
VS Apollo Phoebus

Raynor rapidly rushed into the sky and clouds started to appear and cloud the skies.

Soon enough gentle rain started to fall.

While the Campione flew quickly into the sky Erica pulled out her phone and called forth the Committee. While Ena used her phone to do similar stuff. Make sure Mages are on standby for the hypnosis in case people see what they should not see.

Once that was done. They started to wonder if they can help their Lord in some way. If it's a fight high in the sky then it's going to be a great relief to the city.

But, if it's going to escalate.

"It appears it's Heretic God of Sun of some sort," Erica said while feeling that the heat has lessened but it's still there.

"I didn't expect for one to appear so soon!" Ena said with some disbelief. Raynor only has been here for a few days! And there is a Heretic God who has appeared here!

"Ray has killed a Chief God and a God-King. The ripples have been sent. It was only a matter of time before this will cause another descent."

"Chief God and God-King!?" Ena's mouth opened wide for a bit before she got a hold of herself…

"Zeus and Poseidon. I know… it's incredible."

"T-Those two…" Ena for a second gulped down… it's like him having slayed Susanoo and Amaterasu… 


Raynor floated high in the air. His hands were crossed as he looked at the person in front of him. 

The guy had blonde hair with a classic olive branch crown and was dressed in Greek armour. Meaning it was a Greek God and his King's Authority confirmed that. 

Meaning this shouldn't be too hard.

"Ah, Godslayer. Did you come to your death? I thought I will need to look for you in person."

The blonde god said with an arrogant and mocking tone.

Instead of answering three bolts of lightning rushed at the blonde this made the Heretic God jump out from the chariot which looked like it was made from fire.

'He is either Helios or Apollo' 

Then the blonde pulled out a silver bow and shot an arrow which Raynor dodged by enchanting his body with electrokinesis.

Without wasting any more time he charged in and was about to engage the Heretic God in close-range combat.

However, his opponent simply smirked at this as he quickly discarded his bow took a boxing stance and send a straight punch right at Raynor's face.

The teen Godslayer's eyes widened for a bit. He did not expect a punch so fast that it broke the sound barrier!

The Heretic God's punch made his whole world ring for a bit before he received another this time left punch to his gut with the third one being a right uppercut which send the teen sailing away.

Raynor very quickly adjusted to this as he flipped and started to fly once again.

"Oh, you have my father's body as well! No wonder my punches barely work."

"Father? Heh, so you are Apollo then." 

"Indeed. It would be wise to remember the name of your slayer."

"Hmm, I will. However, a question for you."

"Ask, and I will answer it."

"Can you swim?"

Apollo had a confused look for a bit before Raynor lunged forward with increased speed. This time he showed that he can be faster than before.

The blonde Heretic God's eyes slightly widened as he was about to punch again but the teens had an idea after seeing Ocean in the distance.

He grabbed the Greek God's outstretched hand.

Which made the blonde Godling grimace from pain at how hard his hand got squeezed next moment Raynor threw the Heretic God towards Tokyo Bay.

However, the force was much more than that. 

The Godling was sent flying like some ragdoll, and Raynor quickly followed right after him.

"Hear the sound of seas and the fury they bring." The teen softly said the first line of Poseidon Authority to himself as he looked at the form of Apollo who somewhat regained his bearings and was now above the Pacific Ocean.

In the perfect location, the teen wanted the God of the Sun to be.

"Reaching even the distant lands of Oceanus, my reach touches them all!" 

The Ocean reacted from below as pillars of water rushed up and started to envelop the Godslayer and slowly take form.

"If you think I allow you—"

Apollo's eyes widened as he felt his powers and authorities stopped…working!

"YOU!!! This is impossible how can you have more than two of my father's Authorities!!!" 

"Behold the Might of Poseidon! The God of Seas!"

Sure enough, there was a huge Titan created from water as it moved forward and a glowing fist made from water slammed into utterly powerless Apollo.

The blonde Greek God's eyes were wide as he saw a huge fist incoming and he was powerless to do anything!

The fist slammed the Heretic God into the sea, downwards sending him flying even faster than before.

The force of such a hit broke the speed barrier multiple times.

While the punch won't kill Apollo it slammed him into the Pacific Ocean the force of the collision created massive waves which spread in all directions.

Raynor followed right after the Godling. His titan form rapidly disappeared and he quickly started to chant another incantation.

"I am the one who smites. I am the one who brings judgment to you. None can hide from the fury of the King of Gods."

A golden lance of thunder formed in his hand it was glowing pure gold and was ready to smite his enemies.

When Apollo opened his eyes what he saw was a Golden spear made from thunder slamming into him! Piercing the heart of the Greek God this made him grimace and caught some golden blood.

"...You… I will remember this disgrace!" As the blonde Godling said that he coughed more blood from his mouth.

He was utterly humiliated! The fury and shame he was feeling… he will remember this!!!

"Good. I will wait for the rematch." Raynor said that with a quite mocking tone. He can't believe a Heretic God came to him like this.

He does wonder if more of Zeus' children will be coming after him. With his King's Authority… he can waste them in just a few minutes.

"Next time… I will be prepared!"

After saying this with a pissed-off tone Apollo turned into golden particles and disappeared.

The increase in temperature in the air instantly disappeared.

Once the blonde God was gone Raynor looked around on the horizon he could see Tokyo.

This battle was good because it was so far from the city. However, he just used two of his authorities and he can't use them for 24 hours.

However, he killed his third Heretic God!

With a grin, he rapidly started to fly back to his home.

He pulled out his phone. The Sea God Authority protected it. Which is kind of cool!

After the quick check-up was done he quick-dial his girlfriend.

"It's done. I am flying home, I will see you there." Once he said that he finished the call.

~~~~~~White Realm~~~~~~

"I almost felt pity for Apollo. The key word being almost. With such humiliation and stripping him of his authority like this, I was able to take two of them for you my darling son!" A cute girl with elf-like ears said to the sleeping form of her adopted son 

This was Pandora, a True God and the mother of all Godslayers.

The one who was sleeping on her lap was Raynor. Who decided to take a nap after manhandling Apollo.


Ena was blushing up a storm when she ended up sitting on Raynor's lap and facing him.

The Godslayer decided that it was time to test out Hime-Miko and her unique powers.

The so-called Spirit Vision. He wants to know if this beautiful girl can tell which Heretic God he has just slain.

"...My Lord… Ena can't just get a vision like—" Before Ena can finish saying that her eyes glowed.

As the teen slightly channelled some of his aura.

"Sun, music, prophecies, medicine, plagues, archery… all compose to make this God. A God who has a twin. Another celestial object which is opposite to him."

"Well, this clarifies things. I wasn't expecting Apollo to appear again so soon." Erica said with crossed arms.

"Again? He descended before?" Raynor asked his girlfriend. While holding into Ena who was thinking of sneaking away from his lap. 

As if he will allow such a huggable girl to run away from him!

"Indeed close to it was between 400 to 300 years ago it was Marquis Voban's first kill. The authority he got from him was the ability to control wolves and transform himself into one."

"Wolves? How does this make any sense?"

"It does because Heretic gods have aspects to them. Someone like Apollo who has an incredible amount of Authority can descend with specific ones being more prominent than others." 

Aa she said that it did make sense to some degree. If Gods descended with all of their powers then they would have tens of Authorities and there would be fewer Campiones around.

"In your case from what I understood Sun Authority was dominant and others related to the main myth. The one Voban slew was focusing on the beast ones like the wolves."

"Ah, I see how Gods have their animals, Zeus has his White bull, Poseidon has horses…" Raynor mentioned from the top of his head.

"Yes. So, now we wonder what did you from him?" Erica curiously asked him.

As Raynor moved one of his hands away from Ena he showed his palm and a moment later above the palm, a ball of fire formed.

"You could say that from now on our beach holidays will never have chilly weather." He said that with an amused tone as the ball of fire went through several different forms.

Erica slowly nodded at him. So he got sun…

"And I am a boxing master as well now."

"...You got two from him?" The blonde asked with slight disbelief.


Once again the blonde was wondering what did he do to get two…

And if it's true he once again got them to an extremely versatile level!

"This time I believe because my King's authority sealed off his Authorities and is as able to take two," Raynor said as he saw Erica's reaction when he mentioned two instead of one.

"I see…Zeus' Authority over Greek is one of your most powerful authorities." Erica said that as she had a thoughtful look.

It makes her boyfriend a monster for the Heretic Gods. He could easily slaughter them and unsurp a multitude of authorities. And by the time he faces a God from a different pantheon, he will have an array of authorities to use.

'Truly Zeus Authorities are one of a kind.'

"They are all 4 of them. Now on other matters. Did anyone see anything while I went to engage Apollo?"

"Thankfully no. You engaging him high in the air saved this country millions of yen." The blonde said with quite a proud tone. 

This time the fight didn't cause anything expects for a few high waves hitting the dock area. But no one was hurt or anything like that.

"Good. I suppose this one was a clean victory."

"Very. It's an extremely rare event when no collateral has been reported after the battle between Heretical God and Campione." Erica agreed with him he doesn't remember when the last time anything like this happened in such high populated area.

"Well. I suppose it's good. Now I can cuddle with my two lovely girls!" As Raynor said that he pulled closer to the quiet beauty sitting on his lap.

Oh, he loves how shy she is! Especially when he showers her with affection. At that moment she becomes a clueless sheltered girl who doesn't know what to do.

The Campione does know that she has a somewhat arrogant character but that disappears the moment he goes on offence and starts cuddling her.

"I-If this is what my Lord wants. Ena will help as much as she cans!"


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