. "SO YOU THINK WERE TOO OLD FOR YOU!!! IS THAT WHY YOU KEEP ACTING LIKE WE SHOULD WORSHIP YOU EVERY TIME YOU GRACE OUR PRESENCE!!!" yelled JJ while Viktor, Yuri, and Phichi watched worried if a fight would break out."No, I do not. I only act this way because I am grieving as my grandfather is dying. I suggest you leave as you are upsetting my little brothers, " Yuri said calmly, but one could tell he was pissed off. Saying that, he went to go see if Tobio was ok. While Nicholas Romero was glaring at JJ while smiling."I would appreciate it if you take his advice as I do not want to see my son like how he was last year." he said while intimidating JJ and the rest of their group. Taking the hint they left with a lot to think about what they have just witnessed. "Tobio, are you ok? Do you have an urge, or are you close to it?" Romero-san went to check on his son while Karasuno was confused about what was going on. However, they saw Satori mouthing to them that it will explain next time they meet Tobio. What was more important was calming Tobio down. Seeing the situation,the rest of Karasuno left with heavy thoughts weighing them down.

Once Tobio calmed down, the 'S' gang patiently waited for their youngest in their group to explain. Miya told them that it would be explained at the skate park. During the trip to the skate park, everyone could tell Miya was tense. Finally, after little to no word said while they were travelling. They reach the long-awaited skate park where Miya confessed everything of why he wanted the 'S' gang to come, how he met them, and introduced his brothers and sibling. The 'S' gang were astounded that they had not stopped to think if the youngest in the group had any problems from his past. Though they are glad he had met people who experienced a similar thing to him. "Ok, now can we go skateboarding pretty pleaseee!!"asked Hitomu while giving them the puppy eyes. Well, who could say no to such an adorable and polite little boy. Even people like Yuri,Otabek,Cherry, and Shadow were not immune to such a site. "Ok, since ask very nicely we can go now." Cherry told Hitomu with a soft smile on his face."Yayyyy!!"Hitomu cheered.

So they spent that time teaching Semi the basics while Miya helped Reki and his brothers improve their skills. Nicholas watched all this with a serene smile on his face. Meanwhile...with Atsumu right now...
