
Chapter 17

*Louis POV*

It's been two years since we graduated and well let's just say life's been good. I've been working at a archeological museum,Jayden started taking an online course while doing his residential to get a degree in business so that he wouldn't have any problems managing his dad's business in the future, Endo is also doing his residential and had proposed to Elsie around December last year(btw Elsie had become a psychologist)and they plan on getting married in two months, They've already sent out invitation cards and are vigourously planning the wedding. A part of me is is very happy that Endo had found someone to spend the rest of his life with but another part of me was sad that I had completely lost my first love.


I was spending a lot of my free time with Jayden to keep my mind off the whole Endo and Elsie situation and if I'm being honest it did help,alot. Jayden's a really good listener, he's kind and funny and sweet and I am certain his love language is gifting, He's terrible at consoling people but he definitely has a way of making me forget about. His love life?! has been somewhat dry...he literally hasn't dated anyone since he graduated Highschool.

We're taking a walk at a park in our neighborhood (His dad had gifted him the building as a graduation present)and it just happened to be close to my work place so he rent me an apartment, he initially offered me the apartment for free but I declined so he gave me a discount instead.

"Hey Jayden"


"I know this question is a little personal but I've been really curious"

"I don't mind ask away"

Okay, so I've never heard or even seen you dating anyone since after highschool,so I was wondering what the reason might be?"I say poking my head side ways and looking in his direction.

He let's out a little chuckle and thinks for a while before looking at me and saying...

"Let's just say I never got over my highschool crush"

"You?!!! YOU had a HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH" I say widening my eyes

"Yeah, is it that shocking"He says in a fit of laughter

"Uhm,duhh. Like you never, NEEEVEER showed any signs of liking anyone through Highschool"

"I guess you're right"

"So did you confess to her?"

"No I haven't"

"Haven't?, that means you're still in contact with her"


"Why haven't told her yet tho? I think you're an amazing guy"

"Unfortunately I lost my chance to and now her heart beats for someone else"(He didn't know she had a crush on Endo untill thier graduation and she never told him how long she'd had the crush so he assumed she had developed feelings for Endo around that time.)


"Yeah!, but I'm happy just being able to stay by her side"

"ouhh you have a romantic side to you"I say with a smirk. Things were getting dense so I decided to lighten up the mood a little.

"We should head back"he says

"mhm sure"

"What do you want for dinner?"

"I'm good with whatever"

"Soo, Chinese takeout?"


"I can't believe Endo's getting married tomorrow"



Hey everyone🥺we're literally like 3 chapters close to the end of this story and one chapter away from our cliffhanger🤭see y'all in the next chapter.

