
Ch 46: So, we meet again [pt2]

Kurina’s words were bitter and determined. She seemed to be suppressing her feelings when she spoke. But since she was in such a mood, Alex chose to leave her as she was and focus on his food.

Soon, both Kalidus and Merry came out to eat as well. Kalidus looked a little concerned once he noticed the tense atmosphere, but he did not comment on it.

Instead, he ate his food and waited for someone to speak.

Finally, the silence was broken by the arrival of General Mei. She threw her body on the chair and looked at both Alex and Kurina from her sitting position.

“Well, we have all three intruders locked up today. If you want to talk to them, then you can accompany me tomorrow. We will be interrogating them and extracting all the information we can.”

Alex noticed how Kurina flinched a little when General Mei said those words. No matter what she said about her feelings, it was clear that she still had them.

“Excuse me. I am finished waiting. I will head to my room now.”
