
Run Boy Run

(David's Pov)

"So…. What did you do exactly to end up doing this anyway? You don't seem like the fighting time and more like a Corpo suit to me." I say as I look V up and down.

He was wearing what I'd call business casual for his looks but only Corporats wear anything like that on the regular so obviously a guy like him isn't really meant to be in a sitch like this.

"…. I worked for Arasaka Counter Intelligence until hire ups made me go under cover in the AWG, their were others but…. They didn't make it when we were caught and I guess I'm the lucky one to not get killed, and now I'm forced to work with the AWG but then Jackie's friend, a guy named Hifumi, got in contact with the higher ups, now I got to do this job if I want out without getting flatlined by the Corp." V goes and explains his basic situation as of right now.

"Shiiiit…. Yeah no your real fucking lucky you weren't killed on the spot for a stunt like that, I heard they fry spy Netrunners nervous systems for pulling shit like that in the AWG, they ain't ever take anyone alive from what I heard so you must have used up a bunch of your luck to not get iced like that." I say scratching my head before taking a seat on the opposite side of Jackie while I look at V.

"Shit V, I told you, you should have pulled out of Saka when you had the chance, now you got pulled into whatever the hell this is, speaking of which why Chicago of all places?" Jackie turned to me as he hadn't gotten all the info it seems on the gig.

"Simple, we're attacking ZetaTech HQ, let's just say they have been doing plenty of shady shit that a few words from the higher ups to those in power such as the President of the NUSA and a bit of bribing the military will stay out of this conflict, at the same time several of the companies best Runners are going to deep fry their systems and comunication grid making ZetaTech completely helpless before slaughter, the destruction of the Corp in one fell swoop, cause it's a simultaneous attack on all of their bases of operations nation wide." The burly woman in the power armor said as she turned towards us as she held onto her Minigun still before she sat down opposite of us.

(N) her words are in bold because of how Thicc and heavy her voice is, not because she's talking a different language like the others did in previous chapters.

"Merda! Is the AWG trying to start another Corprate war with this stunt or something?!" Hearing that Jackie was clearly freaked out and V didn't look better, and I wasn't starting to get nervous hearing that as well.

"Well if this went on more than a day, but with all the attacks happening all across the states and even their only two international bases being nothing but small research labs by the time this is over ZetaTech will no longer exist and the AWG will take over those areas for ourselves." She said back with a shrug as she looked over the multibarrels of her Minigun.

"A one Day War with ZetaTech being wiped out in one fell swoop…. And I'm stuck in the middle of this…." V said as he seemed to be trying to calm his nerves and failing at the same time.

"Then what did those ZetaTech puntas do to deserve a full on assult from the AWG?" Jackie decided to ask which I was also curious about as well.

"From what I heard, ZetaTech has been making children into Netrunners to search past the Blackwall, and a lot of kids have died because of what those sick fucks have done…." She said sounding clearly irritated and angry at what she said.

Hearing that made all of our faces Dark cause I knew most corps did shady shit but this…. This was too fucking much that they're doing shit like this to kids and getting them killed as a result of encountering AI daemons on the other side of the Blackwall.

"But enough about that, we will be there in two hours, so get your shit ready as we will be dropping right into the thick of it." She said leaving us on that note as we headed towards our destination.


Back to the present, the crew was currently in position outside of the ZetaTech Compound here in the Northside of the Vegas area.

"Ugh…. How much longer are we just going to sit here for? I'm so bored!" (R)

"You know the deal, once we get the signal then we can go all out and attack their place." (M)

"Besides sis, we got some preem fireworks to flatten this place straight up!" (P)

"Explosions!!!" (B)

"Kiwi, how many do we have?" (H)

"I'm seeing well over 150, several mechs and something else, but it's covered up but whatever it is, it's big as it's tall." (K)

"But too tall to be a Tank right?" (D)

"Yes, I can't see anything even the covering tarp is blocking infrared scans on my end." (K)

"Whatever it is sounds big and dangerous, Falco how's your end?" (M)

"Hehe, with this beast of a sniper rifle I can easily cut through the thick armor of mecha whenever I want." (F)

"Guys I just got the signal, gigs a go." (K)

"Woohoo! Let's get this shit started!" (R)

"Kill!" (B)

And with that said we began our rush into the ZetaTech Facility as every base of operations across the NUSA was simultaneously attacked by the forces of the AWG.

And this day will go down in history as the One Day Blitz War.


Sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual as I didn't want to make this chapter needlessly long than it should.

So a few more things will happen before the time here in Cyberpunk is over and those include.

• Lucy Joins the Crew

• David Joins the Crew

• Time Skip to the beginning of 2077 and the Heist

• The whole V and Johnny Silverhand thing

• Dealing with Arasaka and Adam Smasher

There will still be chapters and other things between all that but those are the last primary things that go on with this section of the story before we go back to his world for a bit before going to the next which will be Detective Conan.

Though I will say that the Detective Conan world will be really short like 30 chaps or less as that world is mainly to peak Shingami's interests since she's from Rain Code originally which was a detective game made by the same people who made Danganronpa after all, it's also why she was chosen as the system administrator in the first place.

But anyway enough rambling I'll see you in the next chapter!
