
Chapter Six

The cafeteria was huge, massively and well organized, we stood in lines with trays waiting patiently for the chefs to dish our meals according to our order, Aria was behind me. Gotta say she's really nice. I'm a junk food kinda person so I got grilled chicken, burger, fried chips and a soda.

I waited by the side for Aria who was picking her what she wanted, she just ordered pasta and grilled fish. She walked past me and I followed her, we sat down with her friends.

Becky, Talia, Eva and Theodora, that's what they said their names were. Becky looked like the judgmental one Talia the joker, Eva the Show off and Theodora the quiet one.

Becky like I said the judgmental one started asking me different questions, where am from, what I like, if I've ever had sex, if I like lesbians, and when I answered No to both the sex and lesbian part she started asking annoying questions and was also annoyed by my answers. Thank God i didn't meet her first

Talia started talking about her make out section with her roommate, I was dumbfounded. She was a lesbian. She narrated how her roommate Jessy, pressed her boobs hard, making her moan with pleasure, then she sucked her nipples making her moan loader to the extent that she started pleading for her to fuck her which Jessy happily complied she also said her pussy was so fucking wet that the fingering was way too sweet than usual, she brought a dildo strap and put it on, giving her a hot doggy style, she said Jessy pulled out when she was screaming she's gonna cum and then she started rubbing and sucking her clit till she came all over the bed.

I started wondering if they are all lesbians, I wanted to ask but I kept quiet, but the funny part was that I wasn't even irritated or angry I even put my palm on my face and listened carefully. I'm not a lesbian hater but I just couldn't tell Becky that, I do watch lesbian porn and I wasn't a virgin I just lied cause I've never opened up to someone before. Though I ain't a lesbian but I do find them attractive.

A bell rang and Aria said it's time to sleep, we all stood up and went to drop out trays, Talia told jokes as we all walked back to our dorms. As I got to my door I bided my goodbyes to them and went in. Britney was already sleeping. I crashed on my bed and fell into dream land immediately.
