
Eriri and Utaha

The person who interrupted them was a fair-skinned girl with blonde hair tied in twin tails.

Although her chest was lacking for a girl her age, her slender figure and pretty face had captivated many boys at school.

Even when the girl bared her little tiger teeth as if she was angry, she looked cute.

Who else if not Eriri?

After hearing Eiji's inner voice, knowing that boy seemed to be with her enemy, Kasumigaoka Utaha.

As she tried to look for them to the roof, she saw the woman sitting on Eiji's lap and offering her lips shamelessly.


The jealousy that suddenly flared up in her heart made Eriri's twin tails tremble.

After shouting, she immediately separated Utaha and Eiji with her hands. Of course, if it wasn't for Utaha who took the initiative to move and Eiji who let the woman go. A petite girl like Eriri didn't have the strength to separate the two by force.

Even so Utaha still sat beside Eiji and hugged the boy's arm. She looked at Eriri with a smile and a mocking gaze.

"Yo who is this? Sawamura-san, it's rude to disturb people who are eating lunch."

"Lunch? Sitting on Eiji's lap and offering your lips in front of many people you call lunch? Fat woman, not only are you fat, you're also shameless!" Eriri gritted her teeth, she also glared at Eiji.

She knew the man was a bastard. She knew he had many women. But after the two of them did a perverted thing to get revenge on Tomoya in the past, she often thought of that boy and didn't hate him so much for having many women.

However, what troubled her was that Eiji never sought her out after that! Even after putting Tomoya in prison that she had heard about. He never came looking for her like he did the other heroine she often heard about in his inner voice.

What troubled her the most was that instead of looking for her first, he looked for Kasumigaoka Utaha!

The other students on the roof seemed to be enjoying watching them. Especially the male students, they were cheering and happy to see Eiji in trouble. Some of them even told Eriri and Utaha to slap Eiji for getting caught cheating.

Eiji's lips twitched, should he throw these people off the roof? They probably wouldn't die from anime logic, right? He sighed, not doing it just because he was too lazy to care about them.

As for Eriri's gaze? His face thick, he looked at the girl with a smile on his handsome face. "Eriri, what a coincidence. Did you have lunch?"

"Hmph!" Eriri snorted, but she said: "Not yet, what do you want to do?"

It was not Eiji who answered, but Utaha who laughed before saying: "If you haven't eaten lunch yet. Go to the cafeteria, Sawamura-san. Do you want Eiji-kun to buy you lunch? You are shameless. Aren't you a rich young lady?"

"Fat woman, who said I want Eiji to treat me?!"

"Tsundere. Also, who are you calling a fat woman? Oh, sorry. Could it be that you're actually complimenting my figure, especially in this part?" Utaha raised her large chest proudly. Even his school clothes seemed to have two large bulges that contrasted sharply with Eriri's laundry board.

Eriri took a step back as if hit by a mental attack. There was an imaginary arrow that pierced her chest that made her gasp with envy in her heart.

She looked at Eiji who was also glancing at Utaha's chest.


All men are the same. Why do they all like big ones?!

Of course, it wasn't that Eriri didn't want hers to grow that big. Every day, she diligently drank milk that was said to be very effective for enlarging the breasts of young girls like her.

But so far, it never increased in size which made her desperate! Was it genetics? But her mother's weren't as small as hers! Why is she small? This world is so unfair!

She pointed at Utaha's chest with trembling fingers. "That's just a bunch of fat! What are you proud of? That's why you're a fat woman!"

"Huh?" Utaha stared at Eriri as if she was surprised, she covered her mouth with one hand and said. "I understand, Sawamura-san. I understand."

People thought Utaha understood and relented in this confrontation, but no. The girl had actually paused for a moment before shooting Eriri with her poisonous tongue. "You're right. I'm fat. Though I don't eat much, I eat what I want to eat. I only drink milk a week at most three or four times at school."

"I don't bother weighing or measuring my body every morning. I also rarely exercise to improve the blood flow in my body, especially in my chest. I'm different from a certain girl."

"Strangely my body has always been like this. Everything I eat seems to go into my chest to make it this big. Sawamura-san, you might not know. Sometimes my back aches from carrying this much weight every day."

"The last time I measured it was a week ago. It's grown a bit in size. If it keeps growing, I'll have to buy a bra that's bigger than the D-cup I usually wear."

Utaha finished saying all that while raising her chest as if to show Eriri. Her expression also looked regretful as if she never wanted to have a body as big as hers that many girls her age actually dreamed of.

"...." Especially a girl like Eriri who now opened her mouth without saying anything.

Eiji shook his head.

[Utaha really didn't hold back. Look at Eriri, the girl's face is starting to turn red and her body is trembling with anger after hearing her crazy sarcasm.]

[In the original work it was difficult for these two girls to get along with each other. If the protagonist hadn't chosen the other girl instead of choosing one of them. They would probably shed blood?]

[Just kidding. Eriri and Utaha wouldn't be as crazy as the heroines in School Days, right? Wait, does that franchise even exist in this world? Better not because I don't want to get involved with those girls.]

[Mai: This is the first time I've heard of Eiji not wanting to get involved with a heroine. Are the heroines in School Days so scary?]

[Rias: I'm not sure, but they sound like sick girls who don't hesitate to spill blood.]

[Maria: Are Eriri-san and Utaha-san too...]

[Utaha: No, I'm not that crazy. But I'm not sure about Sawamura-san.]

[Eriri: Kasumigaoka Utaha!]

[Utaha: Yes, Sawamura-san?]

It's true what Eiji said. These two girls are indeed difficult to get along with.

Even so, the heroines in the group chat were happily watching the two bicker.

At this moment, Eriri wanted to attack Utaha with her twin tails. That woman was really mocking her! What does it mean that you regret having a body like that? And what astonished her was how the woman knew she always maintained her diet, drank milk every day, and diligently checked her body's growth?

Hearing Utaha say her back was often sore, instead of getting angry. Eriri was actually envious of that and almost vomited blood because of it.

"Kasumigaoka Utaha, fat, you..."

"Bad milk. Sawamura-san, what do you want to say? Please say it clearly."

Utaha had a friendly face, but her mocking words kept breaking Eriri's defenses.

Eriri could not stand it anymore, she took a few steps forward and swung her twin tails to slap the woman's face.

Utaha sneered, do you think this low-level attack can hit her? She easily tilted her head and hugged Eiji with a terrified expression on her beautiful face.

"Eiji-kun~ This girl is crazy, I'm scared."

"Kasumigaoka Utaha! You wimp, don't hide behind a man!"

"What? Isn't it normal for a woman to hide behind a man? Pfft!" Utaha laughed.

Eriri's face flushed with embarrassment, she stomped her foot and looked at Eiji with red and moist eyes.

Eiji knew he had to stop the two, but Utaha opened her mouth first. "Pathetic. Because you lost, you want to cry to get Eiji-kun's sympathy? Sawamura-san, admit it. You're jealous, right?"

"W-Who wants to cry? I'm not crying! I'm not jealous either! Kasumigaoka Utaha, stop your nonsense!" Eriri pulled back her tears, her hands were clenched and she stared at Utaha fiercely. However, there was panic in her eyes that made her words unconvincing.

"Then. Why are you bothering us? You know if you hadn't come, Eiji-kun and I would have enjoyed our kiss."

Utaha was naturally upset that this blonde girl suddenly appeared and ruined her intimate moment with Eiji.

Since Eriri had come to find trouble with her, she would embarrass the tsundere girl and make her lose face in front of Eiji.

"I..." Eriri was confused, she didn't know what to answer. What Utaha said was true after all, but she wasn't going to admit it! Especially with Eiji staring at her, she didn't want to lose face!

Suddenly she remembered something and said, "This is a school. A place to learn, not a place to make love! Kasumigaoka Utaha, I'm stopping you two for the sake of morality in this school!"

Yes! Eriri felt herself to be smart, she wanted to see the ugly expression of Utaha who received her counterattack. However, all she saw was the other party's mocking expression which made her freeze.

"That's a very weak excuse. Right, Eiji-kun?"

"Yes, I think Eriri didn't notice that besides us. There are also other students making out on the roof. Besides, this school doesn't actually prohibit romantic relationships among its students."

"Why of all people. Sawamura-san only came to disturb us? This is strange."

"It's really strange. I know."

Utaha and Eiji were chatting and talking about Eriri right in front of the girl in question.

How could Eriri not be embarrassed and angry?

And Eiji, you're on that fat woman's side? Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!

Eriri roared in her heart. Obviously she had used her mouth to give that man a blowjob earlier. Now just because of the fat hanging on Kasumigaoka Utaha's chest, instead of her, she was defending that woman.

Eriri had the urge to bite Eiji with her small tiger teeth.

But instead of doing that, she took a breath before saying: "Well, I admit it. I'm actually bothering you guys not because of that."

"Oh? Did Sawamura-san finally admit that she was jealous?" Utaha asked cheerfully.

Eriri folded her arms and snorted before looking at Eiji with annoyance.

Since you didn't choose me in this situation, don't blame me for being cruel.

Eiji: ???

"Not really. Kasumigaoka Utaha, I'm just worried that you regret your choice. After all, it's not like you don't know that this man has many women, right? Are you sure you want to be one of his women?"

"Kasumigaoka Utaha, you are beautiful and have a good figure. There are many good men out there willing to be your boyfriend."

"Instead of choosing Eiji where you are not the only one, why don't you look for another man?"

Eiji blinked his eyes, he didn't expect Eriri to persuade Utaha to look for another man.

Is this how girls hate and love men?

Eriri seemed to have to be punished.

Tsundere girls were troublesome enough, but there was no way he would let the girl go to another man. Not after he had tasted the girl's mouth service before.

¶{Host, I have some references on "How to tame a tsundere girl and make her obedient". Want to hear it?}

"Sounds interesting, send it to my brain and we'll talk about it later."

When Eiji and Miss System were discussing.


Utaha couldn't help but laugh again. What Eriri said was really funny.

"Why are you laughing, I'm advising you for your own good, you're laughing? Fat woman!"

"Sawamura-san, I know you're jealous of my figure and not confident if I become one of Eiji's women. You must be worried if I'm there, how should you behave since you also like that man, right?"

"No! You're wrong! I have no such worries!"

"Really? You should drink more milk so that it grows and you're more confident."

"You don't understand! Kasumigaoka Utaha, I drink it every day and it doesn't have any effect."

Staring at her own chest, Eriri felt frustrated and sad.

That bastard kept staring at Kasumigaoka Utaha because hers was bigger. To be honest if it was any other woman in Eiji's harem, she would have no problem. But the problem was that woman Kasumigaoka Utaha, she just wasn't willing to be defeated by the woman who had been her rival for several months at school.

It actually started since she and Kasumigaoka Utaha met at the club Tomoya created. Since then, even without having anything to do with Tomoya, she had always felt jealous and resentful whenever she saw Kasumigaoka Utaha.

Whenever she or the other party talked to her. They couldn't help but mock each other.

In short, it was like dog and cat.

But when she was depressed, that bastard's inner voice was heard. What did he want to say? Mocking her for losing to Kasumigaoka Utaha?

[So the conflict between Eriri and Utaha actually started because of Eriri's inferiority complex to Utaha? I see.]

[Other than Sona, the others don't know. But I can actually increase a woman's breast size. I did the same thing to Sona and that girl became more confident when arguing with Rias.]

[Just like Eriri and Utaha. I don't know if I should tell Eriri about this ability? Well, this girl just rebelled by telling Utaha to find another man. Forget it, I don't want to curry favor with a girl who's not even my girlfriend.]

[This exclusive treatment I will only give to my woman.]


It wasn't just Eriri who was dumbfounded and excited to hear what Eiji said.

The heroines like Nana and others who had problems with their size being too small also felt the same way as Eriri.

"Miss System, it looks like I won't have to bother using your reference."

¶{Yes, you are sly as always.}

"Sly? What do you mean?"

Eiji pretended not to understand. Seeing Eriri who was previously looking at him with annoyance was looking at him eagerly.

He wanted to see what that girl would do?


A/N: If you want to read 7 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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