
Chapter 1 - Treaty of Tempestia

The noble's domain was in disarray. A mixture of his own greed, poor choices, and a bit of bad luck had led to him beginning to face a financial situation that threatened to bring his entire domain into economic collapse. If things kept going the way they were, he was bound to face opposition and potential retaliation. If not from his own subjects, the Kingdom itself would seek to depose and replace him.

The noble had gotten desperate, hoping that by stabilizing his own financial situation, he could restabilize his domain as well, though even that seemed to be coming short on results. While he was able to regain a significant amount of funds, he knew not how to use it to fix his domain's impending economic collapse. If he couldn't fix it soon, this regained money would be in his possession only briefly before he too would face financial collapse and likely deposement from the Kingdom.

There was one possible solution, however. It was one he had hoped to avoid but he was unfortunately left with no choice anymore. The recent months had revealed a new Demonic Summoning ritual, though one strange in its properties. Demon summoning was generally forbidden and knowledge on the rituals needed was rare and hard to come by. For him to so easily find this one was strange and frankly suspicious, but the noble was too desperate to care.

The main strangeness of the spell came from what it used, while not necessarily common knowledge, most knew that to summon demons one needed souls or bodies as tribute, at the very least one would have to offer their own in exchange if nothing else. However, this ritual required none of that, making it fairly appealing for what seemed to be supposedly favorable results. Demons were supposed to reside beyond their plane, so what use a demon had for money was beyond him, but he couldn't care less anymore.

The noble commences the ritual, with no other choice he gambles all the wealth he has left for this Demon, leaving only enough to last him through the next few months if he needs to. If this failed, the money would be enough to allow him to flee and live somewhat comfortably in another country. As he commenced the ritual, the towers of coins around the circle glowed and vanished, swirling around in a twister of magical glow.

After a few minutes the glow faded and standing in the center of the circle was what appeared to be a teenage girl, black hair on her head in a ponytail with a single crimson streak down the center of it. The girl looked almost entirely human but her eyes gave her away; her eyes were black where they should've been white, and their irises seemed to glow in contrast. The demon wore a black and red uniform, one he didn't recognize.

The girl made a polite bow, hand over her chest as she made a smile, it seemed partially genuine, though part of it had a sadistic devilishness to it, most fitting of a demon. The demon spoke with a voice that, despite matching her teenage body, still radiated the power and intimidation given off by a demon, "It is a pleasure to meet you, I take it from your look that you summoned me out of desperation, mind elaborating on what you wish for me to do? I do hope you know that I specialize in… certain fields, so I may not be able to help you directly."

The noble grew worried, fearful that this demon might only work to kill someone rather than provide any help. In the worst-case scenario, he could probably ask the demon to kill some more successful noble and take his riches, giving him more time and wealth to act upon. The noble stuttered "W-Well my domain h-has fallen on hard times… I-I was hoping you could provide me some aid in acquiring more money or fixing the s-situation."

The demon raised her head with a smile, nodding along, "That I can indeed fix, but I must tell you that my solutions aren't immediate. They take time, though I can at the very least guarantee you some resemblance of stability until my plans can truly see to your benefit. I have an arrangement for you… You work for me, obey my commands, and tell nobody about my existence. In return, I'll bring about economic prosperity to both you and your domain, in due time at least. Don't worry about the nature of my requests, in the end, I seek economic prosperity as well. Think of it as a pact of mutual cooperation."

The noble didn't have much to consider, ultimately, he had no choice regardless. Even if he wanted to refuse, turning down a Demon's request without any sort of backup would lead to his demise. The noble nodded, stuttering out again, "Y-Yes! I agree!"

The demon's smile turned slightly wicked, though she hid it quite well, "Good…" In a puff of smoke a scroll of paper appeared in the demon girl's hand. After a moment, she rolled it out on a nearby table and handed him something to write with. "Sign this and we have a deal."

The paper seemed to be a written contract, the words on it generally being a more in-depth way of phrasing what the Demon had already said. If there was any fine print, he didn't bother to read it, fearing the Demon may get angry and change her mind if he wasted any time. Ignoring the strange writing utensil she gave him to write with, the noble quickly signed his name at the bottom of the paper, after which the demon curled it back up and had it disappear in another puff of smoke.

"Now then, I'm afraid that I must go for now. I'm a busy demon, but rest assured we can start progress very soon."

The noble quickly asked, "May I ask what I should call you, demon? I take it you probably don't have a name, but do you have a title?"

The demon shook her head and made another bow, "How rude of me to not properly introduce myself, though you are wrong about me not having a name. You may call me Tanya von Degurechaff. I'll be in touch."

The demon finally vanished into a swirling cloud of smoke, disappearing completely as the Noble was left standing there, hoping that he made the right decision.


Tanya looked over the Military HQ as it was finishing construction. It was designed in part after the Imperial HQ in her old life, mostly since that was the one she had memory of and could detail a design for. It was also designed in such a way for her own convenience, albeit relatively mild. While Tanya was de facto Commander in Chief, she wanted to delegate some military affairs to other people where possible, so that she didn't need to constantly administer orders.

Ultimately she was still somewhat debating on who to place as members of the General Staff and what their roles would be. Some were no-brainers, with individuals like Hakurou and Benimaru already having well secured their place within the new General Staff. Hakurou would handle training forces and Benimaru would become her second-in-command so to speak, effectively becoming like Weiss in that aspect. While she originally considered putting Eiga into some role, Eiga had already effectively forced herself into the role of Tanya's adjutant, leaving her role already decided.

A few Goblins and Orcs had made some progress in terms of military expertise, and while Tanya still had to pick and choose who to put where, though there were a few candidates she already had in mind. Of course, Tempest's army was still small, too small to really need much bureaucracy to it, of which she intended to keep to a minimum, but at the very least a General Staff would be a start. The next step would be to make uniforms, at least for the upper ranks to wear during official meetings or outings.

As Tanya thought over her plans for the General Staff, the magical radar she had always kept on, now upgraded in range and effectiveness thanks to Kaijin's computation jewel, picked up numerous individuals approaching rapidly.

'Is that… aerial cavalry? I suppose if you have a bunch of flying horses around, it makes sense, but I feel like the horses would be a critical weakness. Kill the horse and the rider falls. At least mages have barriers… Whatever, I suppose I'll go show them that this is our airspace'

Tanya flew up, now having much faster and more accurate flying thanks to her computation orb. She had already begun considering the possibility of making a flying unit by recreating tech from her last life, but she didn't know enough about how the boots work to plan that out on her own.

Regardless, Tanya flew up to the aerial horse units and recognized the man at the front as the King of Dwargon. She never met him personally, but due to his status as a 'hero king' among the Dwarves, it was hard to have not seen how he looks at least once. Royalty or not, she had a point to make.

Standing in front of the horses, or rather pegasuses as they stopped, Tanya placed her arms behind her back and spoke, "I'm afraid this is the airspace of the Jura Tempest Federation. I'll kindly ask that next time you try to fly through here, you seek permission first. Please state your business or turn around and return to Dwargon."

The leader of the group, King Gazel Dwargo responded, "I wasn't aware such a nation existed in this forest, only the congregation of so many Majin into one place after the defeat of the Orc Lord."

"While it is true that our Federation is newly-established and not fully recognized, I'm sure you understand how an unannounced visit from a neighboring country with a full battalion as an escort looks. Had I not recognized you as the King of Dwargon, and had this force not been far too underwhelming, I may have put our forces on high alert."

The king laughed, though not in mockery, "Hoho! I seem to have a grasp of the situation. Nevertheless, that doesn't change much about why I'm here. Are you the leader of this so-called nation?"

Tanya shook her head, "I'm merely the Commander-In-Chief, if you wish to meet with Rimuru, I kindly request you and your forces land first."

The king nodded and ordered his forces to the ground. Their chat had given Tanya enough time to silently inform everyone she needed to about what was going on, ultimately leading to Rimuru being fully prepared at the entrance of Tempest. With her stalling done, it was time for Rimuru, as their King, to take over.

As Tanya and shortly afterward King Gazel landed Tanya was initially confused as to why Kajin was there, though quickly remembered that he was formerly part of Dwargon himself. Kaijin rushed up to the front, kneeling as King Gazel dismounted, "It is a pleasure to see you again."

The King turned to him, "It has been a long time, Kajin."

'They knew each other? Didn't know Kaijin had ties with the King. I suppose being the top blacksmith does give you those connections. Actually, now that I think about it, didn't he mention some government project he worked on at some point? I'll need to ask him about it later.'

Tanya descended, joining with the Kijin as Rimuru bounced forwards to meet with the king. In Tanya's eyes at least, Dwargon was a most vital friend to have. Getting them on their side was both important politically and economically, the latter of the two interesting Tanya the most

"You're the slime?" The King asked, approaching Rimuru as he bounced towards him.

"I'll introduce myself first. My name is Rimuru Tempest, the King of the Jura Tempest Federation. As such, while I am a slime, I'd prefer it if you didn't call me that." Rimuru bounced up into his human form, his outfit was far from one a King on an official diplomatic interaction would wear, but Tanya decided to keep quiet on that for the time being. "This isn't really my true form, but it's easier to talk to me like this, right? So, why are you here?"

Tanya wasn't sure whether it would be more officially respectful for Tanya to meet in human or slime form. It was a debate in itself, but she ultimately decided it was one Rimuru would have to deal with.

"I'll get right to the point," the King began, "Rimuru, I've come to see what you truly are."

Rimuru was a bit confused, while Tanya simply shrugged, questioning how the King hadn't seen that he was quite obviously a slime.

The King continued, "I will expose your true nature with my sword! Since you boasted of being King of this forest, it seems I must teach you exactly where you stand! If that sword is more than decoration, you would do well to accept my proposal."

'What kind of king just comes up and challenges people to a fucking sword fight?! And what is this guy's skill? I can't say I particularly trust a King who has a skill called 'Tyrant'! It seems to have some ability to read minds, and while I'm confident that I'm immune thanks to Mental Influence Nullification, I have doubts about Rimuru's immunity to it. Reading minds isn't that bad, I suppose, so long as Rimuru's head doesn't start thinking about elves.'

Tanya sighed at the strangeness of the situation as Rimuru himself prepared for combat. Tanya had no clue how good either Rimuru or Gazel were at fighting with a sword, but she assumed that Gazel, as a 'hero king' would be pretty damned good at it. For Rimuru, on the other hand, Tanya had no clue. She knew he had been training with Hakurou but that was about it.

Even some of the King's own men seemed confused and concerned about the King challenging another to a fight, giving Tanya some relief that this, at the very least, was not the norm in this world.

"Very well, I accept. I'll make you regret accusing me of boasting" Rimuru said, pulling out his sword. The sword itself resembled a Katana, a fact that didn't give Tanya any peace of mind considering the fact most western-style swords tended to be stronger than the katana. Tanya just hoped the blacksmiths in Tempest were able to make a Katana with a bit more strength.

King Gazel readied his own sword, "If you can defend against my entire chain of attacks, you win. However, I suggest you don't underestimate the sword skill of Master Swordsman Gazel Dwargo."

'And we're the one's boasting?' Both Tanya and Rimuru mused in unison.

Before the two could begin, Treyni appeared in a swirling wind of leaves, much to the shock of the Dwargon.

Gazel merely smirked, "I willingly apologize for accusing you of boasting. However, that is a separate matter from judging your true nature. Now that we have a witness, all that remains is to cross swords!"

"Yeah, sure. I'll win this quickly and make you explain what's going on here."

"If you manage to defeat me, you will have your answer."

Treyni waved her arm to the side, shouting, "Begin!"

Rimuru dashed forwards toward Gazel, making a few attempts to slash or stab at him, both being blocked by his sword with relative ease before Gazel himself forced Rimuru away. "Is that all the strength you have, Rimuru?"

"Quiet! I just haven't started taking this seriously yet." Rimuru shouted in response

Tanya resisted the urge to plant her face in her hands, 'Yeah, sure Rimuru… You always start an important battle without taking it seriously… That's totally a good strategy… Did you not take the Orc Disaster seriously?!' Tanya's inner monologue was filled to the brim with sarcasm, so much so that it was basically leaking out through her facial expression.

Gazel made the next strike, taking a step forward and slashing down with intensive might. Rimuru blocked the attack, however, the force slid him backward several feet in seconds. Gazel then held his sword up to his side, "Here I come, Rimuru! Haze: Thunder of Heaven and Earth!"

In the next instant, Gazel disappeared for everyone but Tanya. While his haze was able to fool magic sense, Transcending Eye saw beyond it. Suddenly his sword thrust upwards, nearly slashing Rimuru before coming back down, Rimuu raising his sword to block it, as if in anticipation of the move.

Gazel laughed "Haha! You managed to stop my strike!"

Treyni raised her arms, proclaiming, "Enough! The winner is Rimuru Tempest."

Gazel put his sword away as Rimuru slowly did the same, "I understand now after having crossed swords with you, you are not an evil being."

'How do you find that out by fighting someone?' Both Tanya and Rimuru mused though both did their best to hide their confusion.

"Regardless," the King continued, "I'm impressed that you were able to see through my Haze: Thunder of Heaven and Earth. Well done, Rimuru."

"Oh, that's just a coincidence. My teacher used that move, so I dealt with it a lot in training. That's all it was, really." Rimuru replied.

"Huh? Could it be that your master was…"

"Excellent work, Great Rimuru." Hakurou interrupted as he approached.

Gazel looked shocked to see him, "The Savant!"

'Wait, he knows Gazel too? If I knew we had these connections to the guy I would've had them meet with him first! That would've made this situation a whole lot easier, I'd imagine.'

Nevertheless, Gazel and Hakurou had a brief reunion before a feast was prepared for dinner as a sort of diplomatic meeting between the two factions. Tanya had prepared for such an occurrence, already having servants within the main hall ready to accommodate any visitors. Of course, such preparations were only partially complete without a finalized government building being complete, but in sudden meetings such as this, they would do. In the end, in Tanya's eyes, Dwargon was the side that came uninvited, so they're frankly lucky they had anything prepared at all.

Now sitting down for discussions, Tanya sat alongside Rimuru, the two of them sitting directly across from King Gazel and his personal escorts. As they ate, Gazel explained, "We came to investigate the strange and sudden assembly of monsters which appeared here after the Orc Lord's supposed defeat. We wished to determine whether they were friend or foe."

Tanya twirled a chopstick in her hand as if it was a pen as she spoke, "I suppose I should've considered the possibility of other nations looking on at the battle. Something such as an Orc Lord probably attracted a lot of attention. How many people do you reckon know about the Orc Lord and its defeat?"

Gazel considered the possibilities before answering, "Not many, I'd imagine. The existence of the Orc Lord has become generally known, though most details on it aren't shared publicly. While I'm sure most nations know about the Orc Lord itself, the only other nation I could see knowing you beat it was probably the Kingdom of Blumund."

Rimuru nodded. "That's the nation those adventurers from before came from. If Blumund does know, perhaps they could explain a bit, if nothing else the Guild probably knows who I am already regardless."

"Blumund is a small nation, they continue to exist through having a massive information network, I dare say it rivals Dwargon's," Gazel commented.

Tanya made a smug grin, "Speaking of your intelligence network, I've been fucking with your spies for the last several months. I wouldn't trust much of the information gained by them, I've been tricking them with illusions most of this time, at least those that weren't found by Souei first."

'Tanya, what the fuck have you done?' Rimuru asked through [Thought Communication].

'Foreign spies in our country need to be dealt with. Of course, considering the fact we're not an officially recognized country I couldn't kill them out of risk of a diplomatic incident, but I did partially confuse the hell out of them. Making them walk in circles over and over again was fun to watch.' Tanya mused towards Rimuru who did his best to not change his expression.

"Hahaha! I was wondering what some of the reports my spies told me were. I'm sure you can understand my suspicions in keeping tabs on this sudden and growing population of monsters here in the forest. With the disappearance of Veldora, I can't afford a stampede of powerful monsters attacking my Kingdom." Gazel said with a smile on his face; Rimuru was frankly surprised at how well he was taking it.

"Yes, yes. Hence why I didn't immediately kill any of them, but I do hope you understand why I had to mess with them. We don't have much to hide, but I feel like you'd rather not have a bunch of spies lurking through your city regardless."

"Yes, yes, I understand. Now that I know the nature of your leader, I promise to withdraw any spies from your territory. Now then, I have something to ask. Would the Jura Tempest Federation be interested in entering a treaty with the Kingdom of Dwargon? If you were to control everything in this vast forest, you could obtain wealth and power beyond my own nation. It would serve you well to have another nation supporting you at such a time."

Rimuru thought for a moment, though couldn't find much of a reason to refuse. Tanya didn't seem to need to think at all, already knowing full well the benefits of this. To Rimuru, it was as if Tanya had anticipated it from the very start, or perhaps she had simply hoped it would lead this way. Nevertheless, Rimuru was the leader, and it was still his call to make.

"That would be great but… That would mean recognizing a nation of monsters. I plan to open up to humanity eventually anyways, but I imagine the political implications might be a lot."

"Think nothing of it, we stand to gain from this arrangement too, both sides will profit," Gazel replied simply.

"Alright then, I accept!" Rimuru declared, much to the satisfaction of the devil on his shoulder, or in this case, the one sitting to his left.

"Now then, you mentioned the name of this country, but do you have a name for the capital?" Gazel asked as Rimuru suddenly felt the pressure of a dozen gazes onto him.

'Fuck! I didn't think this far! Tanya sorta made the name for the nation, maybe I can get her help!'

«It is likely that she wants you to start making more decisions for yourself»

'She can't at least do this one?! She's the chancellor for god's sake!'

«Despite being the Chancellor, the lack of a fully established government structure has relegated her job to a glorified Commander-In-Chief position. As such, she could hardly be considered a secondary leader in anything but name»

'This demon… But what do I name the city?'

«It is unlikely that the monsters of this village will accept any name that does not directly reference or reflect you in some way»

'I see… well in that case…' Rimuru shouted out suddenly, "Tempestia! The capital shall be called Tempestia!"

The nearby monsters immediately began to applaud the name, all seemingly satisfied with the name he chose. Looking back to Gazel now he smiled and nodded, "Tempestia it is, that is a great name for what will no doubt be a great city."

"Now then, let's discuss the details of this treaty," Tanya said with a grin on her face and her arms folded, her demonic gaze burning toward Gazel.

Gazel returned her gaze with his own, nodding, "Yes, let's."

'What happened to her being Co-Leader in name only?!'

«Due to the lack of government structure, she is basically allowed to do whatever she wants»

'I need to make a constitution real soon. Wait, I thought I put someone in charge of that already? Who was that?'

«Notice: You placed Tanya in charge of the Constitution at her request.»

'Well fuck.'

"Well, uuh, since you're the chancellor, I'll let you handle this then and I'll head ou-" As Rimuru tried to make his grand escape out of what he could instantly tell would be several hours of boring negotiations, he felt something grab at his arm.

"Where are you going, Rimuru?" A cold voice spoke out blankly with no emotion as the demon's devilish gaze turned towards Rimuru, sending a chill down his spine, "As leader of this nation, it's crucial you take part in such important negotiations." Tanya now had a smirk on her face as her strength prevented Rimuru from running.

The King sitting across from the demon nodded, "Yes, Rimuru. I understand that you are new to being a King, but you must learn how to properly be a King if you wish to find any success."

Tanya nodded and turned towards Gazel again with a much nicer smile on her face, for once looking like the age her body gave her the appearance of, "I'm glad we have an agreement, King Gazel."

'Fuck there's two of them!'

«Chances of successful escape: 0.00001%. Chances of harmful repercussions following successful escape: 100%. Conclusion: Escape is ill-advised.»



'Don't sigh at me!'

What followed was a long night of discussion and mild debate. While there were very few disagreements, the main discussion was on the finer details of it all, with Tanya finally concluding with the creation of a treaty by the end of it.


'I shouldn't need to sleep but I need a fucking nap' Rimuru mused as he laid his face down against his desk, exhausted. His nights for the past few months had been mostly spent dealing with the bureaucracy of dealing with a recently-formed nation that spanned half the size of Europe with the population of a single city, all scattered throughout. He had intended to create a democratic system, even after he was declared King, however in the current state of the Federation, he was just about the only one in the government.

To Tanya's credit, she herself had taken on some of the paperwork and management, in particular aiding with the growth of the Lizardmen tribes and the foundation of a new city on the lakeside, but the point remained that it was a lot of work, and progress on establishing actual branches of government were, for the time being, fairly slow.

In the end, though, Rimuru didn't actually mind. He considered himself a workaholic and found himself more bored when he didn't have work to do, but that meeting last night was too much for him. In the end, he was confused out of his mind for most of it, trying his best to be an active participant, but the ramblings of Tanya and Gazel had gotten so elaborate that he needed Great Sage to even catch up. Even now, he needed Great Sage to summarize what was the multi-page long treaty he signed the night before.

«The 'Treaty of Tempestia' was signed as follows:

<Section 1> The Kingdom of Dwargon officially recognizes the Jura Tempest Federation as a sovereign, independent, and legitimate state holding territory west of the Great Ameld River with recognized claims on the forest east of the river.

<Section 2-A> The Kingdom of Dwargon and the Jura Tempest Federation officially enter a mutual defense pact. In the event that either nation is attacked by another foreign power (While no specific nation is specified, their conversation implies defense against the Eastern Empire) the other nation will take up arms in the defense of the other.

<Section 2-B> In the event that one nation finds itself in an offensive war against a foreign power, the other nation is not directly obligated to join or contribute, however, they may do so if they desire

<Section 3-A> A road shall be constructed between the Dwargon Capital and Tempestia, the construction, maintenance, and security of which will be handled by Tempest.

<Section 3-B> As a result of 3-A, Tempest has increased liberties with how to manage the road including any fees or otherwise. Dwargon reserves the right to negotiate for certain changes, however.

<Section 4> Tempest and Dwargon will enter an extensive trade agreement (The details of which consist of half the pages of the actual treaty), Dwargon will supply resources that are limited within Tempest including grown food and crops (most of which are imported from Falmuth and other nations to Dwargon already, causing Dwargon to rather act as a silent middle-man rather than actually providing much) along with numerous types of processed goods made within Dwargon. In exchange, Tempest will sell Magisteel (in amounts that Tempest decides on), potions (See Section 5), monster meat, and other processed goods such as clothing and weapons (though the latter two will be sold in lesser amounts due to less demand for said items in Dwargon)

<Section 5> Tempest and Dwargon will enter a mutual research pact, sharing info on projects and plans in regard to the fields of chemistry, biology, engineering, and other sciences. In particular, Dwargon will provide details on the failed Magisoldier Project, advanced potion-making techniques and technology (See Section 4), and other industrial tech and assets. In exchange, Dwargon Scientists will be permitted to join the newly established Tempest Research Institution ('T.R.I.').

<Section 6-A> Dwargon will officially lift the exile of Rimuru Tempest, Kaijin, and all the other exiled Dwarves currently within Tempest, once more permitting them into Dwargon.

<Section 6-B> Dwargon will hand Vesta over into Tempest's custody, officially as compensation, though unofficially to work for Tempest (Specifically Tanya) as the de-facto head of the T.R.I.

<Section 7> Both the T.R.I. and Dwargon will work closely together to develop a plan called the 'Joint Tenma Defense Initiative', or 'Operation X' in order to prepare for the likely Tenma war caused by the planned progress of the T.R.I. (Note: Unlike other Sections in this treaty, this one was signed separately as a secret extension of the treaty not shown to the public. Many other details, especially in regards to Section 5 are also kept vague or secret from the public eye)»

Rimuru, knowing that even the shortened version was bound to be long, had Great Sage print it onto a sheet of paper. He knew the gist of many areas of the treaty but had phased out the specifics, even some of the simplified ones shown on the paper now.

Section One was a no-brainer, in fact, just by having the treaty signed at all Section One would automatically exist. Section Two caused Rimuru some confusion on how exactly Tanya had managed to pull off an alliance with Dwargon, but it just shows how much potential the two both see in this nation.

Section Three caused Rimuru to audibly sigh, knowing he had to delegate a portion of the Orcs to work on the project, but to a degree he sort of expected it. Even he had to agree that in the long term, it was best if they were the ones to build it. Being the ones to build and maintain it gave them basically all the control over it, which would certainly be profitable if consistent trade could be organized.

Section Four was the trade agreement which, as the paper had said, was grossly oversimplified, and was the main area where Rimuru got terribly confused and lost in the elaborate details of their explanation and discussion. In the end, he was content with the results, and though he used Great Sage to even comprehend what they were saying, he thought he came out of it more knowledgeable than he was before.

Section Five, however, concerned Rimuru. He was concerned about what unholy abominations of the modern world the war child would bring into this one; namely, he was worried about the introduction of tanks and guns to this world. He tried to prevent anyone from having a gun in this world, but Tanya had simply shrugged it off, saying something along the lines of; 'It's not the gun that kills people, moron.'

Rimuru still wasn't too keen on adding such instruments of war into the nation, but considering Tanya's stubbornness on the issue, Rimuru sought another way around preventing violence with firearms and mass weapons of war: creating a world where that wouldn't be necessary. If there's no violence, then there was no gun violence either. No war, no casualties. Such a perfect world would not exist, but even if a goal is impossible, he could certainly still try to get as close as possible.

As for Section Six and Seven, it mostly made sense, lifting their exile and preparing to fight a bunch of angels which apparently attack every few hundred years when society develops too much was all well and good with Rimuru, however, the transfer of Vesta to Tempest confused him. Ultimately it was actually King Gazel's idea, one which Tanya immediately backed as she wanted him for her research institute. Considering the shared information about projects and in particular the Magisoldier Project, Rimuru reckoned that Tanya was planning on picking up its pieces and either rebuilding it from the ground up or using its foundations to make modern weaponry with magic.

Putting down the summarized paper of the treaty, Rimuru turned now to the small pamphlet of papers Tanya had produced regarding one of her many proposals. Tanya had given Rimuru quite a few proposals in the last few months, so much so that she had managed to work with Kajin to invent the typewriter about a month prior, giving her more efficiency with their production. Of course, without much paper production and the fact the typewriter was tedious to produce led it to being the only one of its kind for now.

Regardless, Tanya's multiple proposals, all usually about the Military or Economy, had usually been fairly solid. Rimuru still changed things around here and there, partially from his own desires and partially from Great Sage's recommendations, but overall Tanya was fairly good at managing those two areas specifically.

The recent proposal seemed to, at first glance, detail an intricate roadway, with way too many details in it from Rimuru's perspective.

'What is this German demon child trying to do? Build the Autobahn?!'

«Tanya directly uses the term 'Autobahn' multiple times in the document»

'Well shit.'

Looking at the proposal extensively, and by extensively he meant having Great Sage read and summarize it to him, the proposal was mostly for a network of roads beyond just the one connecting Tempestia to Dwargon. The plan included the road from Tempestia to Dwargon, sure, but it also included the construction of a sort of 'checkpoint/merchant' town near the Dwargon border. There would then be a second road connecting this border town to the newly-established Lizardmen capital of 'Eidechia'. The name 'Eidechia' seemed to only have the 'ia' at the end of the name due to Tempestia having the same ending. Rimuru took a brief mental note of this growing city name trend.

The capital was a joint plan of Kurt and Tanya, with contributions from both Tempest's and the Lizardmen's experts. Tanya had apparently named quite a few Lizardmen, leaving a whole council of experts as a sort of 'cabinet' of the Chieftain, now proclaimed both Lizard Lord and Duke of Eidech.

The title of 'Duke' was a bit too feudal for Rimuru's liking, but since he was the King, it only made sense that the logical rank below that was Duke. Regardless, the capital was hardly done yet, but thanks to the efforts of both the lizardmen and the Orcs, it was coming along nicely.

The last road planned out in Tanya's proposal was then a road connecting Tempestia to Eidechia, a pseudo-road already having been made, but it was hardly consistent and was fairly bumpy through most of it.

While the last part was mostly hypothetical and only consisted of basic planning, Tanya had also inserted a number of theoretical additional roads to be added if/when needed. Most of these were roads leading to villages which seemed to have shown significant enough growth and could be developed into more thriving towns or cities. One road, in particular, seemed to instead go towards Blumund, with Tanya noting in the document that Blumund was the most likely to be swayed to trade with Tempest.

Despite its over-complexities, Rimuru had no serious issues with the plan. While the name 'Sturmautobahn' was probably more intimidating and German sounding than Rimuru thought was necessary, it was more original than just calling it a 'road' or a 'highway'. It seemed that Tanya wanted to distinguish these larger roads from those within cities and those that connect smaller towns.

The only addition Rimuru made was the creation of multiple 'checkpoint' areas along the path, noting that travel in this era was still slow, and while he and Tanya had devised the foundation of a future 'magitrain' project, such was too far in the future to rely on.

Eventually, with the help of Great Sage, Rimuru successfully made a final draft of the proposal, one including details on miniature 'checkpoint villages' which would include various necessities such as small shops, a place to rest and sleep, a checkpoint for patrols, and a handful of other things depending on its location.

While Rimuru would need to delegate Geld and a group of a few hundred to a few thousand Orcs to work on the road, he decided to hold it off for the time being. That could be done later, he needed a rest for now. Tanya's Orcs were labeled to handle the border town, so that wasn't a hassle for now, either. Satisfied that there wasn't any mountain of work on his desk yet, Rimuru finally got a much-needed break and took the day off.


Thanks to various editors and helpers on the Discord who helped with things like plot decisions, grammatical errors, and other aspects of the chapter:


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