
Rias who is worried about her brother losing his wife

"I am a maid serving the House of Gremory. My name is Grayfia. It's a pleasure to meet you, Eiji Seiya. May I call you, Eiji-san?"

"So polite? Of course, Grayfia. I'm also happy to make the acquaintance of a beautiful woman like you."

Looking at the silver-haired maid, Grayfia who bent down slightly while pinching her maid's skirt and looked at her with a faint smile. From his vantage point, Eiji could see the woman's G-cup breasts swaying slightly due to her movements. He also saw that the corners of Grayfia's lips lifted slightly when she saw him watching her breasts, even if it was only for 0.2 seconds.

Damn, this woman did it on purpose, right?

Sirzechs, your wife... No wonder in the original work. Although you are the strongest devil in the underworld with your overly gentle personality and prefer to give in as long as it doesn't cause a war. Sirzechs, you have a green hat.

And I'll make sure you get one in this life too.

That green hat, I will give it to you.

[By the way, did she say her name was Grayfia? Not Grayfia Lucifuge? Well... That must be because of the politics in the underworld. No, wait. The reason Grayfia didn't mention her surname, actually it was just because of her maid hobby that made her always want to be humble].

[But not instead of being called Eiji-san. I actually prefer Grayfia to call me Master. It would be fun if she wore a maid uniform while calling me like that.]

"...." Grayfia.

"...." The heroines, especially Rias.

Rias slightly pinched his waist and whispered again in his ear.

"Eiji. Grayfia is my brother's wife."


[I know! Why is this woman reminding me of this? Do you think I'll be tempted by someone else's wife? Hahaha no way...]

You don't sound convincing at all!

Rias was getting a little worried that her brother might lose his wife.

Grayfia? The woman was still smiling faintly. However, she was a little surprised that Eiji seemed to know about her maid hobby? She began to wonder how much that white-haired boy knew about her.

As for calling that boy Master? She narrowed her eyes slightly. Making her pink lipstick-covered smile look dazzling.

[So will I be called Master?]

No. Grayfia wanted to say that, but she also didn't want to expose that she could hear Eiji's inner voice.

Eiji smiled playfully and said, "So Grayfia. Want to stop me from killing that fiery man over there too?"

Not staring, not even pointing at the person in question. He just said that while looking at Grayfia's beautiful face.

Veins were already protruding from Riser's temples and it was clear that the man was furious - but it was useless because he couldn't move or speak.

This humiliation... This was the first time he had experienced it so far. He would definitely take revenge on the human who gave him this crazy humiliation!

Riser swore in his heart. And Eiji didn't care at all, even if he knew what Riser was thinking. After all, with his current power. Actually he could have manipulated Riser's mind using his magic.

That was still under consideration, but put that aside.

"Yes, Eiji-san. Can you let her go? If Riser dies here and is killed by people related to Rias. The consequences will be troublesome for the House of Gremory in the underworld."

"So can you, Eiji-san? You're Rias' boyfriend, right? That might be a bit troublesome."

Grayfia looked at Rias and the crimson-haired girl did not dare to look at the maid and her brother's wife. However, Rias broke away from Eiji's embrace and said to the white-haired boy while holding one of his hands.

"Eiji, there's really no need to kill Riser. I actually already have an idea so I can cancel my marriage with him."

"Oh, what idea is that?"

[I believe it's a game in the underworld called Rating Game. It's the same as in the original work. But Rias, are you sure you want to do this?]

Rias did not deny his inner voice, and she explained calmly while looking at Grayfia.

"Rating Game. I want to do a group match against Riser and his peerage. If I win, I want Riser and his family to agree to cancel the wedding."

"And if you and your peerage lose. Rias, are you willing to marry Riser?" Grayfia asked. With her status, her husband actually sent her here knowing that Riser had come to the human world to visit Rias. Sirzechs, the man was worried about his younger sister and that's why he was here.

"...." Rias was a little hesitant to answer Grayfia's question, but she suddenly felt something flow from one of her hands that was holding Eiji's hand. That something flowed from her hand and into her brain!

Her head was a little dizzy, but she believed Eiji didn't mean to hurt her. In less than 5 seconds, she was dumbfounded by the amount of information that suddenly appeared in her head.

She looked at Eiji and the boy looked at her with a smile. Rias wanted to kiss the boy passionately right now, but the sound of coughing was suddenly heard.


It was Grayfia because she felt Rias was about to do something shameless. So she hurriedly stopped the girl.

Not knowing why, Rias looked at her confidently and said.

"I'm going to win! So there's no way I'm going to marry Riser!"


Grayfia widened her eyes slightly, even the others were also dumbfounded by Rias' confidence.

Only Eiji knew why Rias was so confident that she would win.

Of course she was. It was because he gave the girl something.

¶{Host, is it alright to give Rias that much?}

Miss System was curious, but her host was indifferent.

"It's just information about some spells that happen to be very suitable for Rias who has the Power of Destruction which is basically able to use the concept of destruction."

"With what I gave Rias. It will only make it easier for her to better master her Power of Destruction and increase her power as long as she takes the time to practice a bit."

This was actually the gift she intended to give to Rias and the others today. Rias' version was different, but the process of getting it was the same.


This is one of Anos' spells that has the ability to cast memories or information that the castor has onto a chosen target.

For ordinary people to absorb knowledge through the [Tales] spell. The process is quite painful and it is not the first time he has used it on others. The first was Asia, he first used it on that girl to give her basic knowledge about school from elementary to high school.

The blonde girl almost cried from the pain in her head, but she managed to hold it in.

As a devil, Rias who received knowledge transfer through [Tales] had a higher pain resistance than ordinary people and that's why the girl at most only felt a little dizzy in the process of receiving the information he transferred earlier.

Eiji transferred some of the Destruction Magic spells created by Anos to Rias. Although the girl definitely needed time to display the full power of all those spells which could actually blow up several planets - if used by Anos and himself.

But mastering a few percent of the spells was enough for Rias to defeat Riser. The rest just need to practice more.

¶{....} Miss System.

She didn't ask any more questions and continued watching drama.

"Even though you said that. But it also depends on whether or not Riser accepts your proposed Rating Game, Rias."

Grayfia said that, and she turned to look at the man in question.

Rias and the others were the same. They turned their heads to look at Riser who currently had a very ugly expression as if holding back dirt.

"Riser! Do you dare to accept my Rating Game challenge?" Rias asked and the girl's eyes looked very determined. However, one of her hands was still holding Eiji's hand as if letting her fiancé who she didn't like see that she belonged to another man.


"Riser, why are you silent? Don't tell me you don't dare to accept my challenge. Even though you're a Rating Game champion who has won many games?"


"What? Really?!"

Rias didn't mean to mock, but she was genuinely surprised. And her expression made Riser's look very dark.

Riser glared at Rias with anger as if saying with his eyes that you bitch!

Then his gaze shifted to the man named Eiji Seiya who was holding the girl's hand. If gaze could kill, he would have killed that man many times already. However, it's a pity because reality often doesn't match expectations.

That human named Eiji Seiya. Didn't know what tricks he was using. Although Riser was very arrogant, he knew he was helpless against the humans he had always looked down upon. At least the human in front of him who tried to steal his fiancee, he was powerless against the other party.

"Onii-sama... Why are you silent?"

Ravel looked at her older brother with a hint of disappointment in her eyes. Seeing your fiancée being taken by another man. You didn't even dare to take action like accepting Rias' Rating Game challenge?

Looking at his younger sister who looked at him with disappointment. Riser wanted to explode. Whether it was an illusion or not, but Riser's face currently looked slightly green like the slightly transparent green hat on top of his head.

If the protagonist Issei or Rito saw him. For the first time, the protagonist would probably feel sympathy for villain. And they would probably feel like they could be friends with each other somehow.

"....." The other heroines looked at Riser with pity, but there was also disgust in their eyes because Riser was so cowardly.

Eiji's lips trembled.


The heroines wondered why this boy was laughing in his heart? Can't you just laugh like normal?

"Eiji, what's wrong?" Rias asked because she was curious.

Eiji shook his head. "It's okay." Then he looked at Riser and said, "Hey fiery guy over there. Quickly answer my girlfriend. Are you really afraid and don't dare to accept a challenge from a girl? Man, you're a disappointment."

Riser somehow finally felt able to move after Eiji said that. He unhesitatingly lunged towards Eiji with madness and anger in his eyes. His devil power could already be used again and without hesitation he unleashed Hell Fire at full power. Wings made of fire were even created behind him which increased his speed.

"Human, I will kill you!!! Ahh!!! How dare you give me this much humiliation!!!"

"How dare you--"


"Onii-sama!!" Ravel shouted seeing her older brother's crazy actions.



Rias, Sona, and their group were naturally more worried about Eiji.

"...." Grayfia was expressionless, she was about to freeze Riser with her ice magic.

It's just that...

Eiji was faster. He suddenly teleported above Riser's head, and stepped on his face with one foot which made the other party fall to the ground.

The fire in Riser's body was extinguished and Riser felt completely helpless! Why!? Why today, he being subjected to such insane humiliation?!

He tried to get up and get rid of the human foot that stepped on his handsome face of course. But it was extremely difficult as if he was being squashed by a mountain and that cold human voice made him feel a terrifying chill.

"Riser Phenex, right? At least call me by my name, okay? You again dare to try to attack me. Should I kill you now?"

"You should have realized the difference in our powers. Even if you are immortal with your super regeneration power. Believe me, I have many tricks to kill you or torture you."

"And... No one can stop me."


Riser, who was about to get angry and curse, swallowed. Although he felt extremely humiliated, now he felt like getting as far away from this man as possible as soon as possible!

Even if he doubted what the other party said, his current situation proved that he was weaker than him.

Ravel covered her mouth with one hand. She wanted to say something, but she didn't dare when she saw the expressionless look on Eiji's handsome face and his red eyes that seemed to glow.

There was also an eerie air around Eiji that made the other Riser peerage members who were originally planning to attack - they froze in fear.

Only Rias and the other heroines were staring at Eiji with mesmerized gazes. Except for Grayfia who was getting curious, and even began to wonder if Eiji was stronger than her husband? Unlike her husband who was very gentle, and still bowed to those old devils in the Devil Council even though he had the power to silence them.

Eiji was very domineering, although he looked arrogant, but he had the right to do so because he had the power to do so.

Didn't know what Grayfia was thinking, but she was staring at Eiji's very strong-looking back with a strange look.

Eiji sighed, it seemed that it didn't take long to make Sirzech really have a green hat.

"Looks like you finally understand that you can't beat me. So Riser Phenex."

"Are you willing to do a Rating Game match against Rias on the terms she mentioned earlier?"

He stopped stepping on Riser's face. Riser's arrogant face had disappeared, but he still seemed to be holding back his anger.

He got up slowly and looked at Eiji with hatred and a little fear at the same time.

"If there were you on Rias's side. Isn't the result obvious who will win?"

Riser said that with an ugly expression. He was obsessed with Rias' body, and of course he was still reluctant to let her go.

Once he returned to the underworld. He will definitely remember this humiliation and look for a way to take revenge on Eiji Seiya. There was also that bitch, Rias. After he married that woman, he would definitely torture her by brutally fucking her.

Riser looked at Rias coldly, but there was a hot light hidden in her eyes.

Eiji certainly noticed this. He finally decided to torture Riser in a way that would make him suffer greatly with his personality.

He smiled falsely and said, "Don't worry. I won't interfere in your Rating Game against Rias."

"That's a fight between you guys."


"Really?" Riser raised his original, he was certainly glad that this troublesome Eiji Seiya would not interfere in the Rating Game between him and Rias.

Actually he could have refused Rias' challenge, but his pride could not possibly make him dare not accept a challenge from a woman. Especially that woman, Rias who he knew that she and her peerage had never even played Rating Game and he was confident that he and his peerage would win.

As a veteran in the Rating Game, Riser was of course very confident that he and his peerage were stronger than Rias and her peerage.

"Okay. Rias, I agree to play Rating Game with you."

But was it just him or was the flick of the finger by the human named Eiji Seiya unusual?

Riser felt something wrong was happening.

Eiji smiled, he suddenly snapped his fingers not without reason of course.

When Riser returned to the underworld after this.

Let alone seeing the beautiful girls in his peerage naked. Even if he fantasizes about Rias.

Even if Riser was a man, he wouldn't be able to raise his sword! Instead of thinking of revenge on him. The man would probably be busy getting plenty of medicine before his Rating Game match against Rias started. Which was useless of course because it wasn't something that could be gotten rid of with just the medicines in the underworld and even the medicines in the human world.

¶{As expected of my host, you are as sadistic as ever.}

See? Even Miss System praised him.

¶{And you're getting shameless.}

Thank you for the compliment.

Eiji was already in a phase where he would take what Miss System said to him as a compliment to him.

He has gone too far down the path of shamelessness and sadism.

["Adel" spell. It's a spell that's good enough to make a man unable to use his sword anymore because it loses its function except for throwing water].

[Instead of killing you. Riser, I'm giving you this. Aren't I very gentle?]


"...." Some of the heroine in the room were also initially wondering why Eiji suddenly snapped his fingers.

Now they knew the reason and looked at Riser with some pity, but Ravel who knew her older brother might not be able to maintain his playboy lifestyle anymore!

Ravel certainly wanted to ask Eiji to retract the spell he cast on Riser who currently didn't even realize his sword couldn't function anymore - except for throwing water.

However, she saw Eiji narrowing his red eyes at her. And she immediately shook her head.

M-Maybe it's a good thing that Onii-sama no longer spends so much time on sex?

Rias and Akeno's lips twitched. They stifled a laugh that made Riser again raise his original in confusion.

But in his mind, he was already fantasizing that not only Rias, but members of her peerage like Akeno would also be taken to bed. He doesn't realize that when he thinks lewd thoughts, his sword wasn't even slightly raised.

Grayfia's lips twitched. She didn't expect Eiji to be this sadistic. No, wait actually doesn't Eiji often do sadistic things to those protagonists?

But putting that aside, she said: "Since both sides agree. I will convey about this Rating Game match to the heads of the Gremory and Phenex families."

"If they also agree. The match will probably start in 4 or 5 days' time so that all the devils in the underworld can be invited to gather and watch."

"Do you guys have any objections?"

"I don't mind." Rias nodded.

Riser only grunted which was interpreted as approval by Grayfia.

However, there was no telling when. Eiji was already standing beside Sona and holding the girl's hand.

Sona had also received the same gift as Rias, but it was a different version related to the extremely luxurious water manipulation. Now she also understood why Rias had previously seemed confident that she would win against Riser in the Rating Game - so because of this!

After the slight dizziness was gone. Sona's face appeared to be smiling happily.

"Thank you Eiji. With this is it possible that I can be as strong as Onee-sama?"

"That's possible. However, you still have to train for that."

"I understand."

"Is that all? Where's my kiss?"

This man....

Sona's face was getting red, but she leaned forward and kissed Eiji in front of everyone.

Eiji nodded in satisfaction, he turned to everyone who was staring at him - especially Riser who was staring at him dumbfounded, extremely envious and hateful.

The man didn't seem to expect that he was just as much of a playboy as him, or rather more of a bastard than him.

Riser wondered what was the difference between him and Eiji Seiya that Rias preferred the latter?

Moreover, not only Rias, but also the heiress of the House of Sitri - Sona Sitri?!

As the heiress of the House of Phenex. He certainly knows Sona Sitri who is the younger sister of Maou Serafall Leviathan. Just like Rias who was also Maou's younger sister, Sona was also the same which made their status certainly prominent in the underworld.

What made Riser even more confused and surprised was how the human could make both women fall in love with him!

"I know that look."

"Isn't it obvious? I'm better looking and stronger than you, Riser Phenex."

"Also not like you. I know how to win a woman's heart and won't replace the old with the new."

"In short, I'm responsible bastard."


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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